Try to use the smallest size hoop possible for good embroidery.
Try to use the smallest size hoop possible for good embroidery. Try to use the smallest size hoop possible for good embroidery.
Try to use the smallest size hoop possible for good embroidery. Make sure
Make sure Make sure
Make sure
that the design fits with
that the design fits withthat the design fits with
that the design fits with\
\in the li
in the liin the li
in the light green oval
ght green oval ght green oval
ght green oval line
line line
line inside of the
inside of the inside of the
inside of the dark green
dark green dark green
dark green
hoop outline.
hoop outline. hoop outline.
hoop outline. This is the actual sewing area of the hoop taking in
This is the actual sewing area of the hoop taking in This is the actual sewing area of the hoop taking in
This is the actual sewing area of the hoop taking in
consideration the shape of the presser foot. If any part of the design does
consideration the shape of the presser foot. If any part of the design does consideration the shape of the presser foot. If any part of the design does
consideration the shape of the presser foot. If any part of the design does
go over the light green line, please select the next larger hoop siz
go over the light green line, please select the next larger hoop sizgo over the light green line, please select the next larger hoop siz
go over the light green line, please select the next larger hoop size that you
e that you e that you
e that you
have, resize or reposition it until it does to avoid damage to the machine.
have, resize or reposition it until it does to avoid damage to the machine.have, resize or reposition it until it does to avoid damage to the machine.
have, resize or reposition it until it does to avoid damage to the machine.