SimTech Proflame I
Turn the main burner switch to
ON. Wait 4-10 seconds
1. Ensure the DFC module is not locked out. Turnswitch off then back on
again. If thereis aspark it was locked out. Remove all power including
batteries. Leavefor 60 seconds, replace power and repeat step 1.
2. Check the 4 xAA batteries are installed correctly. Diagram 3
If correctcheck battery voltage at the whiteplastic harness at CN1 on DFC.
While4.4 vdc is the minvoltage the unit can operateit isrecommended to
change the batteries at 5vdc or less. Check for power at the #1 and #3 at CN1
on the DFC. If an AC adapter is used check for power at the #2 and #3 at CN1
on the DFC. The reading shouldbe approx 7 vdc. If No check power supply, if
Yes replace the DFC. Diagram 4
3. Is there is a "dull" spark sound present? If Yes, the electrodes porcelain
insulator or wiremay be cracked and grounding out. Replacethe electrode if
necessary.Diagram 1 & Diagram 2
4. Confirm igniter wire is connected to CN3 at the DFC. Diagram 2
5. Disconnect the electrode from CN3 and conduct acontinuity test. Placeone
lead to the tip of the electrode and the other to the spade connector. Ifno
continuity replacethe electrode. Ifcontinuity is found attach a jumper to CN3.
Placethe other end of the jumper 1/8" away from ground and switchthe unit
on. If thereis aspark replace the electrode. If no spark replace the DFC.
Diagram 6
6. Confirm yellow ground wire is properly connected. DFC (wire harness)
ground wire connects to the valve. The ground connected to CN2 on the DFC
is connected to the chassis (ground lug) then grounded to the pilot area.
Diagram 5
7. Is aspark visibleat CN3 electrode connection at the DFC module and CN2
ground? Confirm connector isfirmly seated and the connectors arenot bent.
Diagram 1 & Diagram 2
8. Check the On/Off switch for approx 3vdc at the green and whitewires. One
lead to each switch connection whichare connected to the green and white
wires. The switchmust be in the off position. Diagram 7
If no voltage check green and whitewires at DFC harness CN1. Shouldread
approx 3vdc present ifNo check all switchwires and connections. If No voltage
replace the DFC. Diagram 8
**Continue if CPI/IPI switch is inoperable.**
9. Check the continuity of the CPI/IPI switch (Continous Pilot/Intermittent Pilot
Switch). Pilot switch must be in CPI position to show continuity. If No replace
Is there a
pilot hood?
1. Confirm Battery voltage (see step 2 above, no spark at pilot hood)
2. Confirm proper grounding (see step 6 above, no spark at pilot hood)
3. Check continuity at the EV1 pilot coil to ground. Should read approx 340
ohms. If no continuity replace the valve. Diagram 11
4. Confirm the orange wire is properly connected to the EV1 pilot coil
5. Check the voltage at EV1 pilot coil to ground. When switched on there
should be 4 to 6 vdc for 2 seconds then it drops to .5 to 1 vdc. If there is no
voltage replace the DFC module. Diagram 12
6. Check the incoming gas pressure working pressure (inches of water column
"WC). If gas pressure is good check pilot orifice for blockage and gas flow. If
no blockage and still no flow replace the gas valve.
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