Issue 1 June 2002 17 Part Number HA 028 188
Install Eurotherm Unit Solutions
What does Eurotherm Unit Solutions do?
To install Eurotherm Unit Solutions:
1 In the Eurotherm starting menu, click the Install Eurotherm Unit Solutions button. A Welcome dialog
appears next, recommending you to quit all Windows programs. Click Next> to view the Software
License Agreement, which you should read and accept with Yes.
2 In the Install Options dialog, select the required Station Type and Install Type. Click Next>.
Copy Online Books. Tick this option if you want the comprehensive set of online manuals to be
copied to your hard disk. If not, you can browse the books from the installation CD as required.
Click if you opted for the Custom install type
3 In the Choose Destination Location dialog, click Next> to accept the default destination, or Browse… if
you want to select a different destination. The installation now proceeds according to your selections.
LINtools 2000 setup phase …
4 After a delay, a Select Installation Type dialog appears. Select the required LINtools 2000 setup. Unless
you have special requirements, select the 'Typical' setup. Click Next> to continue.
NOTE. For more information on installing LINtools, please refer to the T500/550 LINtools User
Guide, PN HA 082 377 U005.
Click if you opted for the Custom install type
5 Review your destination directory and components to install choices in the Start Copying Files dialog.
You can go <Back and change any if required. Click Next> to start installing the LINtools 2000 files.
iTools installation phase …
6 After a delay, a Setup Type dialog appears for the iTools installation. Unless you have special
requirements, select the 'Typical' setup. Click Next> to continue.
NOTE. For more information on installing iTools, please refer to the iTools User Handbook, PN HA
026 179.
Click if you opted for the Custom install type
7 In the Setup COM Ports dialog, tick the required ports (typically, COM1 and COM2) and click Next>.
8 If you want an iTools shortcut icon placed on your desktop (recommended), tick the Yes box in the
Desktop Icon dialog, then click Next> to initiate further file copying.
9 After a delay, a Select users to have ‘data write’ privilege dialog appears. Highlight (click on) the
required users and click Next> to continue file copying.
10 In the Setup Complete dialog, click Yes if you want to restart your PC to allow the installation to take full
effect (recommended), or No otherwise. Remove any disks from drives, but leave the installation CD in
place to avoid an error message. Click Finish to start the reboot.
11 Finally, log in and eject the installation CD, then reinsert it to run up the install wizard again. The Select
Components dialog appears. Click Next> to access the Eurotherm starting menu.
CD fails to autorun?
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