Selecting Secure Transmissions.......118
Selecting Clear Transmissions......... 118
Managing Encryption........................ 118
Radio Lock........................................123
Radio Stun and Kill...................................... 126
Radio Stun........................................ 126
Radio Kill...........................................126
Global Positioning System (GPS)................127
GPS Operation..................................128
GPS Performance Enhancement......129
The Outdoor Location Feature
(Using GPS).................................129
Military Grid Reference System
(MGRS) Coordinates................... 130
Accessing the Outdoor Location
Feature........................................ 130
Saving a Waypoint............................131
Viewing a Saved Waypoint............... 132
Editing the Alias of a Waypoint......... 132
Editing the Coordinates of a
Deleting a Single Saved Waypoint....134
Deleting All Saved Waypoints...........135
Measuring the Distance and
Bearing from a Saved Waypoint.. 135
Location Feature in Emergency
Peer-Location on the Display
(ASTRO Conventional only)........ 136
Geofence (ASTRO 25 Trunking System).... 137
Entering the Geofence Area............. 137
Trunking System Controls........................... 138
Using the Failsoft System................. 138
Out-of-Range Radio..........................139
Site Trunking Feature....................... 139
Locking and Unlocking a Site............139
Site Display and Search Button........ 140
Mission Critical Wireless - Bluetooth
-........ 140
Turning the Bluetooth On..................141
Turning the Bluetooth Off..................142
Re-Pair Timer....................................142
Bluetooth Drop Timer........................143
Pairing with Low Frequency-
Motorola Proximity Pairing (LF-
MPP) Feature.............................. 145
Radio Indications of Lost Bluetooth
Standard Pairing Feature..................146
PIN Authentication in Pairing............ 149
Turning On the Bluetooth Audio
(Routing the Audio from the
Radio to the Headset)..................152