On systems running Windows —
<Web GUI home directory>\waapi\bin\runwaapi -host <hostname> -user <Web GUI
username> -password <Web GUI password> -file export.xml
On systems running Linux —
<Web GUI home directory>/waapi/bin/runwaapi -host <hostname> -user <Web GUI
username> -password <Web GUI password> -file export.xml
NOTE: The first two steps are applicable only to servers and iDRAC.
Dell SNMP Configurator Utility
Using the Dell SNMP Configurator utility, you can set the SNMP community string for desktop and web GUI.
NOTE: Once the community string is configured using the Dell SNMP Configurator utility, the same community
string is used for OMSA, CMC, and iDRAC console launches.
Related Links:
• Using The SNMP Configurator Utility For Desktop
• Using The SNMP Configurator Utility For Web GUI
Using The SNMP Configurator Utility For Desktop
To use the SNMP Configurator Utility to set the SNMP community string:
1. Navigate to the OMNIHOME directory on the system where the Desktop component is installed.
2. Run the following command for Desktop:
a) On systems running Windows —
%NCHOME%\platform\<specificplatform>\jre_1.6.7\jre\bin\java -
Ddell.config.path=desktop -classpath %NCHOME%\omnibus
\snmp4j-2.1.0.jar com.dell.openmanage.connections.SnmpConfigurator
b) On systems running Linux —
$NCHOME/platform/<specificplatform>/jre_1.6.7/jre/bin/java -
Ddell.config.path=desktop -classpath $NCHOME/omnibus/
snmp4j-2.1.0.jar com.dell.openmanage.connections.SnmpConfigurator
Using The SNMP Configurator Utility For Web GUI
To use the SNMP Configurator utility to set the SNMP community string:
1. Navigate to the web GUI Installation directory on the system where the web GUI component is installed.
2. Run the following command for web GUI:
a) On systems running Windows —
<Tivoli Integrated Portal home directory>\java\jre\bin\java -
Ddell.config.path=webgui -classpath %NCHOME%\omnibus_webgui
b) On systems running Linux —
<Tivoli Integrated Portal home directory>/java/jre/bin/java -
Ddell.config.path=webgui -classpath $NCHOME/omnibus_webgui/