ClockControlled Bakingor Roasting Atthe endof programmedCookTime,theovenwillshut
offautomaticallyand intermittent"beeps"willsignaluntil
theCancel Padistouched.
1,TouchBakePadorConvect Pad. Tosetovento start at future time and shut off
2. TouchtheUpor DownArrow Padsfordesired automatically:
temperature. 1.-4. Followpreceding Steps 1-4,
3. TouchCookTime Pad. 5. TouchStopTimePad.
4.Touchthe UpArrowPadto entercookinghours& IndicatorWords SET STOPTIME willflash.Display
minutes, will show the calculatedstop time basedon current
5. TouchStopTimePad.*timeofdayand cooktime.
6. TouchtheUpArrow Padtoenter Stop _me.*6. Touchthe Up Arrow Pad. A stoptime can only be
*Omitsteps5&6 ifyouwantbakingtostartimmediately, accepted for later in the day.Note: Since food
Tosetoven tostart immediatelyandshut off continuestocookifleftintheoven,itissuggestedthat
automatically: the clock controlsbeused primarilyto startthe oven
1. TouchBake Pad or ConvectPad. when no one is inthe kitchen.Provisionsshould be
IndicatorWords BAKE or CONVECTBAKE and "000°" madetohavethefood removedassoonasthe signal
will be shownin Display.hassounded.
2. Touchthe Up or DownArrow Padsuntil desiredoven Example:Ifat 10o'clockyousetthe ovenfor350° for
temperatureappearsinthe Display.After3 secondsthe bakingand2 hoursand30 minutescookingtime,the
oven will beginto preheat.The IndicatorWordsON and calculatedstoptime would be "12:30".The Display
either BAKE or CONVECT BAKE will appear in the willshow:
Display.Thetemperature shown will be 75° or the
temperatureofthe oven,whicheverishigher,II1_"_'1_I 7 r-o]_,
Example: If at 10o'clock yousetthe ovenfor 350°for I"J_o _E
baking,the Displaywillshow:s,oP_
11-1,171-1 -, co Ifyouwantthe stoptimeto be1o'clock,touchtheUp
7Arrow Pad until "1:00" appears in the Display
IU "I_1UWindow.TheDisplayWindowwillshow:
During the preheat, the Displaywillshow a rise in 5° I.1717 -7'7 L7°
increments untilprogrammedtemperatureis reached. I"LIU ,,,,
Whentheovenis preheated,theovenwill beep,the ON STOPT,M_
and BAKE Indicator Words and programmed oven
temperaturewillremainJnthe display. IfyouwanttheDisplayWindowto returntothecurrent
time of day,touch Clock Pad,then DisplayWindow
3.TouchCook Time Pad. willshow:
IndicatorWords SETCOOKTIMEwillflashand Display
willshow"O HR:O0". ll-l°l-ll7 :I_,:_,_,'7°
4.Touch the Up Arrow Pad to enter cooking hoursin 5 ILI "LI U ,,,
minuteincrements.Hoursareto leftofcolonandminutes
to right of colon.(Allowablerange is 10 minutesto 11 Atthe endofthe delayedperiod,the DELAYIndicator
hoursand 55 minutes.) Wordwillgooffandthe ovenwillbegintoheat.75°will
Example:Ifcookingtimeselectedforthe ovenis2 hours beshown.As the ovenheats,theDisplaywillshowa
and30 minutes,afterfivesecondsthe Displaywillshow:rise in increments of 5° until programmed
i___I ,° ;_111_I _,,old temperatureis reached.At the end of programmed
' ._' CookTime,the oven will shut off automaticallyand
LI ,,,_B,_E intermittent"beeps"willbeheard.TouchCancelPad
cook _=E tocancelbeeps.
and, theovenbeginstopreheat.
Important: Oven will preheatfor approximately7 to 10 IMPORTANT
minutes.AtendofprogrammedCookTime, ovenwillshut ° To recall time function programmed: Touch the
off automaticallyand retainedheatwill continueto cook appropriatetime pad.
the food.Clockcontrolledcookingis notrecommended °Tocancel:TouchCancelPad.
for bakeditemsthat requireapreheatedoven, suchas°If more than 30 secondselapse between touching a
cakes,cookies,pies,breads.Forthesefoods,placefood functionpadandtouchingtheUpArrow Pad,theoven
inpreheatedoven,thenuseTimertosignalendofbaking is not set and Displaywill returnto previousDisplay,