The copy number assays are run simultaneously with a copy number reference assay
in a duplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The copy number assay
detects the target gene or genomic sequence of interest, and the copy number
reference assay detects a sequence that is known to exist in two copies in a diploid
genome, for example, the human RNase P H1 RNA gene, RPPH1. This method of
relative quantitation is used to determine the relative copy number of the target of
interest in a genomic DNA (gDNA) sample, normalized to the known copy number of
the reference sequence.
The number of copies of the target sequence in each test sample is determined by
relative quantitation (RQ) using the comparative Ct (ΔΔCt) method. This method
measures the Ct dierence (ΔCt) between target and reference sequences, then
compares the ΔCt values of test samples to a calibrator sample known to have two
copies of the target sequence. The copy number of the target is calculated to be two
times the relative quantity.
In a copy number quantication reaction, puried gDNA is combined with the copy
number assay and the copy number reference assay.
The copy number assay includes the following components:
• Two unlabeled primers for amplifying the target sequence of interest.
• One TaqMan™ MGB probe for detecting the target sequence of interest. The probe
incorporates the following items:
– A FAM™ reporter dye, aached to the 5’ end.
– A nonuorescent quencher (NFQ) and a Minor Groove Binder (MGB),
aached to the 3’ end.
Note: MGBs increase the melting temperature (Tm) without increasing probe
length. They allow for the design of shorter probes.
The copy number reference assay includes the following components:
• Two unlabeled primers for amplifying the reference sequence.
• One TaqMan™ TAMRA™ probe for detecting the reference sequence. The probe
incorporates the following items:
– A VIC™ reporter dye, aached to the 5’ end.
– A TAMRA™ quencher, aached to the 3’ end.
Table 1 Description of the reference assays
Assay Purpose Function
TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference
Assay, human, RNase P
Standard reference assay for human
gDNA copy number quantitation
Detects the Ribonuclease P RNA
component H1 (H1RNA) gene
(RPPH1) on chromosome 14,
cytoband 14q11.2.
TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference
Assay, human, TERT
Alternative reference assay for
human gDNAs
Targets the telomerase reverse
transcriptase (TERT) gene located on
chromosome 5, cytoband 5p15.33.
Assay description
Chapter 1 Product information
Product description
Copy Number Assays User Guide