9.4 Setting constants ...........................213
9.5 Changing the display method for cal-
culated waveforms .........................214
9.6 Waveform Calculation Example: Cal-
culate the RMS waveform from the in-
stantaneous waveform ..................215
9.7 Example Waveform Calculation: Con-
figuring a Digital Filter ...................216
Configuring an FIR digital filter ................ 216
Example FIR digital filter settings
(FIR-type LPF) ........................................ 217
Configuring an IIR digital filter ................. 219
Example IIR digital filter settings
(IIR-type LPF) ......................................... 220
9.8 Waveform Calculation Operators and
Results ............................................223
9.9 Digital Filters ...................................226
Role of digital filters ................................. 226
Digital filter architecture........................... 227
Chapter 10 FFT Calculation
Function 229
10.1 Overview and Features ..................229
10.2 Operation Workflow .......................230
10.3 Enabling the FFT Calculation Setting
10.4 Setting FFT Analysis Conditions ..232
Setting the number of analysis ................ 232
Setting the Window Function................... 234
Setting Peak Values of Analysis Results. 235
Averaging Waveforms ............................. 236
Analysis Mode Settings ........................... 239
Setting the Display Range of the Vertical Axis
(Scaling).................................................. 241
10.5 Setting the Screen Display Method and
Displaying a Waveform ..................242
Displaying Running Spectrums ............... 243
10.6 Scaling Using Overall Values ........245
10.7 Saving Analysis Results ................246
10.8 Analysis with the Waveform Screen
Analyzing after Specifying an Analysis Starting
Point........................................................ 247
10.9 FFT Analysis Modes .......................249
Analysis Modes and Display Examples... 249
Analysis Mode Functions......................... 257
Chapter 11 System Environ-
ment Settings 259
11.1 Screen and Operation Settings .... 260
Setting the grid type................................. 260
Turning comments on or off..................... 260
Setting the time value display type .......... 261
Setting the zero position display.............. 261
Automatically adjusting variables ............ 262
Setting screen colors ............................... 262
Setting measurement operation at power-on
(auto-start at power-on)........................... 262
Setting operation when the power is cycled
(start backup) .......................................... 263
Setting whether to issue start and stop confir-
mation messages .................................... 263
Setting whether to apply setting changes
during measurement (enabling restart opera-
tion) ......................................................... 264
File Protection Level Setting.................... 264
Setting the beep tone .............................. 265
Selecting the operation sound ................. 265
Enabling and disabling the backlight saver
................................................................ 266
Setting external 5 V output ...................... 267
Setting the window opacity ...................... 267
Setting window animations ...................... 268
11.2 System Settings ............................. 269
Selecting the display language................ 269
Setting the decimal point and delimiter charac-
ters .......................................................... 269
Setting the date grouping and format ...... 270
Setting the external keyboard layout ....... 270
11.3 Initializing the Instrument ............. 271
Initializing waveforms .............................. 271
Initializing settings (system reset)............ 272
11.4 Self-check Functionality ............... 273
Checking ROM/RAM ............................... 273
Checking the LCD ................................... 274
Checking keys and LEDs ........................ 274
Checking the LAN.................................... 275
Checking media....................................... 276
11.5 Correcting the Touch Panel .......... 277
11.6 System Configuration Check ........ 278