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1. Overlapping b - 1 and b - 2 and tighten to
fix the rails to the wall
2. Now you have installed the track on the wall
1. Position the wheels above the door and
locate them, marking the location of the hole
and punch the hole.
2.Screwing the expansion pipe into the drilled
hole, put on the wheel, and use the screw fix
the wheels to the door
1. Open a slot ( 0.79”/20mm wide,0.79”/20mm
deep ) at the bottom of the door with a
chainsaw. It will be used for installing the floor
1. Slide your door to the resting position
shown in the picture. Use your level to
plumb your door to the floor.
2. When the door is in the opening
position, place the floor guide half way
into the door slot under the door.
3. Double check to make sure your door
is plumb to the floor again. Hold the floor
guide firmly in position and mark the two
center points of the two floor guide holes.
Then put your floor guide off the position.
4. Use a
(6mm) drill bit to drill 2 holes
on the floor at the center points you have
marked. Put the two plastic expansion
nails into both of the drilled holes on the
5. Then hold the floor guide firmly at
where to match the floor guide holes to
the floor holes, drill in the floor guide
screws to secure your floor guide to the
floor using a phillips bit.
6. Repeat Step-h-1 to Step-h-5 on the
other door for a double door installation.
7. Now your sliding barn door has been
installed completely.
1. Put the door on the track, adjust the
distance of the Anti jump device to avoid
the door falling off the track.
2. Adjusting the position of the stopper
and fix it with a hex wrench.
3. press the plug on.
Anti jump