Thermo Fisher Scientific CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Owner's manual

  • Hello! I have reviewed the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide. This document provides comprehensive details on the necessary equipment, software, reagents, and consumables for setting up your lab. I can assist you with any questions about the recommended tools, safety guidelines, or specific operational requirements for this workflow.
  • What is the purpose of this document?
    What kind of equipment does this workflow require?
    What kind of plates are used in this workflow?
    What thermal cyclers are recommended?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format
Manual Workflow
for use with:
CytoScan HT-CMA 24-Array Plate
CytoScan HT-CMA Reagent Kit 4x24F
Catalog Numbers 906018 and 906028
Publication Number MAN0018218
Revision A.0
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics
V.A. Graiciuno 8, LT-02241 |
Vilnius, Lithuania
CytoScan HT-CMA Reagent Kit 4x24F
Affymetrix Pte Ltd |
7 Gul Circle #2M-01 |
Keppel Logistics Building |
Singapore 629563
CytoScan HT-CMA 24-Array Plate
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revision history: Pub. No. MAN0018218
Revision Date Description
A.0 06 February 2020 New document.
Important Licensing Information: These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these products, you accept
the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Allegra 25R and DTX 880
are registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. BINDER ED 56 is a trademark of BINDER GmbH. Bio-Rad HardShell and Microseal are registered
trademarks of Bio-Rad Laboratories. CoolSafe is registered trademark of Diversified Biotech. Mastercycler pro S is a registered trademark, and
Deepwell Plate 96 is a trademark, of Eppendorf AG. Greiner Bio-One is a trademark of Greiner Bio One International GmbH. Kimwipes is a registered
trademark of Kimberly-Clark, Inc. Pipet-Aid is a trademark of Drummond Scientific Company, Inc. Pipet-Lite and Green-Pak are trademarks of
Mettler-Toledo Rainin, LLC. Scienceware Cryo-Safe and Bel-Art are registered trademarks of Scienceware, Inc. SpectraMax is a registered trademark
of Molecular Devices. The Jitterbug is a trademark of Boekel Scientific. Vortex-Genie 2 is a registered trademark of Scientific Industries, Inc.
©2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 1 Equipment and supplies required ........................ 4
Equipment, software, reagents, and arrays required ................................. 4
Equipment required for manual target preparation .................................. 6
Preamplification and amplification staging areas ............................... 6
Oven requirements .......................................................... 7
Spectrophotome-ters ....................................................... 7
Thermal cycler recommendations and protocol ................................. 8
Thermal cycler consumables ................................................. 8
Plate centrifuges ........................................................... 9
Sample plates ............................................................. 10
Pipettes and tips ........................................................... 10
Other labware required ..................................................... 11
Other equipment, reagents, and supplies required ............................. 12
APPENDIX A Safety ..................................................... 14
Chemical safety ................................................................ 14
Biological hazard safety ......................................................... 16
Documentation and support ............................................. 17
Related documentation ......................................................... 17
Customer and technical support ................................................. 18
Limited product warranty ....................................................... 18
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Equipment and supplies required
This site preparation guide includes the supplier and part number information for the
equipment, software, reagents, arrays, labware and other consumables that have been
veried for use with the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual
Equipment, software, reagents, and arrays required
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through thermo
MLS: Fisher Scientic (sherscienti or other major laboratory supplier.
Table 1 Equipment, software, reagents, and arrays required
Item Source
GeneTitan Multi-Channel (MC) Instrument[1] Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneChip Command Console (GCC), version 4.3 or later Supplied with the GeneTitan
Reproductive Health Research Analysis Software (RHAS), version 1.0 Download from
Multi Sample Viewer Software, version 1.1 Included with RHAS
Chromosome Analysis Suite (ChAS), version 4.1 Download from
Array plate
CytoScan HT-CMA 24-Array Plate Cat. No. 906018
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Item Source
CytoScan HT-CMA Reagent Kit 4x24F
Kit contains the following modules.
HT Target Prep Module 1 (quantity 1, Part No. 906011)
HT Target Prep Module 21 (quantity 1, Part No. 906012)
HT Target Prep Module 22 (quantity 1, Part No. 906013)
HT Target Prep Module 31 (quantity 1, Part No. 906014)
HT Target Prep Module 32 (quantity 1, Part No. 906015)
HT Target Prep Wash A (quantity 8, Part No. 906022)
HT Target Prep Wash B (quantity 4, Part No. 906023)
HT Target Prep Water (quantity 4, Part No. 906020)
HT Target Prep Module 41 (quantity 1, Part No. 906016)
HT Target Prep Module 42 (quantity 1, Part No. 906017)
Cat. No. 906028
Genomic DNA Standard (Ref 103) 951957
Other reagent or consumables kits
Axiom GeneTitan Consumables Kit
Kit contains the following items.
Hybridization tray (quantity 1)
Scan tray with top cover and protective base (quantity 1)
Stain trays with top covers (quantity 5)
These trays are required for processing CytoScan HT-CMA Array
Plates on the GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument[1].
Cat. No. 901606
CytoScan HT-CMA Assay Kit 4x24F
Kit contains the following items.
• CytoScan HT-CMA Reagent Kit 4x24F (quantity 1, Cat. No.
• CytoScan HT-CMA 24-Array Plate (quantity 4, Cat. No. 906018)
• Axiom GeneTitan Consumables Kit (quantity 4, Cat. No. 901606)
Cat. No. 906029
CytoScan HT-CMA Training Kit 4x24F
Kit contains the following items.
• CytoScan HT-CMA Reagent Kit 4x24F (quantity 1, Cat. No.
• CytoScan HT-CMA 24-Array Plate (quantity 4, Cat. No. 906018)
• Axiom GeneTitan Consumables Kit (quantity 4, Cat. No. 901606)
• CarrierScan Training Plate (quantity 1, Part No. 931938)
Cat. No. 906031
[1] For a complete list of equipment and supplies required to install and operate the GeneTitan Instrument, see the
Instrument Site Preparation Guide
(Pub. No. 08-0305).
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment, software, reagents, and arrays required
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Equipment required for manual target preparation
Table 2 Additional instruments required for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow
Equipment Source
Two ovens required.
See Table 3.
Fume hood
Strongly recommended. See the
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow User Guide
(Pub. No. MAN0018217).
One of the following thermal cyclers:
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 (with
gold-plated or silver block)
Applied Biosystems Veriti Thermal Cycler
Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR System
• Eppendorf Mastercycler pro S
See “Thermal cycler recommendations and protocol“ on
page 8.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific
One of the following plate shakers:
Compact Digital Microplate Shaker
The Jitterbug
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 88880023
Boekel Scientific
Cat. No. 130000
When manipulating genomic DNA or seing up amplication reactions, take
precautions to avoid contamination with foreign DNA amplied in other reactions
and procedures. We recommend that genomic DNA manipulations and amplication
reaction setup be performed in dedicated rooms or areas separate from the main
Each area should have dedicated sets of pipees and plasticware. If no dedicated area
is available, use a dedicated bench or a dedicated biosafety hood and provide
dedicated pipees. If no dedicated bench or biosafety hood is available, a set of
dedicated pipees is recommended.
Ideally, the preamplication and amplication staging areas would be separate.
However, these areas may be combined due to space and equipment limitations.
and amplification
staging areas
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Two ovens are required for the CytoScan Assay Manual Workow target
preparation using the standard overnight DNA precipitation workow.
Table 3 Recommended ovens for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format
Manual Workflow
Item Source
Two ovens, any combination of the following.
BINDER ED 56 Drying and Heating
(120 V, ~60 Hz)
Cat. No. 9010-0334
(230 V, 50/60 Hz)
Cat. No. 9010-0333
GeneChip Hybridzation Oven 645[2] Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 00-0331
[1] Replaces BINDER Model ED 53.
[2] The GeneChip Hybridzation Oven 640 is currently not supported with the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array
Format Manual Workflow.
We recommend using one of the spectrophotometers listed in Table 4.
Table 4 Recommended spectrophotometers for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-
Array Format Manual Workflow
Item Source
DTX 880 Multimode Detector Beckman Coulter
Cat. No. 987921
Genomic Filter Slide Beckman Coulter
Cat. No. A30184
SpectraMax® Plus 384 Microplate Reader Molecular Devices®
Cat. No. PLUS 384
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
The thermal cyclers in Table 5 have been veried for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay
24-Array Format Manual Workow. Use of other thermal cyclers for this stage may
result in assay failure and may violate the array and reagent replacement policy.
Table 5 Recommended thermal cyclers for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array
Format Manual Workflow
Item Source
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700
(with gold-plated or silver block)
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Applied Biosystems Veriti Thermal Cycler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR System Thermo Fisher Scientific
Eppendorf Mastercycler pro S Eppendorf
48°C 48°C
10 minutes
3 minutes Infinity
Figure 1 CytoScan HT-CMA Denature thermal cycler protocol (stage 4)
WARNING! Evaporation during denaturation can negatively impact assay
performance. Use the recommended thermal cycler consumables and sealing
lm to eliminate condensation and evaporation.
Table 6 provides details on the consumables required for the recommended thermal
Table 6 Thermal cycler consumables for specific thermal cycler models
Thermal cycler Plates Seals
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR
System 9700 Hard-Shell 96-Well PCR Plate, high
profile, semi skirted
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Cat. No. HSS9641 MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film
Applied Biosystems
Cat. No. 4306311[1]
Applied Biosystems Veriti Thermal
Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR
Eppendorf Mastercycler pro S
Hard-Shell 96-Well PCR Plate, low
profile, full skirted
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Cat. No. HSP9631
[1] Microseal 'B' PCR Plate Sealing Film (Bio-Rad, Cat. No. MSB1001) can be used instead of MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film for Applied
Biosystems thermal cyclers.
Thermal cycler
and protocol
Thermal cycler
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
One plate centrifuge is required for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format
Manual Workow. We recommend the plate centrifuges listed in Table 7. When
centrifuging and drying pellets, the centrifuge must be able to spin down plates at the
conditions shown below.
rcf: 3200 x g with an appropriate rotor-bucket combination, or 4,000 rpm for the
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R conguration described below.
Temperature: 4°C
Relative centrifugal force (rcf) can be calculated as follows:
rcf = (1.118 × 10-5) R S2
where R is the radius of the rotor in centimeters and S is the speed of the centrifuge in
revolutions per minute.
In addition, the boom of the rotor buckets should be soft rubber to ensure that the
deep well plates do not crack. Do not use buckets that sit plates directly on a metal or
hard plastic boom. For the Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R, do not use the A-4-62
rotor with a WO-15 hard boom plate carrier.
Table 7 Recommended plate centrifuges for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow
Item Source
Allegra 25R Benchtop Centrifuge, Refrigerated Beckman Coulter
60 Hz, 280 V: Cat. No. 369434
50 Hz, 230 V: Cat. No. 369436
50/60 Hz, 200 V: Cat. No. 369435
S5700 Swinging-Bucket Rotor Beckman Coulter Cat. No. 368954
Centrifuge 5810 R Eppendorf
120 V, 60 Hz, 15 Amp: Cat. No. 022625501
120 V, 50 Hz, 20 Amp: Cat. No. 022625101
230 V, 50 Hz: Cat. No. 022625551
Rotor A-4-81, with 4 MTP/Flex buckets Eppendorf Cat. No. 022638807
Sorvall Legend XTR Centrifuge (refrigerated) Thermo Scientific
120 V, 60 Hz: Cat. No. 75004521
230 V, 50/60 Hz: Cat. No. 75004523 (USA and Canada)
230 V, 50 Hz: Cat. No. 75004520
TX-750 4 + 750mL Swinging Bucket Rotor Thermo Scientific Cat. No. 75003180
Microplate/Flask Carriers Thermo Scientific
Set of 2 carriers: Cat. No. 75003795
Set of 4 carriers: Cat. No. 75003617
Plate centrifuges
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Table 8 Sample plates required for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format
Manual Workflow
Item Source
Hard-Shell 96-Well PCR Plate, high profile, semi
Use with:
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System
9700 (with gold-plated or silver block)
Applied Biosystems Veriti Thermal Cycler
Applied Biosystems ProFlex PCR System
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Cat. No. HSS9641
Hard-Shell 96-Well PCR Plate, low profile, full
Use with:
• Eppendorf Mastercycler pro S
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Cat. No. HSP9631
Eppendorf Deepwell Plate 96 Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 13-864-302
Greiner Bio-One UV-Star 96-Well UV Spectroscopy
Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 07-000-407
Table 9 Recommended Rainin pipettes and tips for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay
24-Array Format Manual Workflow
Item Source
Pipet-Lite Magnetic Assist Pipet,
single-channel P20
Rainin Cat. No. L-20[1]
Pipet-Lite Magnetic Assist Pipet,
single-channel P200
Rainin Cat. No. L-200[1]
Pipet-Lite Magnetic Assist Pipet,
single-channel P1000
Rainin Cat. No. L-1000[1]
Pipette 12-channel P20 Rainin Cat. No. L12-20[1]
Pipette 12-channel P50 (
) Rainin Cat. No. L12-50[1]
Pipette 12-channel P200 Rainin Cat. No. L12-200[1]
Pipette 12-channel P1200 Rainin Cat. No. L12-1200[1]
Pipette 8-channel P20 Rainin Cat. No. L8-20[1]
Pipette 8-channel P200 Rainin Cat. No. L8-200[1]
Pipette tips Green-Pak 10-µL refill Rainin Cat. No. 30389274
Pipette tips Green-Pak 200-µL refill Rainin Cat. No. 30389276
Pipette tips Green-Pak 1,000-µL refill Rainin Cat. No. 30389272
Sample plates
Pipettes and tips
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Item Source
Pipette tips RT 10 µL (racked tips) Rainin Cat. No. 30389225
Pipette tips RT 200 µL (racked tips) Rainin Cat. No. 30389239
Pipette tips RT 1,000 µL (racked tips) Rainin Cat. No. 30389212
[1] Equivalent item is acceptable.
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through thermo
MLS: Fisher Scientic (sherscienti or other major laboratory supplier.
Table 10 Additional labware required for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array
Format Manual Workflow
Item Source
Microcentrifuge tubes and tube holder MLS
15-mL sterile polypropylene conical centrifuge tube MLS
15-mL tube holder MLS
Matrix25-mL Sterile Reagent Reservoir with Divider Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 8095
CoolSafe Cooling Chamber for 0.2ml tubes Diversified Biotech
Cat. No. CHAM-1000
VWR Disposable 10-mL Serological Pipet VWR
Cat. No. 89130-898
VWR Disposable 5-mL Serological Pipet VWR
Cat. No. 89130-896
One of the following sealing films:
MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film
Microseal 'B' PCR Plate Sealing Film
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 4306311
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Cat. No. MSB1001
Kimwipes Delicate Task Wipes Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 06-666A
Other labware
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through thermo
MLS: Fisher Scientic (sherscienti or other major laboratory supplier.
Table 11 Additional materials required for the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow
Item Source
Common laboratory equipment
Freezer, −20°C MLS
Refrigerator, 2–8°C MLS
Ice bucket, 4–9 L MLS
Fine-point permanent markers MLS
Vortex-Genie 2 Fisher Scientific
120 V, 60 Hz: Cat. No. 50-728-002
230 V, 50 Hz: Cat. No. 50-728-004
Mini Microcentrifuge for 2-mL tubes MLS
Bel-Art Cryo-Safe Mini Cooler[1] Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 03-410-497
Pipet-Aid Pipette Controller[1] VWR
Cat. No. 53106-220
GeneTitan ZeroStat AntiStatic Gun Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 74-0014
Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. P7589
Reduced EDTA TE Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 0.1 mM
Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. AAJ75793AE
2-Propanol, anhydrous, 99.5% (Isopropanol) Sigma-Aldrich
Cat. No. 278475
Reagents, gels, and instruments required to run quality-control steps
Mother E-Base Device Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. EBM03
Daughter E-Base Device Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. EBD03
Agarose Gels, 4% Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. G800804
Agarose Gel, 1% Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. G800801
EGel 96 High Range DNA Marker Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 12352019
Other equipment,
reagents, and
supplies required
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Item Source
TrackIt Cyan/Orange Loading Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 10482028
25 bp DNA Ladder, or a similar product prepared as
instructed by the manufacturer.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cat. No. 931343
Water, Nuclease-free, Molecular Biology Grade, Ultrapure MLS
[1] Equivalent products from other manufacturers are acceptable.
Chapter 1 Equipment and supplies required
Equipment required for manual target preparation
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Chemical safety
ensure laboratory personnel read and practice the general safety guidelines for
chemical usage, storage, and waste provided below. Consult the relevant SDS
for specic precautions and instructions:
·Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provided by the
chemical manufacturer before you store, handle, or work with any chemicals
or hazardous materials. To obtain SDSs, see the "Documentation and
Support" section in this document.
·Minimize contact with chemicals. Wear appropriate personal protective
equipment when handling chemicals (for example, safety glasses, gloves, or
protective clothing).
·Minimize the inhalation of chemicals. Do not leave chemical containers open.
Use only with sucient ventilation (for example, fume hood).
·Check regularly for chemical leaks or spills. If a leak or spill occurs, follow
the manufacturer cleanup procedures as recommended in the SDS.
·Handle chemical wastes in a fume hood.
·Ensure use of primary and secondary waste containers. (A primary waste
container holds the immediate waste. A secondary container contains spills
or leaks from the primary container. Both containers must be compatible
with the waste material and meet federal, state, and local requirements for
container storage.)
·After emptying a waste container, seal it with the cap provided.
·Characterize (by analysis if needed) the waste generated by the particular
applications, reagents, and substrates used in your laboratory.
·Ensure that the waste is stored, transferred, transported, and disposed of
according to all local, state/provincial, and/or national regulations.
·IMPORTANT! Radioactive or biohazardous materials may require special
handling, and disposal limitations may apply.
veiller à ce que le personnel du laboratoire lise aentivement et mee en œuvre
les consignes de sécurité générales relatives à l’utilisation et au stockage des
produits chimiques et à la gestion des déchets qui en découlent, décrites ci-
dessous. Consulter également la FDS appropriée pour connaître les précautions
et instructions particulières à respecter :
·Lire et comprendre les ches de données de sécurité (FDS) fournies par le
fabricant avant de stocker, de manipuler ou d’utiliser les matériaux
dangereux ou les produits chimiques. Pour obtenir les FDS, se reporter à la
section « Documentation et support » du présent document.
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
·Limiter les contacts avec les produits chimiques. Porter des équipements de
protection appropriés lors de la manipulation des produits chimiques (par
exemple : lunees de sûreté, gants ou vêtements de protection).
·Limiter l’inhalation des produits chimiques. Ne pas laisser les récipients de
produits chimiques ouverts. Ils ne doivent être utilisés qu’avec une
ventilation adéquate (par exemple, sorbonne).
·Vérier régulièrement l’absence de fuite ou d’écoulement des produits
chimiques. En cas de fuite ou d’écoulement d’un produit, respecter les
directives de neoyage du fabricant recommandées dans la FDS.
·Manipuler les déchets chimiques dans une sorbonne.
·Veiller à utiliser des récipients à déchets primaire et secondaire. (Le récipient
primaire contient les déchets immédiats, le récipient secondaire contient les
fuites et les écoulements du récipient primaire. Les deux récipients doivent
être compatibles avec les matériaux mis au rebut et conformes aux exigences
locales, nationales et communautaires en matière de connement des
·Une fois le récipient à déchets vidé, il doit être refermé hermétiquement avec
le couvercle fourni.
·Caractériser (par une analyse si nécessaire) les déchets générés par les
applications, les réactifs et les substrats particuliers utilisés dans le
·Vérier que les déchets sont convenablement stockés, transférés, transportés
et éliminés en respectant toutes les réglementations locales, nationales et/ou
communautaires en vigueur.
·IMPORTANT ! Les matériaux représentant un danger biologique ou
radioactif exigent parfois une manipulation spéciale, et des limitations
peuvent s’appliquer à leur élimination.
WARNING! HAZARDOUS WASTE (from instruments). Waste produced by
the instrument is potentially hazardous. Follow the guidelines noted in the
preceding General Chemical Handling warning.
WARNING! 4L Reagent and Waste Bole Safety. Four-liter reagent and waste
boles can crack and leak. Each 4-liter bole should be secured in a low-density
polyethylene safety container with the cover fastened and the handles locked in
the upright position.
Appendix A Safety
Chemical safety
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Biological hazard safety
WARNING! Potential Biohazard. Depending on the samples used on this
instrument, the surface may be considered a biohazard. Use appropriate
decontamination methods when working with biohazards.
WARNING! BIOHAZARD. Biological samples such as tissues, body uids,
infectious agents, and blood of humans and other animals have the potential to
transmit infectious diseases. Conduct all work in properly equipped facilities
with the appropriate safety equipment (for example, physical containment
devices). Safety equipment can also include items for personal protection, such
as gloves, coats, gowns, shoe covers, boots, respirators, face shields, safety
glasses, or goggles. Individuals should be trained according to applicable
regulatory and company/ institution requirements before working with
potentially biohazardous materials. Follow all applicable local, state/provincial,
and/or national regulations. The following references provide general
guidelines when handling biological samples in laboratory environment.
·U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Biosafety in Microbiological
and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 5th Edition, HHS Publication No. (CDC)
21-1112, Revised December 2009; found at:
·World Health Organization, Laboratory Biosafety Manual, 3rd Edition,
WHO/CDS/CSR/LYO/2004.11; found at:
Appendix A Safety
Biological hazard safety
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Documentation and support
Related documentation
Document Publication
number Description
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array
Format Manual Workflow User Guide
MAN0018217 This document provides instruction on running the
CytoScan HT-CMA Assay using a manual workflow and
array processing on the GeneTitan Multi-Channel
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array
Format Manual Workflow Quick
MAN0018219 An abbreviated reference for the target preparation step
of the CytoScan HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual
Workflow. This quick reference document is for
experienced users.
MC Protocol for Axiom
Array Plate Processing Quick Reference
MAN0017718 An abbreviated reference for processing array plates with
the GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument.
Multi-Channel Instrument
User Guide
08-0308 The GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument automates
array processing from target hybridization to data
generation by combining a hybridization oven, fluidics
processing, and state-of-the art imaging device into a
single benchtop instrument. This document details the
use, care, and maintenance for the GeneTitan Multi-
Channel Instrument.
Multi-Channel Instrument
Site Preparation Guide
08-0305 Provides guidance on creating and maintaining the
proper environment required for the GeneTitan Multi-
Channel Instrument.
Analysis and software
Reproductive Health Research Analysis
Software User Guide
703517 This user guide provides instructions on using the
Reproductive Health Research Analysis Software (RHAS)
to analyzes CEL files and generate result CHP files.
Cytogenetic and variant analysis enables visualization
and summarization of chromosomal aberrations and
genotyping of specified variants, as well as SMN
analyzing for up to 500 samples at a time.
Note: This user guide includes the documentation for
the Multi Sample Viewer Software.
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide
Document Publication
number Description
Chromosome Analysis Suite User Guide
702943 This user guide provides instructions on using the
Chromosome Analysis Suite Software (ChAS) for in-depth
CN result exploration. The software enables cytogenetic
analysis to view and summarize chromosomal
aberrations, including copy number gain or loss, loss of
heterozygosity segments, or variant data, across the
Command Console
702569 This user guide provides instructions on using GeneChip
Command Console (GCC) used to control GeneChip
instrument systems. GeneChip Command Console
software provides an intuitive set of tools for instrument
control and data management used in the processing of
GeneChip arrays.
Customer and technical support
Visit thermo for the latest service and support information.
Worldwide contact telephone numbers
Product support information
Product FAQs
Software, patches, and updates
Training for many applications and instruments
Order and web support
Product documentation
User guides, manuals, and protocols
Certicates of Analysis
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs; also known as MSDSs)
Note: For SDSs for reagents and chemicals from other manufacturers,
contact the manufacturer.
Limited product warranty
Life Technologies Corporation and/or its aliate(s) warrant their products as set forth
in the Life Technologies' General Terms and Conditions of Sale at
www.thermo If you have
any questions, please contact Life Technologies at www.thermo
Documentation and support
Customer and technical support
HT-CMA Assay 24-Array Format Manual Workflow Site Preparation Guide |
6 February 2020