Application Briefs
Country of Origin Labeling
In 2008, the USDA Country of Origin requirements expanded in scope. By March 31, 2009, food manufacturers and
distributors need to clearly identify national origin for many products and provide corresponding recordkeeping
documents with each shipment. Mishaps in this process can cost time, money, and even valued customers. Users
can now streamline, error-proof, and cost-reduce this process with Intermec’s Country of Origin Labeling solution.
Food Service Distribution
The food service distribution industry has grown over the years to a multi-billion dollar market.
The large providers typically ship to grocery chains, hotels, contract food service operations,
healthcare facilities, multi-unit restaurant operations, just to name a few. Both at the carton
level and pallet level, items need to be identified and tracked through the distribution channel.
Activities include order picking, batch picking, replenishment, and transportation.
Integration of RFID Smart Labels for Third Party Logistics
Eective warehouse management involves the control and monitoring of movement of materials including
receiving, storage, picking, staging, and shipping. The increased use of outsourcing these activities has given rise
to the rapid growth of third party logistics or 3PL. 3PL providers typically specialize in integrating warehousing
and operation services that can be scaled and customized to a customer’s requirements. The use of 3PL has
become a cost eective way for many businesses to reduce supply chain costs and increase customer satisfaction.
With any logistics process, opportunities for human error exist resulting in misplaced or mis-directed inventory.
Mobile Labeling for Warehouse and Manufacturing Facility
Bar coding is a critical component in maintaining accuracy and eciency in a warehouse environment.
Shipping, receiving, and cross docking, picking and packing, shelf labeling, and tote labeling applications
are integral to successful operations. Increasingly, companies are leveraging mobile labeling solutions in
these applications. By enabling workers to print labels at the point of activity, mobile solutions enable
a more flexible workflow, increased productivity and fewer errors. Intermec’s integrated mobile printer
and Duratherm media products deliver a comprehensive array of choices to meet these needs.
Intermec oers a mix of media products to address the requirements of many specific industry applications. Intermec has developed many
Applications Brief documents that detail the media performance and regulatory requirements for specific applications for a variety of
industries. Below you will find the seven Application Briefs targeted specifically at the Healthcare market.
Printers & Media
Food Manufacturing
Food Logistics
Duratran II paper label
Duratherm II paper label
Duratherm III paper label
North America
Latin America
Typical Applications:
Shipping label with Country of Origin
identification and integrated recordkeeping
Customer Benefits:
• Increaseproductivity
• Reduceequipmentandintegrationcosts
• Eliminatemistakes
• Lowerconsumablecosts
Application Description
In2008,theUSDACountryofOriginrequirementsex pandedinscope.By
March 31, 2009, food manufac turers and distributor s need to clearly identif y
nationaloriginformanyproductsandprovidecorr espondingrecordkeeping
documents with each shipment. Mishaps in this pro cess can cost time, money,
andevenvaluedcustomers.Userscannowstr eamline,error-proof,andcost-
reduce this process with Interme c’s Country of Origin Labe ling solution.
The Challenge
steps: A thermal printer images the national o rigin information on a shipping
label, meeting the identification por tion of the standard. A separ ate printer,
typicallydotmatrixorlaser,createsthepackin gsliptomeetrecordkeeping
packingslipsleeve.Finally,thissleeveismanuallyma tchedtothecorresponding
carton (introducing potentia l for error) and adhered for shipmen t.
Intermec Solution
The Intermec Country of Or igin Labeling solution enables users t o print
shipping label and recordkeeping documentati on through a single printer. The
shipping label and packing slip are printed as a single inte grated unit, reducing
processing steps, eliminating mismatch erro rs, and reducing the cost of s ystem
setup and maintenance. These two complem entary components (p rinter
and media) accomplish mandated compliance simply and ecien tly.
Common 8 Step Process
1. Pr int label in a first printer
2. Peel label
3. Apply label
4. Print packing slip in another prin ter
5. Fold packing slip
6. Insertpackingslipinto sleeve
7. Pee lsleeve
8. Applysleeve.
Country of
Origin Labe ling
Integrated Shipping Label
1. Pr int label and packing slip
2. Peel label and packin g slip
3. Fold packing slip under label
4. Apply to carton
The Integrated Shipping Label simplifie s the process, increases e ciency and also
eliminatescostlypackingslipsleeves,r educingongoingcosts.Andallofthesefunctions
areaccomplishedusingindustry-provenDuratranandDurathermlabelmat erials.
Printers & Media
Industry: Consumer Goods
Market: Consumer Goods Distribution
Products: Duratherm and Duratran
Paper Labels
Region: North America
Typical Applications:
Dry Goods
Refrigerated Product s
Paper Products
Inventory control
Order Picking
Application Description
The food service distribu tion industry has grown o ver the years to a multi-billion dollar
market. The large provider s typically ship to grocer y chains, hotels, contrac t food service
operations, healthcare facilitie s, multi-unit restaurant ope rations, just to name a few.
Both at the carton level and palle t level, items need to be identi fied and tracked
through the distribution channel. Act ivities include order picking , batch picking,
replenishment, and transportatio n.
Intermec oers a mix of produ cts to address the requirem ents of this industry. With a
selection of materials that comply comp ositionally with FDA 21 C RF, section 175.105 for
indirect food contact, your cus tomer can select from bo th direct thermal and thermal
transfer materials depending on their requir ements.
With a competitive price that c ompliments exceptional per formance Intermec’s label
oering ensures that food ser vice distribution custom ers will have the perfor mance they
need for their supply chain requirements.
Material Description
Duratherm II Perm – Direct th ermal paper that oers high- quality and cost-eect ive
printing. This material is recommended f or general use applications where m oisture is
not anticipated.
Duratherm III Cold Temp – Direct thermal top co ated paper that provides
enhanced durability in cold environments w here humidity is a concern.
Duratran II Perm – Thermal trans fer top coated paper that demons trates
excellent print quality with bot h the TMX1000 and TM X2000 series ribbons .
Duratran II Cold Temp – Thermal transfer top coa ted paper for use in cold environmen ts.
Ribbon Recommendation
TMX1000 series wax
TMX2000 series mid-rang e
Printer Recommendation
PD41, PM4i, PX4i
Note: This media is compatible with most Int ermec printers
Customer Benefits
• Commonshipping/invent orysizesavailableinbothDurathermand
Dur atran materials as take from s tock
• Competitivelypriced
• BettertogetherwithInt ermecprinters;directt hermalandthermaltransfer
prin tability allows for on demand gene ration of high quality labels.
• BackedbyInt ermec’sPrintheadReplacementProgram
For more information
In North America, contact In termec at 800-755-55 05.
Application Brief
Food Service
Distributio n
User is responsible for testing and determining if Intermec brand product is acceptable for a
Printers & Media
Consumer Goods
Industrial Goods
Duratran Thermal Transfer and Duratherm
Direct Thermal RFID Labels and Tags
TMX1000 series ribbons
TMX2000 series ribbons
PM4i RFID Enabled Printer
Rigid Tags
North America, LATAM, EMEA
Typical Applications
Supply Chain Management
Receiving/Cross Docking
Transportation & Logistics
Customer Benefits
• Improvedaccuracyinshipping,receiving,
inventory control
• Reductioninprocessingtimeand
inecient work activities
• Reducedlaborrequirements
• Assuredcompliancewithgovernment
and industry standards
• On-demandgenerationofhighquality
RFID labels increase error free shipments
and provide traceability
integrated Intermec printer, reader, and RFID
Smart Labels or rigid tags for a total solution
• Stockedcarton&palletSmartLabelsizes
Industry Need
Eective warehouse managem ent involves the control an d monitoring of movement of
materials including receiving, stor age, picking, staging, and shipping. T he increased use
of outsourcing these activ ities has given rise to the rapid g rowth of third par ty logistics
or3PL.3PLproviderstypicallyspecializeininte gratingwarehousingandoperation
servicesthatcanbescaledandcustomizedtoacusto mer’srequirements.Theuseof
3PL has become a cost eecti ve way for many businesses to redu ce supply chain costs
and increase customer satisfact ion. With any logistics pr ocess, opportunities fo r human
errorexistresultinginmisplacedormis- directedinventory.However,with3PLproviders
handling inventory for a multitude of cus tomers, high levels of accur acy and eciency as
wellasvisibilitywithintheoperationhaveb ecomecriticalrequirements.
Intermec Solution
Intermec ’sSmartLabelsoerpower fulRFIDtechnologypackagedinthemostreliable,
durable labels in the industry to meet the busine ss and operating demands in the 3PL
environment. The use of RFID Smar t labels enables visibility and monit oring of cartons
andpalletsatprocesspointsastheymovethroughthewarehouse.Operator sdonot
need to scan individual bar codes thus eliminating the opp ortunity for human err or which
cancreateproblemswithmisplaced,mis-identied,andmis-shippedproduc tandresult
notonlyincustomerdissatisfacti onbutalsoinmanycasesexpensivecharge-backs.This
improved accuracy in shipping, rec eiving, and inventor y control also results in a reduc tion
inprocessingtimeandinecientworkactivities.Thecap abilityofscanningpre-applied
RFID labels upon receipt with an Inter mec IP30 or generating Smar t Labels at the point
ofactivityon-sitewithoneofIntermec ’sindustrialRFIDprinter senablesreal-time
coordination throughout the supply chain linkin g the customer to the product and t o the
location within the chain. With the abilit y to oer a variet y of both inlays and printable
label and tag materials, Intermec Media engine ers are able to develop flex ible RFID Smart
Labelsolutionsthatwillmeettherequirementsinvarious3PLen vironmentstoinsure
optimum performance. For flee t and yard management, trailer ta gging, or the tagging of
other metal items for long term use Inter mec oers rugged , durable rigid tags.
The key to any successful implementat ion of an RFID system is wor king with a provider
that has the knowledge and exper tise to oer clear guidance in crea ting a solution that is
sustainableandextensibletoimprovebusinessprocessesandtodeliverfutureben ets.
Intermec is a leader in RFID technolog y and standards development w ith extensive
experience in helping manufactur ers, distributors, logis tic providers, and oth er businesses
implement complete RFID solutions for mission c ritical applications.
Application Brief
Integration of
RFID Smart
Labels for Third
Party Logistics
Printers & Media
Application Brief
Mobile Labeling in
the Warehouse or
Manufacturin g Facility
Industry Need
Bar coding is a critical component in maintaining accur acy and eciency in a war ehouse
environment. Shipping, receiv ing, and cross docking, picking and pa cking, shelf labeling,
and tote labeling applications are integr al to successful operations. In creasingly, companies
are leveraging mobile labeling solutions in the se applications. By enabling worker s to
print labels at the point of activi ty, mobile solutions enable a more fle xible workflow,
increased productivit y and fewer errors. In termec’s integrated mobile p rinter and
Duratherm media products deliv er a comprehensive array of ch oices to meet these needs.
Shipping, Receiving, & Cross Dockin g
Mobile printing solutions enable workers t o quickly generate barcode lab els and apply
them directly to items as they are unpa cked or staged for shipment. Wor kers wearing belt-
mounted mobile printers can re-labe l pallets and individual cases on the spo t, reducing
transit time between pallets and a ce ntral label printing location t o optimize eciency.
Picking & Packing
The picker’s belt-mounted printe r, responding to print commands fr om the wireless netw ork,
generates a pick ticket to guide order ful fillment. After collectin g all items needed to close an
order, this receipt material serves double dut y as the customer’s packing slip. Once the order
is scanned complete, a new pick ticket is automatically prin ted for the worker’s next task .
Shelf Labeling
Mobile shelf label printing easily facilitates flex ible rack configurations that change t o
accommodate items and full pallets of vary ing sizes and heights. Durable on-demand print ed
labels maintain the critical link between physic al inventory locations and WM S or ERP systems.
Tote Labeling
For pick and pack applications in high-mix manufac turing or order fulfillment
environments, portable to tes allow workers to stage all i tems together near a final
assembly station or final pack location. W ith mobile printers, wor kers can identify the
tote and its contents in progr ess, reducing errors and st reamlining workflow. Label
media may be permanent, to identif y the tote through multiple pick c ycles (“license
plates”), or removable, to carr y data about a specific orde r (such as a bill of materials).
Intermec Solution
Intermec’s identification produ cts address the industr y’s requirements for abrasio n
durability when traveling on conve yors, moisture resist ance for incidental exposur e to
the elements, or basic performanc e for controlled warehouse co nditions. Many common
configurations are in stock for quick shipm ent, ensuring that options are r eadily available
when new demands arise. Custom product s can be tailored to more unusual needs. W ith a
comprehensive product set ran ging from durable film labels to economical p aper options,
the right products are availab le to optimize performance an d price across the enterpr ise.
Industrial Goods
Consumer Goods
Duratherm II Paper Labels
Duratherm III Paper Labels
Duratherm III Synthetic Labels
North America
Latin America
Typical Applications:
Receiving/cross docking
Put away
Order picking and staging
Finished goods labeling
Shelf labeling
Tote labeling
Customer Benefits:
• Increasedeciencyandpr oductivity
by p rinting at the point of acti vity
• Improvedaccuracyinshipping,
re ceiving, inventory control
• Fullrangeofmediaproduc tsto
mee t varied application requir ements
(b asic, moderate, high durabilit y)
• Stockmediai temsavailable
fo r quick shipment
• Maximumprin terbatterylife
wi th high sensitivity media
• Optimizedhard wareperformance
wi th integrated Interm ec solution
( printer, media, computer)