Ma nu fac tu rer´s Cer ti fi ca ti on ...............1
Tes ted Sa fe ty ...............................1
FCC-Class A De cla ra ti on .........................1
Im por tant no tes ..............................2
BEET LE /Se - the smart POS So lu ti on ..........4
About this ma nu al .............................5
Care of the BEET LE /Se .........................6
Re cy cling the BEET LE /Se ........................6
War ran ty .................................7
BEET LE /Se - the in di vi du al Sys tem ...........8
Over view .................................8
BEET LE /Se Pe ri phe rals ........................9
BEET LE /Se in a net work .......................10
Be fo re swit ching on the Sys tem .....................11
Un pa cking and che cking the Sys tem .................11
Set ting up the de vi ce .........................11
Cab ling of the BEET LE /Se ......................12
Dis con nec ting ca bles .........................13
Moun ting the ca ble co ver .......................14
Con nec ting to the mains po wer supp ly ................15
Ba sic set tings .............................15
Ad ju sting the loud spea ker ......................15
Light emit ting di ode (LED) ......................15
Con nec ting pe ri phe rals .........................16
Key bo ard (KYBD) ...........................16
Scan ners and sca les (COM1 - COM4*)................17
Cus to mer dis play (COM2* or COM4*) ................17
Cas hier dis play (COM3*) .......................17
Mo ni tor ................................18
Con nec ting stan dard PC pe ri phe rals (COM1) ............18
Net work ................................18
Mo du lar prin ters ...........................19
Cash dra wer .............................19
USB (Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus) ......................20