1 Introduction
The heat meter is an electronic counter used for measuring and determining the heat output. It shows the
total heat quantity, power, flow, and supply and return temperature.
The heat meter can be used and mounted on all Danfoss heat pumps except DHP-R.
2 Order handling
Orders will be shipped and handled by Arvika. To order a kit use one of the following code numbers:
086U7433 Heat Meter 4-10kW
086U7434 Heat Meter 12-16kW
3 Components
The heat meter kit contains the following components:
• Unassembledconnectionpipewithcouplingsandnuts
• Unassembledflowmeter(incl.3mcable)
• 2pc.NTC-sensors(incl.4mcable)
• Displayboxincludingenglishinstructions
The kit does not include a cable for 230V main supply.
4 Mounting instruction
Electrical current! The terminal blocks are live and can be highly dangerous due to the risk of electric
shock. The power supply must be isolated before electrical installation is started.
Electrical installation may only be carried out by an authorized electrician and must follow applicable
local and national regulations.
4.1 Assemble connection kit
1. Unpackthecomponents.
2. Assemble the flow meter parts.
3. Assemble the complete connection pipe according to figures for respective size.
Assembly 086U7426, size 4-10kW
Position Name
1 Reducing coupling
2 Armoured hose
3 Coupling 22x22
4 Cu-pipe with connection
5 Nut
6 Flow meter