Copyright 2007 - Neptune Systems
All rights reserved
Pmp Int XXX/YYY for PF1
Where XXX is the minimum pump intensity, and YYY is the maximum pump intensity. The
intensity values are in percent; 000 is off, and 100 is full on. For stream pumps, it is recommended to
set the minimum intensity level above 30 percent.
The following sample specifies that profile PF1 will have the pump’s minimum intensity at 30% and
the maximum at 90%.
Pmp Int 30/90 for PF1
Pump Mode Statement
The syntax for the Pump mode of operation statement is:
Pmp Mode SD for PF1
Capital letters specify that the mode function is on, and lower case characters turn the mode function
off. The Supported modes are:
S – Synchronize pumps on/off cycle with the previous (lower numbered pump). If synchronization
is enabled for the profile, the pump will initially be held in the exit off state until the previous pump
advances to the initial off state (i.e. both pumps will start in the initial off state at the same time). This
mode is particularly useful when trying to generate waves through constructive interference. If
synchronization is enabled for pump 2, then it will be synchronized to pump 1. Lower case ‘s’
disables synchronization for the pump, and it start its initial cycle at an arbitrary time.
D – Divide times by 10. If enabled the times specified in Pmp OSC command are divided by 10
(time resolution is .1 seconds), and the time values are from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. When off (lower case
‘d’) the time values are in seconds (from 0 to 99 seconds).
The following sample specifies that profile PF1 will have the synchronized with the preceding pump,
and the time mode is in seconds.
Pmp Mode Sd for PF1
Pump Program Examples
Resonate (Wave) Mode
Since the AquaSurf allows for very precise timing of the on off cycles, it is possible to create large
waves in the tank by constructive interference. Following is an example which generates 2+” waves
in a 55 gallon (3 foot) tank with a single 6000 Stream.
If Time > 00:00 Then PMP PF1
Pmp Mode sD for PF1