shutter speed techniques, 124–125
using LCD for, 6
wide-angle lenses, 104
ink (printer), 209
intersections, in Rule of Thirds, 29
ISO settings
effect on exposure choices, 88–89
using to change exposure in video, 140–141
isolating adjustments with selections in Photoshop Elements, 184–185
choosing with high quality, 9
saving photographs as, 179
JPEG Options dialog box (Photoshop Elements), 179
keyword tags, adding in Photoshop Elements, 159
Landscape mode, 15
capturing with telephoto lenses, 110
early light for, 56
Lasso selection tools (Photoshop Elements), 184
late light, for warmth and beauty, 57
layers, 198–199
compared with viewfinder, 6–7
correcting exposure problems with, 66
setting up, 4–5
using for close-ups, 7
using for indoor photography, 6
LCD review, 21, 41
leading viewers in from edges, 35
about, 102
buying, 116–117
choosing focal length, 110–111, 114–115
for close-ups, 112–113
macro, 113
for people photography, 114–115
about, 110–111
area of focus with, 115
isolating subjects with, 106
for people photography, 114
relationship with depth of field, 87
about, 104–105
for people photography, 114, 115
for travel photography, 111
zoom, 108–109
Levels (Photoshop Elements), 169, 193
Levels dialog box (Photoshop Elements), 169, 193
artificial, 120–121
background, 40
backlight, 50–51
ISO settings for video in, 140
relationship with underexposure, 62
using to limit red eye, 131
using viewfinder in, 6
heads, composition tips for, 32–33
high-definition video. See video
highlights, 41
in overexposure, 64
digital cameras, 92
digital SLR, 93
horizons, lining up, 166–167
horizontal thirds, 28
horizontals, shooting, 36–37
hot spots, avoiding, 44
Hue/Saturation adjustment, 188–189
Hue/Saturation dialog box (Photoshop Elements), 188–189
image review, 4
Image Size dialog box (Photoshop Elements), 177–178
images. See also specific types
backing up, 156–157
backing up on second drives, 156–157
black-and-white, 174–175
from camera movement, 12
printing, 202
brightening dark, 170–171
clicking and dragging, 155, 156
creating with detailed edges, 34
darkening areas of, 190–191
editing and organizing
backing up photographs, 156–157
importing photographs to computer, 152–153
organizing photographs on hard drive, 154–155
rating photographs, 160–161
fixing gray, 168–169
grouping, 159
importing to computer, 152–153
lightening areas of, 192–193
organizing, 158–159
printing quality, 202–203
rating, 158, 160–161
renaming, 157
right-clicking, 159
saving as JPEG, 179
sharpening, 180–181
shrinking, 177
sizing for e-mail, 178–179
audio into Premiere Elements, 232
photographs to computer, 152–153
video into Premiere Elements, 222
in points (Premiere Elements), 223
in-camera flash, 129
inconsistency of AWB, 71
color saturation, 188–189
depth of field with small f-stops, 84–85
indoor photography
about, 118
artificial light, 120–121
avoiding flash shadow problems, 132–133
bouncing flash, 134–135
correcting color with white balance, 122–123
flash for, 128–135
red eye, 130–131
sharpness, 126–127
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