www.floppyemulator.com 3
Installing WinImage 1
Install the WinImage application on a PC (or notebook) with Windows and with a floppy drive unit
(internal floppy drive or USB external floppy drive) in order to create the “image files” of your floppies.
Windows 32 bits.
Windows 64 bits.
1. Run the wima6485.exe ( for Windows 64 bits ) or winima85_32.exe ( for Windows 32 bits )
2. Press Next for the Welcome Window
3. Press Next for the Registration Window
(Registration is not necessary to use WinImage with the FlexiDrive products)
4. Accept the License Agreement and press Next
5. Select the Destination Folder ( using default is recommended ) and press Next
6. Select the Shortcuts Options ( using default is recommended ) and press Next
7. Press Next for the Ready to Install Window
8. Wait until the Installation is Complete and press Finish.
Standard Image files to download
Here you can download some standard DOS compatible image files .ima to use with your FlexiDriveMV.
Disk1M44 Image file corresponding to a 1.44MB DOS format empty floppy disk.
Disk1M2 Image file corresponding to a 1.2MB DOS format empty floppy disk.
Disk720K Image file corresponding to a 720KB DOS format empty floppy disk.
Disk360K Image file corresponding to a 360KB DOS format empty floppy disk.
Copy the .IMA file according to you application to the USB Pendrive to use it in the FlexiDriveMV unit.
If your applications use a NON-DOS compatible or NON-Standard format or File System, please contact
us to support@floppyemulator.com