AMS AS3648 User guide

User guide

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Revision 2.1 / 2012/07/29
Application Note: AN01 Demoboard Description
High Current LED Flash Driver
AS3647/48 AN01 Demoboard
High Current LED Flash Driver Revision 2.1 / 7/29/12
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Table of Contents
Further Applications ............................................................................................................... 2
Revision Status ...................................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started ...................................................................................................................... 2
Hardware Overview ............................................................................................................... 3
GUI – Software: First Steps ................................................................................................... 5
GUI – Software: Overview ..................................................................................................... 6
Board Startup ........................................................................................................................ 8
PCB Layer Stackup ............................................................................................................. 11
AS 3647/48 Demoboard 1V3 Application Schematic ........................................................... 12
AS3647/48 Demoboard1V3 Layout Top View ..................................................................... 14
AS3647/48 Demoboard1V3 Layout Bottom View ................................................................ 14
Copyright ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1. AS3647/48 Demoboard 1V3 Jumper and Device Locations ..........................................
5.1. Updating the USB-Box ...................................................................................................
7.1 Indicator Mode ................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Assist Mode ..................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 Flash Mode ....................................................................................................................10
AS3647/48 AN01 Demoboard
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1. Further Applications
Visit out home-page:
2. Revision Status
AS3647/48 - AN01 - Demoboard Rev.: 1V3
AS3647/48 Demoboard – Layout Rev.: 1V3
AS3647/48 Demoboard – Schematic Rev.: 1V3
3. Getting Started
Install the GUI SW from the USB-Stick which is included in the demo kit.
Follow the sequence to connect the AS3647/48 board as shown in the picture below:
1. Connect the AMS USB-Box
2. Connect the battery to VBAT and GND
Figure 1:
AS3647/48, USB-Box & Li- Ion Battery
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4. Hardware Overview
4.1. AS3647/48 Demoboard 1V3 Jumper and Device Locations
Figure 2:
AS3647/48 Jumper & Devices
Jumper Function Jumper
J2 LED D2 Enable Y Enabling LED D2; can be used for current
J3 Mode Selector Y Selecting Dual or Single LED application
J5 USB Box Interface
J6 Interface Selector Y Have to been jumpered to I2C (SWIF
J7 General Purpose
Measurement Pinhead
J8 LED OUT 1 Measurement pinhead
J9 IF Power Jumper Y
J10 LED OUT 2 Measurement pinhead
SW1 Strobe Switch Optional strobe function
SW2 Torch Switch Optional torch function
Device Value Comment
U1 AS3647/48 High Current LED Flash Driver
C1 100uF Optional
C2 10uF Input capacitor: GRM188R60J106UE82, Murata
C3 10uF Output capacitor: GRM219R61A116U, Murata
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C4 100nF
D1 Flash LED Phaser 2, Osram
D2 Flash LED Phaser 2, Osram
L1 1uH LDCDC: LQM32PN1R0MG0, Murata
Figure 3:
AS3647/48 Jumper & Devices Demoboard 1V3
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5. GUI Software: First Steps
5.1. Updating the USB-Box
Connect the USB-Box (J6) with the PC and start the AS3647/48 Demo Software.
In some cases it could be that the USB- Box Firmware has to be updated. In this case our
SW detect this automatically and will indicate it, as shown in Fig. 4
If the USB- Box is already up to date, please proceed to chapter 6 (Gui-SW overview)
Figure 4:
USB-Box Firmware Upgrade
The update can be started by selecting ‘Firmware Upgrade’from the Help Menu.
Figure 5:
USB-Box Firmware Upgrade: Help Menu
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Open the file ‘usbbox254.hex’ from the ‘USBBox_Firmware’ folder.
Figure 6:
USB-Box Firmware Upgrade: HEX File
Once the update has finished the USB-Box has to be reconnected.
Start the Software new.
6. GUI Software: Overview
Legend: Definition of the cases described per colour
Write into registers:
Read from registers:
Only available at the AS3648, marked with a green box:
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Operation Mode:
Indicator Mode/ PWM
Assist Mode
Autofocus or torch
Flash Mode
TX Mask register:
TXMaskTorch Mode
Enable external torch function without I2C.
This function reduces the flash current in
case of parallel operation to the RF power
amplifier and avoids a system shutdown.
Flash TXMask current
Current of TXMask
Coil Peak
Set max. Coil current
Frequency Switching
If enabled, frequencies used are
1MHz or 4MHz, if disabled pulse
skip is allowed.
Constant Voltage On
Generates costant 5V at VOUT
Current sinks are disabled.
Load Balancer ON
Flash time
Fault & Status Indication: Indication for all
safety features
Low Voltage:
Defines at which Voltage levels the AS3648
decreases the LED currents.
External Strobe:
Enables external strobe pin.
LED Output Voltage Level: Shows if
LED_OUT1 level is higher than
LED_OUT2 level or vice versa.
LED_OUT Current Settings:
Indicator PWM
Selecting current PWM duty cycle.
LED Currents
Output current for Indicator, Assist and Flash Mode.
Link LED1 & LED2
Combines Output currents in the SW.
Current Boost
Bit to enable the “High current Mode” --> max current is
1000mA per LED_Out path.
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7. Board Startup
First check that the battery is charged!
Connect the battery (~3.7V Lithium Ion) to VBAT.
Connect the USB-Box with the Demoboard @ J6.
If the AS3647/48 is supplied and connected correctly to the USB-Box, the status indicator on
right bottom of the demo software window will be green and show the words “USB,
AS3648!”. If something is wrong it will be red (see fig.7).
Figure 7:
Status Indicator
The current SW version might show the wrong device indication (always AS3648). Will be changed
with the next SW- update
Select the connected device.
Figure 8:
Device Selection
Press the ‘Readout Registers’-button.
Figure 9:
Readout Registers
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7.1 Indicator Mode
Enable the checkbox ‘Out On‘ LEDs will turn on.
o Select current.
o It is possible to control the current with the PWM dutycycle.
Figure 7:
Indicator Mode
7.2 Assist Mode
Same procedure as Indicator Mode
Figure 8:
Assist Mode
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7.3 Flash Mode
Select flash time. If a high current is selected the flash time has to be limited to 100ms to
prevent thermal damage to the LED.
Figure 9:
Flash Timings
Enabling theFlash Modefor the first time automatically activates the ‘External Strobe’.
Disable the checkbox ‘Enable’ to control the flash with the SW.
Figure 10:
External Strobe
To enable the flash repeatedly re-enable the ‘Flash Modeand the ‘Out On’ checkbox.
Figure 11:
Flash Mode
The AS3647/48 demoboard will flash.
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8. PCB Layer Stackup
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9. AS 3647/48 Demoboard 1V3 Application Schematic
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10. AS3647/48 Demoboard1V3 Layout Top View
11. AS3647/48 Demoboard1V3 Layout Bottom View
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Copyright © 1997-2012, ams AG, Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe.
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This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended
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AMS AS3648 User guide

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