This service manual covers the following
A4 monochrome laser printer manufactured
by Fuji Xerox Printing Systems Co. Ltd.
DocuPrint 240A/340A
No related manuals other than DocuPrint
240A/340A Service Manual (1st edition) /
Hard Copy (Section 7 & 9) are issued.
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Revision and Modification Information:
When design changes or revisions relating to
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Important changes including revisions of spare
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must immediately be reflected on appropriate
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DocuPrint 240A/340A
Service Manual 1 st Edition Issued: January 2004
Edited by: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. CSSC TD&LC SDEC
KSP/R&D Business Park Bldg 6A7
Sakado 3-2-1, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 213-8501
TEL: 044-812-7637
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