This guide contains information about the administration of a FortiSwitch unit in standalone mode. In standalone
mode, you manage the FortiSwitch by connecting directly to the unit, either using the web-based manager (also
known as the GUI) or the CLI.
If you will be managing your FortiSwitch unit using a FortiGate, please see the guide Managing a FortiSwitch
unit with a FortiGate, available at the following location:
Supported Models
This guide is for all FortiSwitch models that are supported by FortiSwitchOS. This includes the following models:
FS-108D-POE, FS-224D-POE, FS-1024D, FS-1048D, and FS-3032D.
FortiSwitch Rugged model FSR-112D-POE is also supported.
Note: FS-124D is also supported, using special build 6122.
Supported Features
Release 3.0.0
Release 3.0.0 includes the following new features, which are available on all of the FortiSwitchOS models:
l CLIbios upgrade
l CPU-based static routing
l DMI module reading (for select modules)
l Fan/Temp/PSUmonitoring
l Multi-port mirroring
In addition, FS-1024D, FS-1048D, and FS-3032D support Link Aggregation Groups with up to 24 ports.
Release 3.0.1
The following enhancements are included in FortiSwitchOS v3.0.1:
l Support FS-224D-POE FortiLink remote management mode (see Release Notes for supported FortiGate models).
l Added delay internals between PoE ports when they are enabled during bootup.
Release 3.2.0
The following table lists the new features in Release 3.2.0. and the switch models that support each feature.
7 FortiSwitchOS-3.2.0