IBA ibaPDA Owner's manual

  • Hello! I'm an AI assistant, and I've reviewed the ibaPDA user manual. This document details the usage of the ibaPDA software, focusing on its measurement system capabilities and integration with ActiveX controls. The manual covers topics such as advanced filters, data storage, and I/O configurations. I'm ready to answer your questions about ibaPDA and its functions.
  • What are the prerequisites for using ibaPDA as an ActiveX control?
    Where are the log files of ActiveX control saved?
    What can you configure using ibaPDA ActiveX control properties?
    Can I start/stop data acquisition using the ActiveX control?
    What is the role of the I/O configuration file?
Manual Part7
Issue 8.3
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
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The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
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The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
8.3 07/2023 Advanced lters in grids rm 8.3.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
8.3 3
ibaPDA Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................4
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 4
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............5
1.4 Documentaon structure ......................................................................................... 6
2 ASCII watchdog telegram structure....................................................................................7
3 Binary watchdog telegram.................................................................................................8
4 SenguptheibaPDAclientasanAcveXcontrol .............................................................9
4.1 Methods and properes ......................................................................................... 11
4.2 ibaPDA AcveX control in SIMATIC WinCC ............................................................. 17
4.3 ibaPDA AcveX control in SIMATIC WinCC exible ................................................. 21
4.4 Sample VB Script for prinng out of an AcveX Control ......................................... 24
5 ibaPDA-S7-XplorerProxyforPC/CPinterface ...................................................................25
6 TheI/Oconguraonle ................................................................................................26
6.1 Saving an I/O conguraon .................................................................................... 26
6.2 Loading an exisng I/O conguraon ..................................................................... 27
6.3 Loading a backup conguraon le ........................................................................ 28
6.4 Exporng an I/O conguraon to a text le ........................................................... 28
6.5 Imporng a conguraon text le .......................................................................... 31
7 Advancedlterintables ..................................................................................................32
7.1 Simple lter funcon ..............................................................................................32
7.2 Advanced lter funcons ........................................................................................ 34
7.3 Search funcon ............................................................................................. ..........38
8 Supportandcontact ........................................................................................................ 39
4 8.3
About this documentaon ibaPDA
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroupandpreviousknowledge
This manual is aimed at qualied professionals who are familiar with handling electrical and
electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is regard-
ed as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible consequenc-
es and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and knowl-
edge of the standard regulaons.
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
8.3 5
ibaPDA About this documentaon
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
6 8.3
About this documentaon ibaPDA
1.4 Documentaonstructure
This documentaon fully describes the funconality of the ibaPDA system. It is designed both as
a tutorial as well as a reference document. The secons and chapters essenally follow the pro-
cedure for conguring the system.
In addion to this documentaon, you can examine the version history in the main menu, Help
– Version history (le versions.htm) for the latest informaon about the installed version of
the program. This le not only lists the bugs that have been eliminated, but also refers to exten-
sions of the system in note form.
In addion, special "NewFeatures…" documentaon comes with any soware update that in-
cludes signicant new features, which provides a more detailed descripon of the new features.
The state of the soware to which the respecve part of this documentaon refers is listed in
the revision table on page 2.
The ibaPDA system documentaon (PDF and printed version) is divided into seven separate
parts. Each part has its own secon and page numbering beginning at 1, and is updated inde-
Part1 Introducon and installaon General notes, license policy and add-ons
Installaon and program start
User interface, system architecture, client server
User management, prinng
Part2 I/O Manager Basic informaon about the I/O Manager, general
Groups and vector signals, text signals, outputs,
conguraon les
Part3 Data interfaces and mod-
Interfaces for the measurement data acquision
Standard interfaces, ibaFOB, Ethernet-based inter-
faces and more. For interfaces for which there are
separate manuals, these are referred to.
Part4 Expression builder All funcons for calculang virtual signals
Part5 Data storage Types of data recording, recording proles, signal
Part6 Data visualizaon All display modes for live data, their operaon and
Part7 Appendix Various addions, error lisngs, etc.
8.3 7
ibaPDA ASCII watchdog telegram structure
2 ASCII watchdog telegram structure
8 8.3
Binary watchdog telegram ibaPDA
3 Binary watchdog telegram
8.3 9
ibaPDA Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control
4 SenguptheibaPDAclientasanAcveXcontrol
Requirements and licenses
As a prerequisite for using the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control, the following soware com-
ponents must be installed on the computer on which the applicaon is to run with AcveX:
■ ibaPDA Client
■ ibaPDA AcveX control
For this purpose, start the ibaPDA installaon on the corresponding computer and select the
above-menoned components in the selecon dialog.
Each AcveX control establishes a client connecon to the congured ibaPDA server using the
congured user name and password. If there are simultaneously several AcveX controls in a
host process (AcveX container), which connect to the same ibaPDA server using the same user,
these AcveX controls will share a common connecon.
An example would be two AcveX controls located side by side on one image in an HMI applica-
on like SIMATIC WinCC, or even on two dierent images, connecng to the same ibaPDA serv-
er using the same user. The runme process for the HMI applicaon is the AcveX container.
If two AcveX controls with dierent users connect to the same ibaPDA server, then two con-
necons are created.
An ibaPDA client license is required for each connecon. If ibaQPanel is also used in the views
shown in the ibaPDA AcveX control, an ibaQPanel license is addionally required.
For workstaons on which no images can be called up with the ibaPDA AcveX Control (e.g.,
due to a corresponding conguraon in the HMI applicaon), no license is required.
If you wish to make sure that a computer is always guaranteed to get the license it needs, you
can reserve client and QPanel licenses for selected computers using the server access control
feature in ibaPDA (see ibaPDA manual part 1).
10 8.3
Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control ibaPDA
The connecon is only established when the AcveX control is called for the rst me in the
host process. An example of this is when an image with a projected AcveX control is displayed
for the rst me in the HMI applicaon, such as SIMATIC WinCC.
From the moment the connecon is established, the license is also acvated. When switching
to an image without AcveX control, the connecon to the ibaPDA server is maintained in the
background, consequently the license is sll in use. The data for the signals visualized in the
views connues to be queried in the background via the maintained connecon, so that the
signal trends can be displayed immediately when the image is displayed again with AcveX Con-
The ibaPDA AcveX control does not establish a connecon to the ibaPDA server in design
mode (e.g., during conguraon in SIMATIC WinCC Graphics Designer). In runme mode the
AcveX control will automacally try to connect to the congured ibaPDA server.
The AcveX control can only be used for visualizaon. This means you cannot
start/stop the acquision or congure the I/O manager and data storage. Layout
changes and interacon with the signal displays are possible with the corre-
sponding permissions.
The AcveX Control creates log les and saves them, e.g.,in Windows 10 at LocalAppDa-
This creates a subdirectory with the name of the AcveX host process (e.g.,"PdlRt" for the
SIMATIC WinCC Runme process). All AcveX control instances within an AcveX host process
use the same log le.
8.3 11
ibaPDA Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control
4.1 Methodsandproperes
The ibaPDA AcveX Control according to its denion provides some object properes which
are listed in the table below.
The properes can be manipulated by using scripts which enable you to change the AcveX
Control dynamically. Therefor, some methods are available which are described further below.
Property Select,
LayoutFile Path specica-
on [string]
Enter the path and le name of a layout le
here. The ibaPDA client will always load this le
when the image is called up (even aer an image
If AutoSaveLayout is enabled, layout changes will
be saved to this le. Even if you click the Save
buon in the AcveX toolbar in runme mode,
the layout is wrien to this le. Changing this
property at runme will not trigger a reload of
the layouts.
ServerAddress IP address or
computer name
Enter the IP address or the computer name of
the ibaPDA server to which the
ibaPDA client should connect in this AcveX con-
PortNr Port number
Port through which the client connects to the
Default: 9170
UserName User name
Enter a user name with which the ibaPDA client
should log on to the ibaPDA server in this AcveX
Control. The user name must already exist in the
user aanagement dministraon of the ibaPDA
server. You must enter a user name here, unless
you are using the
UseCurrentwindowsUser login (see below).
Password Password
Enter the password matching the ibaPDA user
ShowToolbars Yes/No [bool] Lets you choose whether the AcveX- and/or
Layout toolbars of are displayed (Yes) or not (No).
Changing this property via a script at runme will
immediately take eect.
12 8.3
Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control ibaPDA
Property Select,
ShowTabs Yes/No [bool] Lets you choose whether the view tabs are dis-
played (Yes) or not (No). This does the same as
the buon in the Acve-X toolbar. It overwrites
the sengs in the layout conguraon. Changing
this property via a script at runme will immedi-
ately take eect.
AutoSaveLayout Yes/No [bool] Allows you to specify whether changes to the lay-
out are automacally saved to the CurrentLayout.
lay le or not. If you have specied a le for the
LayoutFile property (see above), then the chang-
es will be saved to that le.
DisableLayoutChange Yes/No [bool] Allows you to specify whether the layout may be
changed (Yes or No).
If layout changes are disabled here, then no
ibaPDA user – even users with the corresponding
rights – can change the layout. If layout changes
are permied here, then the user's Change lay-
out right is also taken into account.
DisableInteracon Yes/No [bool] Allows you to specify whether the signal displays
can be operated interacvely (Yes or No).
If such interacons are disabled here, then no
ibaPDA user – even users with the corresponding
rights – can interact with the signal displays. If
such interacons are permied here, then the
user's Interact with views right is also taken into
DisableMessageboxes Yes/No [bool] Allows you to specify whether nocaon boxes
from ibaPDA may be displayed here (Yes or No).
These are internal system nocaons, e.g., if
the I/O conguraon has been changed on an-
other client.
HdServerAddress IP address or
computer name
Enter the IP address or the computer name of
the ibaHD server to which the
ibaPDA client should connect in this AcveX con-
HdPortNr Port number
Port through which the client connects to the
Default: 9180
8.3 13
ibaPDA Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control
Property Select,
ShowClientDisconnect Yes/No [bool] This lets you dene how to proceed if no more
free ibaPDA client licenses are available for the
AcveX control.
■ Yes: In the ibaPDA client, a dialog appears in
which you can select another client and log o
in order to free up the license for the AcveX
■ No: An error message is merely displayed
nofying you that no more client licenses are
HdUserName User name
Lets you enter the user name with which the
ibaPDA client should log on to the ibaHD-Server
in this AcveX control. The user name must al-
ready exist in the user management of the
ibaHD server. You must enter a user name here,
unless you are using the HdUseCurrentwindow-
sUser login (see below).
HdPassword Password
Enter the password matching the ibaHD-Server
user here.
14 8.3
Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control ibaPDA
Property Select,
ShowAcveXToolbar Yes/No [bool] This denes whether the special
AcveX toolbar is displayed (Yes or No).
The funcons of this toolbar can only be used in
runme mode.
1 Select ibaPDA-Server
2 Show/hide ibaPDA signal tree
3 Select ibaHD-Server
4 Show/hide ibaHD-Server signal tree
5 Open layout, loads a layout from a le
6 Save layout, saves the current layout in the le
specied above
7 Show/hide window for digital displays
8 Show/hide view tabs
Changing this property via a script at runme will
immediately take eect.
ShowLayoutToolbar Yes/No [bool] This denes whether to show (Yes) or hide (No)
the Layout toolbar. Changing this property via a
script at runme will immediately take eect.
UseCurrentWindowsUser Yes/No [bool] Lets you dene whether the current Windows
user on the SIMATIC WinCC computer can log on
to the
ibaPDA server (Yes or No).
This permission can be granted in addion to
the entering a local ibaPDA user (see UserName
The prerequisite for this is that an Acve Directo-
ry is set up and domain users or groups to which
Windows user also belongs are congured in the
user management of the ibaPDA server.
8.3 15
ibaPDA Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control
Property Select,
Yes/No [bool] Lets you dene whether the current Windows
user on the SIMATIC WinCC computer can log on
to the
ibaHD server (Yes or No).
This permission can be granted in addion to the
entering a local ibaHD-Server user (see
HdUserName above).
The prerequisite for this is that an Acve Directo-
ry is set up and domain users or groups to which
Windows user also belongs are congured in the
user management of the ibaHD server.
Table 1: Object properes of ibaPDA AcveX control
When using scripts you can dynamically control the AcveX control by using the following meth-
ods in the script.
Method name Parameter Result Descripon
Print Title [string]
This prints the currently visible layout.
The tle will be shown at the top of
the page. If ShowPrintSetup is true
then the print setup dialog is shown.
You can select the printer there and
select page size, margins, scaling etc.
If ShowPrintSetup is false the last
saved sengs are used.
ConnectToPdaServer This will aempt to connect to an
ibaPDA server using the current val-
ues of the ServerAddress, PortNr,
UserName and Password properes
(see table before). So in the script you
can change the properes and then
call ConnectToPdaServer to switch to a
dierent server or log in as a dierent
16 8.3
Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control ibaPDA
Method name Parameter Result Descripon
ConnectToHdServer This will aempt to connect to an
ibaHD-Server using the current values
of the HdServerAddress, HdPortNr,
HdUserName and HdPassword prop-
eres (see table before). So in the
script you can change the properes
and then call ConnectToHdServer to
switch to a dierent server or log in as
a dierent user.
LoadLayoutFromFile LayoutFile [string] bool This will try to load the layouts le
LayoutFile. It basically does the same
thing as when you manually click the
open layout buon on the Acve-X
toolbar and then select the layout le.
The return value is true if the layouts
were loaded from the le.
SaveLayoutToFile LayoutFile [string] bool This will try to save the current lay-
outs to the le LayoutFile. The return
value is true if the save was success-
Table 2: Methods to control the ibaPDA AcveX Control
8.3 17
ibaPDA Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control
4.2 ibaPDAAcveXcontrolinSIMATICWinCC
To set up an ibaPDA AcveX Control on a SIMATIC WinCC system, proceed as follows.
Please note that as a prerequisite, the components ibaPDA-Client and ibaPDA AcveX-Control
must be installed on the SIMATIC WinCC computer.
1. Create a new image in the Graphics Designer of SIMATIC WinCC.
2. Open the window with the controls ("Controls"). If ibaPDA AcveX Control is not yet present,
you will need to add this rst. If the control is already present, proceed to step 5).
3. Right-click in the "Controls" window and select Add/Remove... in the context menu.
4. In the "Select OCX Controls" dialog, set a check mark next to ibaPDA AcveX Control and
close the dialog again with <OK>.
18 8.3
Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control ibaPDA
5. Now select the ibaPDA AcveX Control in the "Controls" dialog and insert a new instance
into the image.
8.3 19
ibaPDA Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control
6. The result is a typical ibaPDA client interface, whose appearance may dier in design mode
and in the subsequent runme mode, because it is inially a placeholder.
20 8.3
Seng up the ibaPDA client as an AcveX control ibaPDA
The ibaPDA AcveX Control has some properes that you can congure.
In the Graphics Designer, double-click the AcveX control to access its properes.
A lisng of the properes and their descripon can be found under ì Methods and properes,
page 11.