KT; Reviewed:
NAB 10/30/03
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8 of 9
1) Network Connectivity – Ping between the media server and the PC running
AnswerPro, and from AnswerPro to the IP Telephone.
2) Telephony Connectivity: Station – Place calls to and from the IP Telephone.
Verify that each call completes and a talk path is present.
3) Application Connectivity: Place calls to and from the IP Telephone. Verify that
IP Softphone correctly displays the call information.
The status station command on Avaya Communication Manager may be used to monitor the
events at the station.
7. Support
XTEND Communications provides technical support, which can be reached at 212-951-7670
during normal business hours. After hour emergency support is available at 212-570-7363.
8. Conclusion
These Application Notes describe the configuration steps required to configure XTEND
Communications AnswerPro to successfully interoperate with the Avaya™ IP Service Provider
that is part of the Avaya™ IP SoftPhone. Features and functionality were tested, and
performance testing was conducted to validate the solution.
9. Additional References
The following document may be used for more information:
• Administration for Network Connectivity for Avaya MultiVantage™ Software – Document
ID 555-233-504, available at http://support.avaya.com/.
• Administrators Guide for Avaya MultiVantage™ Software – Document ID 555-233-506,
available at http://support.avaya.com.
• XTEND Communications User Documentation for AnswerPro