rent follow spotlight complete with a xenon lamphouse, power supply, optical system, color boomerang, and
base stand assembly. The spotlight assembly consists of the arc lamp, variable focus lens system, color boomer-
ang, and base. The separate xenon power supply completes the installation.
ONLY THE SPECIAL XENON POWER SUPPLIES manufactured by Strong International
can be used with the Gladiator III. For installation and operation of the power supply, see the instruction
manual furnished separately.
THE XENON LAMPHOUSE utilizes a 3000 watt xenon bulb designed for horizontal opera-
tion, and a deep ellipse metal reflector, as a light source. The reflector is designed to operate in a fixed position,
and is dichroic (cold) coated to reduce heat in the projected light. A lens blower and heat filters, mounted in
the spotlight optical system, further reduce heat at the projection lens and color media.
ONLY XENON BULBS designed for horizontal operation should be used in this follow spot.
The Gladiator III system includes a Hanovia® XH3000HW, and replacement bulbs must be certified as 100%
interchangeable with this bulb. All required bulb cabling is provided in the xenon lamphouse or supplied with
the bulb, and bulb adapters are not required.
ADJUSTMENT CONTROL for the xenon bulb is located at the rear of the lamphouse behind
the access panel. The adjustments control the horizontal, vertical and focal movement of the bulb.
INSTRUMENTATION of the lamphouse includes a running time meter and a DC ammeter.
The running time meter indicates the number of hours the bulb has been in operation. The ammeter displays the
operating current of the lamp. A push button switch, located below the ammeter, changes the meter reading to
indicate the DC voltage at the arc.
THE LAMPHOUSE COOLING BLOWERS are internally wired and operate on AC voltage
derived from the xenon power supply. These blowers are required to maintain a safe operating temperature at
the bulb seals. The blowers operate continuously until the xenon power supply is de-energized. Air flow
interlock switches prevent operation of the lamp if the intake or exhaust blowers are not operating or failing to
move adequate air.
THE IGNITER is equipped with an emergency ignition switch, located on the top of the lamp-
house below the plug button. Pressing this switch bypasses the relay contacts on the igniter printed circuit
board. DO NOT hold this switch for longer than one second to prevent transformer damage.
THE TWO ROCKER SWITCHES on the instrument panel are labeled MODE and LAMP.
The MODE switch permits operation of the lamphouse from a remote location when placed in the AUTO
position, or by the operator at the lamphouse when in MAN. The normal setting for this switch, in a follow
spot application, is in the MAN. position.
THE LAMP SWITCH is provided for manual bulb ignition when the MODE switch is in the
MAN. position. The LAMP switch must also be ON to complete the ignition circuit when operating from
a remote location.