This device complies with part 15of theFCCRules.
Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:
(1)this devicemay notcauseharmfulinterference,and
(2) this devicemustaccept any interference received,
including interference that maycauseundesired
operation.Any changesormodificationsnotexpressly
approvedbythepartyresponsible forcompliance could
NOTE: Thisequipmenthas beentestedand found
tocomplywiththelimitsforaClass B
digital device, pursuant toPar t 15 oftheFCCRules.
reasonableprotection againstharmful interference in
aresidentialinstallation.This equipment generates,
uses and canradiateradiofrequency energyand,ifnot
installed andusedin
accordancewith theinstructions, maycause harmfulin
terference toradio communications.
However,there isno guarantee that interferencewill
not occurin a particular installation.
Ifthis equipmentdoes causeharmfulinterference to radio
whichcanbe determinedby turningthe equipmentoff
andon,theuser isencouragedtotryto correctthe interfer
ence byone ormoreof thefollowingmeasures:
--Reorient or relocatethe receivingantenna.
--Increase theseparationbetween theequipment and receiver.
--Connect theequipment intoanoutlet onacircuit different
fromthat to which the receiver is connected.
--Consultthe dealer oranexperienced radio/TVtechnicianforhelp.
To maintaincompliance withFCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This
equipment should be installed andoperated with minimum20cm
distance betweenthe radiatorandyour body: Use only the