of the actual recording levels
Stereo Mix mode for internet broadcasting and
video editing: C reate a stereo mix of two
different sources plus loop-back signal from the
Mixer panel for intuitiv e mixing and effects
handling on the computer screen
include Sonar X3 LE and Ableton Live
Compatible computer operating sy stems:
Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion
Audio specifications
Sa m ple rate 44.1 k Hz, 48 k Hz, 88.2 kHz, 96 k Hz, 176.4 k Hz, 192 kHz
Q ua ntiza tio n 24 -b it
Audio inputs and outputs
Microphone inputs (MIC INPUT 1/L, MIC INPUT 2/R) XLR -3-31
Input im pe dance 2.2 kΩ
Nom inal input leve l (INPUT k nob a t m ax im um ) –65 dBu
Minim um input le vel (INPUT k nob at m inim um ) –22 dBu
Ma xim um input le vel (INPUT k nob a t m inim um ) –6 dBu
Line inputs (LINE/GUITAR INPUT 1/L, LINE INPUT 2/R ) 6.3-m m TRS jack
INPUT 1/L when MIC /LINE-GUITAR switch se t to MIC/LINE
and INPUT 2/R
Input im pe dance 15 k Ω
Nom inal input leve l (INPUT k nob a t m ax im um ) –39 dBu
Minim um input le vel (INPUT k nob at m inim um ) +4 dBu
Ma xim um input le vel (INPUT k nob a t m inim um ) +20 dBu
INPUT 1/L when MIC /LINE-GUITAR switch se t to GUIT AR
Input im pe dance 1 MΩ
Nom inal input leve l (INPUT k nob a t m ax im um ) –55 dBV
Nom inal input leve l (INPUT k nob a t m inim um ) –12 dBV
Ma xim um input le vel (INPUT k nob a t m inim um ) +4 dBV
Line inputs (LINE IN 3-4) RC A pin jacks
W hen LINE I/O switch se t to INPUT
Input im pe dance 15 k Ω
Nom inal input leve l –10 dBV
Ma xim um input le vel +6 dBV
Line o utputs (LINE O UT 1/L, LINE OUT 2/R) 6.3-m m TRS jack
O utput im peda nce 100 Ω
Nom inal output level +4 dBu
Ma xim um output level +20 dBu
Line o utputs (LINE I/O 3-4) RC A pin jacks
W hen LINE I/O switch se t to O UTPUT
O utput im peda nce 200 Ω
Nom inal output level –10 dBV
Ma xim um output level +6 dBV
He a dphones outputs (PHO NES) 6.3-m m stereo phone jack
Ma xim um output power 18 m W + 18 m W (THD+N ≤1%, into 32 Ω)
Digital input, coa xia l RC A pin jack
Form a t IEC60958-3 (SPDIF)
Digital input, optical TO S (JEITA RC -5720C)
Signa l form at IEC60958-3 (SPDIF)
Digital output, coax ial RC A pin jack
Signa l form at IEC 60958-3 (S/PDIF)/IEC 60958 profe ssional (AES/EBU)
(Se t on the INTER FACE pa ge o f the Mixe r Pane l)
Digital output, optical TO S (JEITA RC -5720C)
Signa l form at IEC 60958-3 (S/PDIF)/IEC 60958 profe ssional (AES/EBU)
(Se t on the INTER FACE pa ge o f the Mixe r Pane l)
Other inputs and outputs
USB B-type, 4-pin
Form a t USB 2.0 High spee d (480 MHz)
REMO TE input 2.5-m m TRS jack
Supporte d protocol TASCAM R C-3F
Audio performance
ADC chipse t dyna m ic range 102 dB (48 k Hz, A-weighted)
DAC chipse t dyna m ic range 106 dB (44.1 k Hz, A-we ighte d)
Freque ncy re spo nse , MIC IN to LINE O UT 10 Hz – 68 kHz, ±3.0 dB (176.4/192 k Hz, JEITA)
Freque ncy re spo nse , MIC IN to PHO NES 10 Hz – 30 kHz, ±1.0 dB (176.4/192 k Hz, JEITA)
S/N ratio 98 dB or highe r (MIC IN to LINE O UT, gain k nob a t