4 Introduction
1.4 Limitations
The following limitations currently exist when FB Series devices use ROC protocol:
Changes to the meter or history configuration in your FB Series device require you to issue an
Opcode 6 to update configuration information before using other Opcodes to read/write data
over ROC protocol. Additionally, Opcode 120 must be issued before making any call to retrieve
history data.
New functionality such as Action or Math Blocks parameters cannot be accessed.
Events for BIN (binary) data types show only the new and old value of the changed bit;
unchanged bits are not logged as events.
Events logged for the user mode property associated with a meter other than the first or
integral sensor instance (for example, DP_1-2, Press_1-2, RTD_1-2) will all return the same
MVS TLP (40,0,3). This may make it difficult for users to determine what specific instance was
To generate valid EFM data:
User Data points cannot be assigned as flow measurement inputs
Identical objects cannot be assigned to two different meters
In cases where value precision is greater in the FB Series device than what was supported by the
FloBoss107, the extra digits will be truncated without rounding. For example, the “no flow time
limit in seconds” for Linear Meters on FB Series devices accepts a floating point number with up
to three decimal places (e.g., 5.678) whereas the FloBoss107 supports an integer number. In
this case, retrieving the value from the FB Series device over ROC protocol will yield an integer
with trailing decimal numbers removed (e.g., 5). See the DNP3 protocol manual for a complete
listing of parameter data types used by FB Series devices.
Meter history collection is limited to Station 1, which resides in group 4. You cannot access the
Station 2 history group. Additionally, devices supporting two meter runs must have the second
meter history configured in group 4 (station 1).
Station parameter assignments are primarily configured during a device’s initial setup. As
previously noted, the FloBoss107’s ROC protocol does not have the concept of different
stations. As a result, both meters must be assigned to Station1/history group 4. For a similar
reason, station parameter changes returned via Opcode 122 appear as if they are affecting
only meter 1. However, the FlowCal Enterprise software recognizes (via the file’s configuration
section) that the station parameter change has occurred in meter 2, but since it does not have
an associated event, the software highlights the exception. Because there is no associated
event to tag precisely when the value changed, it is advisable to make station changes as soon
as possible after the SCADA poll (that is, for a 1:00 PM poll, make changes at 1:01PM). To avoid
this issue with manually entered gas composition changes, assign each meter to a separate
Components object.