I, RO_OVe )topp_._( from slrlk opentn_ and run ntrorlg flow of cold v'_'_(er
2, Turnon wall switchto start d_spos_r,
3, SlOWlyInsert food waste i{_tod_eposerand positton stopper tOmlnlmhtc possible eject_o_ of
mater_alwhile grinding (_ee Figure AS,
4. AfIer grin0tng Istemples, turn disposer off _nd run water for st least f5 eecdnde to flush
dra(n line.
Batch f_ed disposer differ from¢omtnuouafee€ models In thEtthe batch feed ell/oH switch L,_
builttn(o the disposer end act(vated 13ythe _topper, (See Inmtruetton t, In._tal/atlonDimensions
¢harL for mode! reference,) ,,
1. Read Important safety Instructions contained in the Inmallation, Care & Usa manual,
2, Remove stopper from sink opening and place food w_ste tnto dlsposer grindchamber, Do
notpack chamber with waste, Plade stopper back in stnkopening, Run a strong flow
ofcold water,
3. Turnon d_sposerby lifting stopper =ll_ghtlyand lurrHng to left or right until dtapcser starls.
(See Figure B; Seal. Completelyin, Drain. Lift t/4 inch end turn, Start * Turnfully left
or right,)
4, After grin_lng tecomplete, turn disposer off Dyremovlrlg the stopper and allow water to run
f_r at least 15 seconds to flush drairmline,
, Flrstturn on _1moderate to strong
ftowofcold water and then turn
onthe disposer, Continue running
¢o_ water for t5 s_cond_ at_ef
grinding is _umplated to flush the
, Grind hard m_iterlals such as smal!
bones,fruit pRs,_nd ice, A scour.
Ing action tacreated by the par.
t_clasinside the grtnd chamber,
* Grtndpeelingstrom citrusfruits to
fresher! _p draingdletl_,
. Usa a diSpOser Claimer, degreaser,
or do(_dorizer_e necessary to
relieve objectionable odors c_used
I_ygrea_ build.up.
• Don'( pour grease or f_t clownyour disposer or any
drain, Itcan buildup tnptpee and cause drain
Plockegea. Putgrease In a Jaror can and dispose
Inthe trash.
• Don't uee ho_ water when grinding foo_ WaSte. It
teOK todrain hot water into the disposer beh,,'een
• Don't flit disposer witha lot of vegetate peele aHet
once, Instead, turn the water and disposer on ftrsl
and then feed the peels in gradually.
• Don't grind extremely fibrous materlel_ like corn
husk& _rtlch_kee, etc., to avoid possibledrain
• Dan't iurt_ off disposer until grinding Is completed
and on}y sound el motor and water teheard.
• Don't be alarmed If a brown dis¢otorallon appears
on the face e_ lhe grindingdisc. This tertermal. It is
surface discoloration only _nd will not affect _ho lifo
ot performance ofthe disposer.
Figure A
Figure B
anct plumblng fittings for
water }elks, as water leaks
cart cause property
damage, MantJfe.cturer
cannot be headresponsible
for property damage as a
result ofwater _eeke,
Overtlm_,foodparricidemay8_¢umult_totnth_grind_._ambetaItdbaffle, Anodor ftorrtthedisposer
I_u_u_liy_ ilionofgre_ts_,_r_dfOO_Ouildup,C_ul_edby _n_uffldentw_torttowduring _ndslier disposer
use. Tgcleandigpo_er:
t, _rrl O_|_ _nddl_.carlnec!powersuPpty.
2 _ea(_1{h_h$Ink``_p_ingand_1_nu_1g@rt_d_fapIa_hba_e_n_Jin_id_uP}_t_i#_1g_¢_t_e_
with _#.o_rin_ pad.
3, Pl_Ce _to_per i_t8ink opening _r_ flit _lrtk hot{Way wHh w_m water,
4, Mix ti4 Cup b_k_t_g soda wHh w_tot Turn _l_,as_r of! Brld tertl_Jve .'HOpp_r Jr_lm _mk _t _rr_a b_te
If Ihe m_tor stops during operallon, the 0ispo_er may be jammed To reto_'_sejam;
_, !ur_n...ofU.b.e._tsp_:sarand water,
2. tnae_t one end of the self-service wronchet_e trite the center hoie on _he bottom ofthe
disposer (see Fig_JroC) Work the wrenchelte back and forth u_tll it lurn_ one furl rev_luI_on
Flemove wrencaette,
3r Reaci_Into the Otspo_erwith to_gs and remove,abject(el. Allow the disposer motor tocoot
for3 - 5 rninu_esand tightlypush red reset butlon on the disposer bottom (see Figure
C). Ill the motor rommns irtoperattve, check the service panel for _ripped circutl breakers
or blown fuses )
Figure C