BalanceBox 400H
BBW.0400H-43 BalanceBox 400H incl. universal whiteboard & projector frame (suitable for 23 - 43 kg)
Last year, SmartMetals introduced a completely new line solutions for touch screens on the ISE. These solutions are used
in a increasing degree in educational facilities, which moved us for the following development. SmartMetals introduces in
the Amsterdam RAI a new line-up for interactive whiteboards and a fully renewed Tip&Touch stand which can be adjusted
manually (by gas spring) or motorized (electrically controlled). With these solutions SmartMetals keeps her number one
position in innovative educational solutions.
SmartMetals Mounting Solutions B.V. • Handelsweg 4 • 4231 EZ Meerkerk • The Netherlands • T +31(0) 183352942 • F +31(0) 183352909 •
[email protected]BalanceBox 400H
BBW.0400H-43 BalanceBox 400H incl. universal whiteboard & projector frame (suitable for 23 - 43 kg)
Last year, SmartMetals introduced a completely new line solutions for touch screens on the ISE. These solutions are used
in a increasing degree in educational facilities, which moved us for the following development. SmartMetals introduces in
the Amsterdam RAI a new line-up for interactive whiteboards and a fully renewed Tip&Touch stand which can be adjusted
manually (by gas spring) or motorized (electrically controlled). With these solutions SmartMetals keeps her number one
position in innovative educational solutions.
SmartMetals Mounting Solutions B.V. • Handelsweg 4 • 4231 EZ Meerkerk • The Netherlands • T +31(0) 183352942 • F +31(0) 183352909 •
[email protected]