3.20 02/2008, version 1.0
Load Reagents
The reagents that are required depend upon the cassette status check and
the daily workload.
Reagents should be removed from the refrigerator prior to use.
Reagents should be loaded onto the COBAS® AmpliPrep
Instrument immediately after they are removed from storage to
avoid condensation on the barcode labels. Allow the reagents to
equilibrate on the instrument for at least thirty minutes before the
first sample is to be processed.
If the cassette barcode label is not readable by the instrument,
carefully dry the condensation from the label and reload the
affected cassette onto the instrument.
Cassettes with barcodes that are unreadable by the instrument
should be discarded.
Do not pool reagents from different lots or from different bottles of
the same lot.
Do not mix reagents (including cassettes) from different kits.
Do not use more than one lot number of reagents for a processing
run on the COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument. A single lot of reagents
must be used for processing all specimens and controls in a batch.
Do not open COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument cassettes and
exchange, mix, remove, or add bottles.
Do not use a kit after its expiration date.
Do not use a kit on more than one COBAS® AmpliPrep Instrument
unless the instruments are connected to the same Data Station for
AMPLILINK software.
Do not freeze reagents.
Never attempt to remove a rack when the LED for that rack is red.
1 Obtain the magnetic glass particle (MGP) cassettes that are required.
Reloading of MGP cassettes is not possible during a run due to the
shaking of the rack. The rack containing the MGP cassette is
unlocked after no more tests remain for that cassette, and a new
MGP cassette can be loaded at that time.
2 Place the MGP cassettes on a single reagent rack.
3 Obtain the other cassettes that are required.
4 Place these cassettes on other (up to four) reagent racks.