6 8.3
About this documentaon ibaPDA
1.4 Documentaonstructure
This documentaon fully describes the funconality of the ibaPDA system. It is designed both as
a tutorial as well as a reference document. The secons and chapters essenally follow the pro-
cedure for conguring the system.
In addion to this documentaon, you can examine the version history in the main menu, Help
– Version history (le versions.htm) for the latest informaon about the installed version of
the program. This le not only lists the bugs that have been eliminated, but also refers to exten-
sions of the system in note form.
In addion, special "NewFeatures…" documentaon comes with any soware update that in-
cludes signicant new features, which provides a more detailed descripon of the new features.
The state of the soware to which the respecve part of this documentaon refers is listed in
the revision table on page 2.
The ibaPDA system documentaon (PDF and printed version) is divided into seven separate
parts. Each part has its own secon and page numbering beginning at 1, and is updated inde-
Part1 Introducon and installaon General notes, license policy and add-ons
Installaon and program start
User interface, system architecture, client server
User management, prinng
Part2 I/O Manager Basic informaon about the I/O Manager, general
Groups and vector signals, text signals, outputs,
conguraon les
Part3 Data interfaces and mod-
Interfaces for the measurement data acquision
Standard interfaces, ibaFOB, Ethernet-based inter-
faces and more. For interfaces for which there are
separate manuals, these are referred to.
Part4 Expression builder All funcons for calculang virtual signals
Part5 Data storage Types of data recording, recording proles, signal
Part6 Data visualizaon All display modes for live data, their operaon and
Part7 Appendix Various addions, error lisngs, etc.