SW-Motech FRS.11.011.10103/S Mounting instructions

  • Hello! I have analyzed the mounting instructions for SW-MOTECH footrests, which are compatible with various Tiger motorcycle models including the 1200, 900 and 800 series. The document provides detailed guidance on using original fixing parts and securing screws. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the installation process.
  • What should I do before removing the original footrests?
    Do I need to use the original fixing parts for mounting the new footrests?
    What should I use to secure the screws?
mounting instructions • instructions de montage • instrucciones de montaje • istruzioni di montaggio
beinhaltet • contains • contient • contiene • contiene
Bitte notie ren Sie sich vor Demonta ge d er originalen Fuß ras ten die Re ihe nfolge
und Ausrichtung de r originalen Anbauteile, d a diese in gleicher Reihe nfolge
und Ausrichtung be i Mo ntage der SW-MOTECH Fuß ras te n Verwend ung finde n.
Be fo re removing the original footre sts Ple ase ma ke sure to note the o rde r
and dire ction of the original fixing p arts. These p arts will b e nee de d for
mounting the SW-MOTECH fo otrests in the same o rde r and dire ction.
Siche rn Sie ALLE S chraube n
mit mitte lfe s te r Schraube n-
s iche rung (z. B. Loctite )!
Us e me dium s tre ng th thre ad
locke r (Lo ctite ) to s e cure
ALL s cre ws !
Be nutzen Sie r die beidse itige Monta ge d er SW-MOTECH
Fuß ra sten die originale n Anbaute ile (Bolzen us w.) an d en
ge ze igten Po sitione n. Achten Sie dara uf, die Anb aute ile
ge nau wie b ei de n o riginalen Fuß raste n zu ve rb aue n.
Us e the origina l fixing pa rts (p ins etc.) for mounting the
SW-MOTECH footre sts at the shown pos itions on bo th sid es
of the mo to rcycle. Ma ke sure to mount the parts the s ame
way as with the origina l foo trests.
Mo nta gepunkt ents p richt
der origina le n Fuß raste nhöhe .
Po s itio n for origina l fo otrest h e ight. Fahrtrichtung
Driving Direction
Der abg e bilde te Fuß ras te nhalte r die ne n als Be is pie l!
Example footre s t mount s hown!
Tig e r 12 00 / 12 00 XC
Tig e r 90 0 / GT / Pro / Rally / Rally Pro
Tig e r 80 0 XCx / 8 0 0 XRx