Intel Computer (exact specification subject to change)
NOTE: MIE requires Macintosh System 10.7 (Lion) as
a minimum – this comes with the bundled computer.
Set of MIE combo-cables for connecting all keyboards
(each is a color coded multi-plug cable for connect-
ing MIDI and audio between the MIE-3XG keyboards)
iPad to be used as MIE Remote Control (mieRemote
software available via iTunes App Store)
MIE 4.00 software (license includes unlimited number
of installs)
Free Access to software updates for life of active use
(see warranty)
Technical support via email
Staff Development & Support:
MIE Institute – 2 day institute on all aspects of teach-
ing MIE – system purchase includes travel, hotel, and
most meals for one music teacher. (Typically takes
place at National Association for Music Education-
NAfME headquarters in Reston, VA)
MIE Institute Guide – free updates of this ebook via Ya-
maha Music In Education online resources.
Curriculum: The curriculum is delivered via a series
of lessons grouped by “Opus”. An Opus focuses upon
a particular music concept and/or skill (see Curricu-
lum Scope & Sequence Section for more detail).
Each Opus is designed to develop comprehensive stu-
dent understanding of specific musical concepts. Stu-
dents will sing, play, discuss and/or listen using the
new concept, then apply that concept in individual
and group creative activities. Because the introduc-
tion of concepts is integrative and sequential, songs,
activities and skills in subsequent Opuses reinforce
and reapply the concepts introduced in previous
Initial Opuses are ideally suited to be used with stu-
dents as early as the second and third grade who pos-
sess important basic reading skills and motor develop-
ment. Introductory “Preludes” provide experiences for
early learners Pre-K through first grade, as well as
learners with special needs.
Literature: Music In Education songs and listening ex-
cerpts have been selected to provide traditional and
contemporary musical examples for students. Multi-
part song arrangements accommodate learners of all
levels, regardless of their previous musical experience
as well as providing arrangements that incorporate
Orff, recorder, string, woodwind, brass, and percus-
sion instruments.
Technology – Hardware: The MIE-3XG keyboards and
the Music In Education curriculum were specifically