PS11750AENAB01 User Manual - Tactilon® Dabat
This document is the property of Airbus DS SLC and should not be copied or circulated without permission.
Emergency calls in direct
mode....................................... 59
Man down detection .................. 59
Activating Man down
detection................................. 60
Deactivating Man down
detection................................. 61
6. Direct mode (DMO) .............. 62
Activating Direct Mode............... 62
Changing DMO group, channel
or scanning state....................... 63
Changing the DMO group....... 63
Changing the DMO channel... 63
Changing the scanning state.. 64
Making and receiving DMO
calls ........................................... 64
Making a DMO group call....... 64
Receiving a DMO group call... 65
7. TETRA Group
Communication.................... 66
TETRA Talk Groups.................. 66
Changing the selected folder.. 66
Viewing the group list ............. 67
Viewing a group’s
information.............................. 68
Changing the scanning state.. 69
Dynamic updates in groups.... 69
Group calls ................................ 70
TETRA groups calls vs.
3GPP calls.............................. 70
Changing the selected group.. 71
Making a group call ................ 71
Receiving a group call............ 72
8. TETRA Individual
Communication.................... 74
Duplex and semi-duplex calls.... 75
Making an individual call......... 75
Receiving an individual call .... 76
Changing of the call type........ 78
TETRA individual calls vs.
3GPP calls.............................. 78
Express calls ............................. 79
Making an express call........... 79
Receiving an express call....... 80
TETRA express calls vs.
3GPP calls.............................. 80
Call log ...................................... 81
Searching from the logs ......... 82
Viewing the call details........... 82
Making a call .......................... 83
Sending a message................ 83
Adding or updating contacts... 83
Deleting call logs .................... 84
9. TETRA Messaging............... 85
Encrypted messages................. 87
SDS messages.......................... 88
Sending an SDS message..... 88
Receiving an SDS message... 90
Managing SDS messages...... 90
Flash messages........................ 93
Sending a flash message....... 93
Receiving a flash message .... 94
Status messages....................... 94
Sending a status message or
situation indicator ................... 95
Receiving a status message .. 96
Deleting a status message..... 96
10. TETRA Contacts ................ 97
Browsing and searching contacts98
Viewing a contact’s details........ 98
Adding contacts......................... 99
Editing contacts.........................100
Deleting contacts.......................101
Calling a contact........................102
Sending a message to a
11. Dabat as an Android
Android settings.........................104
Wireless & networks...............104
Device ....................................105
Personal .................................105
System ...................................106
3GPP applications.....................106
Phone for 3GPP .....................106
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