NAME: Fresh Elegance STYLE NO. H5132 DATE 7/27/2017
separate a row leaving on the loop yarns, use a cushion back cutter to cut along the separated row.
or light colors together.
Best seam quality is to cut carpet from face.
At the edge of each pattern repeat there's a loop line running in the length direction, use a row finder to find and
Allow seam to completely cool before stretching.
On the other edge find and separate a row which takes off the loop row, use a cushion back cutter to cut along this
Pull both pieces together and check for proper fit and align on pattern match, if satisfied with fit and pattern
match, apply seam sealer to both cut edges and allow to dry.
Use a premium seaming tape to seam pieces together and follow by rolling seam with a round wheel roller, rolling up
and down seam, follow with a seam weight to hold seam flat while cooling off, no heavier than 10 lbs.
First select the carpet edge with the pile laying towards the seam, then use a row finder to separate a row across the
Use a premium quality seam tape to seam together, follow by rolling seam with seam roller and seam weight.
Allow seam to completely cool before stretching.
Caution; This is a two color product, when cutting for seaming be sure to leave on the proper colors. Do not get two darks
width of carpet, its best to leave on the high cut yarn portion of the pattern, using the cushion back cutter cut along
the separated row holding the cutter on a slight angle to under the face yarns
On other edge, will need to take off the high cut portion of the pattern ,holding cutter straight up and down, pull
both pieces together and move back and forth to pattern match, if satisfied with match apply seam sealer and let