Form No. 63-2617 (9/06)
DATE: 17 April 2009
SUBJECT: Mechanized Cutmaster Systems - Obsolescence
Having more features and a similar price, the A-Series Automated Cutmaster line
has expectedly cannibalized the sales of the Mechanized Cutmaster systems.
The mechanized versions will be removed from the True Series product offering
by June 1, 2009. In many cases, the A-Series is a direct replacement for the
mechanized versions. In the event that a customer requires a mechanized
version, we will continue to offer the mechanized torch which can be mated with
a power supply to fill the need. The corresponding sub-to part numbers are as
P/N Description P/N Description
1-5132-1 Cutmaster 52 208-230V, 25' SL60, MECH
A40 208-230V, 25' SL60 AUTO
1-5132-2 Cutmaster 52 460V, 25' SL60, MECH
A40 460V, 25' SL60 AUTO
1-5133-1 Cutmaster 52 208-230V, 50' SL60, MECH
A40 208-230V, 50' SL60 AUTO
1-5133-2 Cutmaster 52 460V, 50' SL60, MECH
A40 460V, 50' SL60 AUTO
1-1132-1 Cutmaster 82 208-230V, 25' SL100, MECH
A60 208-230V, 25' SL100 AUTO
1-1132-2 Cutmaster 82 460V, 25' SL100, MECH
A60 460V, 25' SL100 AUTO
1-1133-1 Cutmaster 82 208-230V, 50' SL100, MECH
A60 208-230V, 50' SL100 AUTO
1-1133-2 Cutmaster 82 460V, 50' SL100, MECH
A60 460V, 50' SL100 AUTO
1-1332-1 Cutmaster 102 208-230V, 25' SL100, MECH 1-1334-1 A80 208-230V, 25' SL100 AUTO
1-1332-2 Cutmaster 102 460V, 25' SL100, MECH 1-1334-2 A80 460V, 25' SL100 AUTO
1-1333-1 Cutmaster 102 208-230V, 50' SL100, MECH 1-1335-1 A80 208-230V, 50' SL100 AUTO
1-1333-2 Cutmaster 102 460V, 50' SL100, MECH 1-1335-2 A80 460V, 50' SL100 AUTO
1-1732-1 Cutmaster 152 208-230V, 25' SL100, MECH 1-1734-1 A120 208-230V, 25' SL100 AUTO
1-1732-2 Cutmaster 152 460V, 25' SL100, MECH 1-1734-2 A120 460V, 25' SL100 AUTO
1-1733-1 Cutmaster 152 208-230V, 50' SL100, MECH 1-1735-1 A120 208-230V, 50' SL100 AUTO
1-1733-2 Cutmaster 152 460V, 50' SL100, MECH 1-1735-2 A120 460V, 50' SL100 AUTO
Obsolete Replacement
A40 Automated Systems
A60 Automated Systems
A80 Automated Systems
A120 Automated Systems
CUTMASTER 52 - Mechanized
CUTMASTER 82 - Mechanized
CUTMASTER 102 - Mechanized
CUTMASTER 152 - Mechanized