otherBluetoothdevicesatleast50feetawayorturnthemoff.NOTE: The headset can be paired
with up to 8 different devices but can only be connected to one at a time. It can only switch back
and forth between 2 devices in Multipoint Mode.
1. Turn headset off (page 9).
2. Hold down the headset’s MFB until the light rapidly flashes blue, and you hear 2 rising tones,
followed by 4 more tones. IMPORTANT: Wait for all tones and the blue, rapidly flashing light.
This may take up to 15 seconds. Release the MFB.
3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for putting your cellular phone into Bluetooth Discovery
4. Wait while the devices discover each other: This could take up to 2 minutes. When the phone
pairing is complete the headset’s rapid blue light will stop flashing and the phone will prompt
you to ‘connect’ to the headset. Enter “Yes” on the phone to connect to the headset. When
connected, the blue light will flash slowly (once every 3-4 seconds) indicating
that the headset is in standby mode and ready to receive calls.
Xpress_UserGuide_08-22.indd 10 8/22/2011 4:22:37 PM