Training rope is perfect for strengthening arms, legs, and core. Can be used for a variety of
exercise programs. Rope can even be used with kids for playing tug of war.
Find a solid, sturdy object to anchor down strength rope. Make sure that the middle of the rope
is anchored down. You want to have an even amount of rope length on both sides.
Grab both ends of the rope, and move back so there’s a little bit of slack between you and the
anchored down part. Once at a comfortable distance begin doing exercises.
Use rope in an open space indoors or outdoors. Keep out of inclement weather and store rope
indoors when not in use.
Do not wrap or put rope around neck, as could cause suffocation or serious injury.
Start making waves with the rope by moving your arm up and down rapidly. Do this
continuously for 20 sec.
Instead of moving your arms up and down, try moving them side to side rapidly. Do this
continuously for 20 sec.
Grab both ends of the rope, lift both ends high above your head and slam ropes to the ground
with force while going into a squat position. Stand up and repeat.
When waving the rope up and down for 20 sec. do standing lunges and alternate legs.