Bar Code Spare Parts Price List
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105S, 105Se, 105SL, 160S, A300, T300, DA402, T402, 110PAX3, 170PAX, 170PAX2, 170PAX3, S300, S400,
S500, S600, 90Xi, 140Xi, 170Xi, 90XiII, 140XiII, 170XiII, 220XiII, 90XiIII, 140XiIII, 170XiIII, 220XiIII, Z4000,
Z6000, Z4M, Z6M, Z91, Z95, Z90, Z92, Z93, Z90A, Z92A, Z93A, Z105, Z140, Z142, Z143, Z221, Z222, Z223,
P2222, P2242, TR220, LP2022, LP2042, LP2122, LP2142, LP2622, TLP2622, LP2242, TLP2242, LP2642,
TLP2642, LP3642, TLP3642, LP2722, TLP2722, LP2742, TLP2742, TLP3742, LP2824, TLP2824, LP2844,
TLP2844, LP2844-Z, TLP2844-Z, Eclipse LP, Eclipse TLP, 2648, 2746, 2746e, TLP2046, QualaBar 440,
QualaBar 440V, QualaBar 450, QualaBar 450V, QualaBar 485, ThermaBar 260, ThermaBar 285 are service
marks of Zebra Technologies International, LLC.
Eltron, QualaBar and ThermaBar are registered trademarks of Zebra Technologies International, LLC.
XiIIIPlus, Companion, Eltron BarCode Professional, openAccess, Orion, TransPort, and Eclipse are trademarks
of Zebra Technologies International, LLC.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International
Business Machines Incorporated. Epson and ESC/POS are registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Incorporated.
QMS is a registered trademark of QMS Incorporated. IGP is a registered trademark of Printronix Incorporated.
JetAdmin and OpenView are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Company.
All other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
The Americas and Asia Pacific Regions
Americas Customer Service: +01 847 634 6700
Asia Pacific Customer Service: +65 6858 0722
Prices Effective August 1, 2004
PL234 06/25/04