Dear Custom er,
th ank you for ch oosing an AEG- Electrolux vacuum
cleaner. To ensure total satisfaction, read th is Instruction
book carefully.
Features of th e vacuum cleaner / Accessories
1 H ose connection
2 M ech anical dustbag full indicator
3 Suction control regulator
4 Cable rew ind button
5 On/off button
6 W h eel
7 D ustbag com partm ent
8 Carrying h andle
9 Cover release catch for dustbag com partm ent
10 Exh aust filtergrill
11 Sw ivel h ose and h andle w ith m anual suction control
12 Telescopic tube
13 Com bination carpet/h ard floor nozzle
14 Com bination crevice nozzle/ brush
15 H ard floor nozzle *
16 Turbo nozzle *
17 Dustbag
18 Park ing position (Nr 1.)
19 Storage slot (Nr 2.)
Getting th e best results
• Carpets: Use floor nozzle w ith lever in
th is position (A).
• H ard floors: Use floor nozzle w ith lever in th is
position (B).
• Loose rugs: Reduce th e suction pow er. Use th e floor
nozzle for loose rugs.
• Confined areas: Use th e crevice nozzle for tigh t
corners and radiators etc.
• H ard floor / parq uetry: use th e h ard floor nozzle to
avoid scratch ing *.
Ensuring your safety
Th e cleaner is for dom estic use only and h as been
designed to ensure m axim um safety and perform ance.
Please follow th ese sim ple precautions:
• Th e cleaner is double insulated so it m ust not be
earth ed
• Th e cleaner is only to be used by adults
• Do not pick up very fine dust (plaster, cem ent, cold
• Alw ays store in a dry place
• Do not use to pick up liq uids
• Avoid sh arp objects
• Do not pick up h ot cinders or ligh ted cigarette ends
• Do not use near flam m able gases
• Avoid tugging on th e m ains cable and ch eck cable
regularly for dam age
• Do not pull th e appliance by th e cord. Do not unplug by
pulling on th e cord. Do not use th e cleaner w ith a
dam aged cable. If th e cable dam aged, it sh ould be replaced
at a service center. Th is is not covered by th e w arranty.
• Th e plug m ust be rem oved from th e sock et- outlet
before cleaning or m aintaining th e appliance
• All service and repairs m ust be carried out by
auth orised service staff
Getting Started
A Ch eck th at th e dustbag is in place.
B Insert th e h ose until th e catch es click to engage
(press catch es inw ards to release).
C Attach th e telescopic tube to th e h ose h andle and
floor nozzle by tw isting togeth er (tw ist and pull
apart to dism antle).
D Extend th e cable and connect to m ains, ensuring th e
cable is not tw isted before use (Press cable rew ind
button to rew ind cable. Please h old th e plug to
prevent it strik ing you).
E Press th e on/off button to start th e cleaner.
F To increase/decrease suction, adjust th e rolling w h eel
Suction can also be regulated on th e h ose h andle by
opening/closing th e vent.
Dustbag indicator and ch anging th e dustbag
Alw ays operate th e cleaner w ith th e dust bag installed.
For peak perform ance th e dustbag sh ould be ch anged w h en
full. Th e m ech anical dustbag indicator w indow w ill gradually
turn red w h en filling and com pletely red w h en full.
If th e dustbag sh ould get brok en in th e cleaner, tak e
cleaner to service centre for cleaning. Th is is not covered
by th e guarantee.
Th e dustbag full indicator m ay signify th at th e bag is
block ed (occasionally caused by finer dust) w h ich w ill
cause loss of suction and m ay result in overh eating. If
th is occurs ch ange th e bag even if it is not full.
Do not vacuum very fine dust (plaster, cem ent, cold
To ch eck th e dustbag, th e cleaner m ust be sw itch ed on,
w ith all attach m ents connected but th e nozzle does not
h ave to be placed on th e floor.
To ch ange th e dustbag
1 Open th e cleaner cover.
2 Rem ove th e dustbag from its h older.
3 Insert th e new dustbag into th e h older.
4 Close th e cover.
W e recom m end th e dustbag is ch anged after using a
carpet cleaning pow der or if th ere is a bad sm ell from
th e cleaner.
Note: Only use original dustbag and filters
Dustbag Ref. num ber: AEG GR5
* Depending on th e m odel