50+ Ways to Use Your Document Camera
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1. Instant big book
2. Share old or fragile items
3. Annotate reading material
4. Use for play rehearsal
5. Use as a microscope
6. Connect to a microscope
7. Compare old and new photos
8. Share/Capture magazine page
9. Display content specific objects
(leaves in autumn)
10. Annotate student work
11. Model writing
12. Capture plant growth with time
13. Use as a webcam
14. Save filing – capture and store
15. Share apps on mobile device
16. Work with manipulatives
17. Language learning – write the word
and show a picture
18. Teach how to use a dictionary,
observation report, etc.
19. Display maps
20. Demonstrate how to use a tool
(calculator, etc.)
21. Use for counting/discussing money
22. Using visuals to discuss math
23. Comparing shapes
24. Show student creations/art work
25. Display textures (rock)
26. Demonstrate with 3-D objects
27. Use for a story starter
28. Write a story
29. Project a quiz for classroom
30. Display artistic styles for discussion
31. Use for class show and tell
32. Record with sound
33. Annotate live image
34. Label parts
35. Split screen to show before and
36. Project live plant
37. Display dioramas
38. Show science experiment results
39. Enlarge/Zoom text for examination
40. Demonstrate how to work math
41. Observe animals from distance
42. Dissect only one animal
43. Record student presentations with
44. Demonstrate how to brainstorm and
use for group brainstorming
45. Quick poll – track results
46. Display directions for reference
during an activity
47. Students use to create documentary
48. Record book reading while following
along with finger
49. Use as scanner to capture student
50. Compare 2 objects – observe
51. Display pattern, students identify
what comes next
52. Demonstrate sign language
53. Create step-by-step directions and
have students follow them to test
54. Mystery item – have students guess
what it is, use slow reveal
55. Display computer or electrical parts
for examination
56. Show bell work/journal activity for
class start