Minim um input level –39 dBu (0.008 Vrm s)
Ma xim um input level +20 dBu (7.75 Vrm s)
Instrum e nt input (INST IN 1, unba la nce d) 6.3-m m jack
Input im peda nce 1 MO hm
Nom inal input le ve l –13 dBV (0.22 Vrms)
Minim um input level –56 dBV (0.001 Vrm s)
Ma xim um input level +3 dBV (1.41 Vrms)
Line outputs (LINE O UT 1-2, unba la nced) RC A
O utput im peda nce 200 O hm
Nom inal output level –10 dBV (0.316 Vrm s)
Ma xim um output level +6 dBV (2 Vrms)
He a dpho ne s output (PHO NES) 6.3-m m (1/4") stereo phone jack
Ma xim um output powe r 49 m W + 49 m W (1 k Hz, THD 0.1 %, 32 O hm )
Digital audio input and output
Stereo digital input (coa xial) RC A
Form a t IEC60958-3 (SPDIF)
Stereo digital output (co a x ial) RC A
Form a t IEC60958-3 (SPDIF)
Other inputs and outputs
MIDI input (MIDI IN) 5-pin DIN connecto r
Form a t Standa rd MIDI fo rm a t
MIDI output (MIDI O UT) 5-pin DIN connecto r
Form a t Standa rd MIDI fo rm a t
USB 4-pin USB type B
Form a t USB2.0 High spe ed (480 Mbit/s)
Audio performance
Freque ncy re spo nse 20 Hz-20 k Hz +0.5/–1.0 dB (44.1/48 k Hz, JEITA)
20 Hz-40 k Hz +0.5/–1.5 dB (88.2/96 k Hz, JEITA)
Signa l-to-noise ratio ≥98 dB
(LINE IN to LINE O UT with Ga in knobs at m inim um , 44.1
Tota l ha rm o nic distortion ≤0.0045 %
(LINE IN to LINE O UT with Ga in knobs at m inim um , JEITA)
Channel se paration >95 dB (LINE IN to LINE O UT, 1 k Hz, +20 dBu)
System requirements
W indows
O pe rating system s W indows XP, 32 bit, SP3 or la te r
W indows XP, 64 bit, SP2 or la te r
W indows Vista , 32 bit or 64 bit, SP2 o r later
W indows 7, 32 bit or 64 bit
Co m puter system s W indows com pa tible com pute r with a USB 2.0 po rt
CP U/clock Pe ntium 4, 1 GHz or faste r
AMD Athlon, 1 GHz or faste r
or equivalent processor
Me m ory 1 GB or m ore
Proto cols ASIO 2, W DM (MME)
Ma cintosh
Supporte d o perating system s Ma c OS X 10.5.8 o r later
Ma c OS X 10.6.3 o r later
Supporte d co m pute r syste m s Apple Macinto sh se rie s e quipped with a USB port as
standard equipm e nt
CP U/clock Inte l proce sso r o r PowerPC G4, 1 GHz o r fa ster
Me m ory 1 GB or m ore
Proto cols Co re Audio, C oreMIDI
Power requirements and other specifications
Powe r supply AC ada pter Ta sca m PS-P520 (include d)
Powe r consum ptio n 4 W
Exte rnal dim ensio ns (W x H x D) 222 m m x 41 m m x 151 m m (without proje ctio ns)
222 m m x 44 m m x 165 m m (with projections)
W eight 0.58 k g
O pe rating tem pe ra ture range 5–35 °C
Bundle d softwa re Cubase LE 5 (for W indows or Ma c O S X)
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.
Last modified: 2011-02-18 15:17:15 UTC