
Application Briefs
Country of Origin Labeling
In 2008, the USDA Country of Origin requirements expanded in scope. By March 31, 2009, food manufacturers and
distributors need to clearly identify national origin for many products and provide corresponding recordkeeping
documents with each shipment. Mishaps in this process can cost time, money, and even valued customers. Users
can now streamline, error-proof, and cost-reduce this process with Intermec’s Country of Origin Labeling solution.
Food Service Distribution
The food service distribution industry has grown over the years to a multi-billion dollar market.
The large providers typically ship to grocery chains, hotels, contract food service operations,
healthcare facilities, multi-unit restaurant operations, just to name a few. Both at the carton
level and pallet level, items need to be identified and tracked through the distribution channel.
Activities include order picking, batch picking, replenishment, and transportation.
Produce Traceability Labeling
When food borne illness outbreaks are identified, a robust food traceability system can ensure a fast,
eective and targeted response. Food traceability systems enable end-to-end supply chain visibility, so that
public exposure to unsafe food can be quickly identified and limited through all aected routes to market.
Traceability Labeling for Food Manufacturing
When the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law on January 4, 2011, it signaled intent
for the FDA to transition from contamination response to prevention. As the broad-reaching changes are fully
implemented, they will include requirements for food facilities to proactively integrate plans for corrective action.
An eective traceability system provides a foundational element for compliance with impending mandates.
Additionally, without an eective traceability system, the negative impact of a potential recall is multiplied.
Intermec oers a mix of media products to address the requirements of many specific industry applications. Intermec has developed many
Applications Brief documents that detail the media performance and regulatory requirements for specific applications for a variety of
industries. Below you will find the seven Application Briefs targeted specifically at the Healthcare market.
Printers & Media
Food Manufacturing
Food Logistics
Duratran II paper label
Duratherm II paper label
Duratherm III paper label
North America
Latin America
Typical Applications:
Shipping label with Country of Origin
identification and integrated recordkeeping
Customer Benefits:
• Increaseproductivity
• Reduceequipmentandintegrationcosts
• Eliminatemistakes
• Lowerconsumablecosts
Application Description
In2008,theUSDACountryofOriginrequirementsex pandedinscope.By
March 31, 2009, food manufac turers and distributor s need to clearly identif y
nationaloriginformanyproductsandprovidecorr espondingrecordkeeping
documents with each shipment. Mishaps in this pro cess can cost time, money,
andevenvaluedcustomers.Userscannowstr eamline,error-proof,andcost-
reduce this process with Interme c’s Country of Origin Labe ling solution.
The Challenge
steps: A thermal printer images the national o rigin information on a shipping
label, meeting the identification por tion of the standard. A separ ate printer,
typicallydotmatrixorlaser,createsthepackin gsliptomeetrecordkeeping
packingslipsleeve.Finally,thissleeveismanuallyma tchedtothecorresponding
carton (introducing potentia l for error) and adhered for shipmen t.
Intermec Solution
The Intermec Country of Or igin Labeling solution enables users t o print
shipping label and recordkeeping documentati on through a single printer. The
shipping label and packing slip are printed as a single inte grated unit, reducing
processing steps, eliminating mismatch erro rs, and reducing the cost of s ystem
setup and maintenance. These two complem entary components (p rinter
and media) accomplish mandated compliance simply and ecien tly.
Common 8 Step Process
1. Pr int label in a first printer
2. Peel label
3. Apply label
4. Print packing slip in another prin ter
5. Fold packing slip
6. Insertpackingslipint osleeve
7. Peel sleeve
8. Applysleeve.
Country of
Origin Labe ling
Integrated Shipping Label
1. Pr int label and packing slip
2. Peel label and packin g slip
3. Fold packing slip under label
4. Apply to carton
The Integrated Shipping Label simplifie s the process, increases e ciency and also
eliminatescostlypackingslipsleeves,r educingongoingcosts.Andallofthesefunctions
areaccomplishedusingindustry-provenDuratranandDurathermlabelmat erials.
Printers & Media
Industry: Consumer Goods
Market: Consumer Goods Distribution
Products: Duratherm and Duratran
Paper Labels
Region: North America
Typical Applications:
Dry Goods
Refrigerated Product s
Paper Products
Inventory control
Order Picking
Application Description
The food service distribu tion industry has grown o ver the years to a multi-billion dollar
market. The large provider s typically ship to grocer y chains, hotels, contrac t food service
operations, healthcare facilitie s, multi-unit restaurant ope rations, just to name a few.
Both at the carton level and palle t level, items need to be identi fied and tracked
through the distribution channel. Act ivities include order picking , batch picking,
replenishment, and transportatio n.
Intermec oers a mix of produ cts to address the requirem ents of this industry. With a
selection of materials that comply comp ositionally with FDA 21 C RF, section 175.105 for
indirect food contact, your cus tomer can select from bo th direct thermal and thermal
transfer materials depending on their requir ements.
With a competitive price that c ompliments exceptional per formance Intermec’s label
oering ensures that food ser vice distribution custom ers will have the perfor mance they
need for their supply chain requirements.
Material Description
Duratherm II Perm – Direct th ermal paper that oers high- quality and cost-eect ive
printing. This material is recommended f or general use applications where m oisture is
not anticipated.
Duratherm III Cold Temp – Direct thermal top co ated paper that provides
enhanced durability in cold environments w here humidity is a concern.
Duratran II Perm – Thermal trans fer top coated paper that demons trates
excellent print quality with bot h the TMX1000 and TM X2000 series ribbons .
Duratran II Cold Temp – Thermal transfer top coa ted paper for use in cold environmen ts.
Ribbon Recommendation
TMX1000 series wax
TMX2000 series mid-rang e
Printer Recommendation
PD41, PM4i, PX4i
Note: This media is compatible with most Int ermec printers
Customer Benefits
• Commonshipping/invent orysizesavailableinbothDurathermand
Duratran ma terials as take from stock
• Competitivelypriced
• BettertogetherwithInt ermecprinters;direc tthermalandthermaltransfer
printabilit y allows for on demand generation o f high quality labels.
• BackedbyInt ermec’sPrintheadReplacementProgram
For more information
In North America, contact In termec at 800-755-55 05.
Application Brief
Food Service
Distributio n
User is responsible for testing and determining if Intermec brand product is acceptable for a
Printers & Media
Application Brief
Industry Need
When food borne illness outbreaks ar e identified, a robust fo od traceability sys tem can
ensure a fast, eective an d targeted response. Fo od traceability sys tems enable end-to-
end supply chain visibility, so that public exposur e to unsafe food can be quickly iden tified
and limited through all aected ro utes to market. An ee ctive system also minimizes
the negative impacts of foo d recalls. Destroying una ected lots causes shor tages and
multiplies lost profits while doing nothin g to improve food safet y.
For all these reasons, an increasing number of fo od industry vendors and supplie rs are
implementing traceability syst ems and procedures, such as “chain-of-cus tody” labeling
and record-keeping, that improve t heir ability to track and orche strate the movement of
their food products from far m to fork.
In fact, in a recent Produce Mar keting Association and
United Fresh Produce Associat ion survey, 70 percent o f the
fresh fruit and vegetable indust ry contacts sur veyed were
actively pursuing implementatio n of the seven-step Produ ce
Traceability Initiative (PTI). St ep five of this initiative
requires the application of bar cod ed case labels carrying
essential traceability info rmation (GTIN and Lot/B atch #).
Reference Links
Produce Traceability Initiative Ac tion Plan Implementation Toolkit
Produce Traceability Initiative 200 9 Industry Benchmarking Sur vey
Intermec Solution
Intermec printer and media product s support traceabilit y initiatives at multiple points
in the food supply/ manufacture process . In the field, using a rugged mobile label prin ter
or fixed printer mounted on support e quipment, Intermec barcode lab els or tags can be
applied to totes or cartons to track bo th the field location and container c ontents during
the picking or harvesting proces s.
In-field harvesting conditions can be deman ding for labeling media. Duratherm III
synthetic labels, with their durabl e topcoat and film label stock, r eadily endure rainy,
wet conditions. Their aggressiv e acrylic adhesive bonds s ecurely with common surf aces
such as corrugated cartons and r eusable produce containers (R PCs). Rated to a minimum
application temperature of 25F, these labels ar e eective thro ughout the extended
growing season. Their optimized direc t thermal sensitivit y reduces the level of prin thead
energy needed, maximizing labels prin ted per battery char ge in mobile printers. For
in-field harvesting under more contr olled environmental conditio ns, Duratherm III paper
labels provide reliable labeling with moder ate, limited duration moistur e exposure.
In the sorting, processing, manufac turing, and distribution env ironment, an Intermec fixed
industrial printer can be used to generat e Intermec labels and tags, pro viding seamless
integration into WMS solutions f or managing and tracking attr ibutes such as lot numbers,
Fresh produce harvesting,
packaging, and processing
Duratherm III Synthetic Per manent
Duratherm III Paper Permanent
Duratherm II Paper Permanent
PB22, PB32, PB50
North America
Typical Applications
Produce Labeling for Traceability
Customer Benefits
Improved item traceability•
Increased accuracy by print ing •
at the point of activity
Assured compliance with developing •
government and industry standar ds
Durable, high contrast print for •
optimum scanning performance
Maximum printer battery lif e with •
sensitivity-optimiz ed media
Media portfolio with comprehen sive •
durability enables selection tailor ed
to application requirements
On-demand generation of high •
quality labels for item traceabilit y
Reduced total cost of ownership •
with free printhead replaceme nt
program when Intermec media and
fixed printers are used toget her
9999Fresh Blvd
Orlando,FL 81111
Productof USA
Printers & Media
Application Brief
Labeling for Food
Manufactur ing
Industry Need
When the Food Safety Moder nization Act (FSMA ) was signed into law on January 4 , 2011,
it signaled intent for the FDA to transit ion from contamination respo nse to prevention. As
the broad-reaching changes are fully impl emented, they will include requir ements for food
facilities to proactive ly integrate plans for c orrective ac tion. An eecti ve traceability sy stem
provides a foundational element for comp liance with impending mandates. Addition ally,
without an eective tr aceability system, th e negative impact of a pot ential recall is
multiplied. Lacking precision produc t identification, large ba tches of unaected pr oducts
must be destroyed, multiplying lo st profits without he lping public safety. Ext ended time to
execute and accurately trac k the root cause of contamination dama ges customer confidence
long after the problem is correc ted. Brand erosion due to high risk f oods entering the supply
chain can be avoided by careful selec tion of a supply chain solution.
A traceability system that inclu des bar code printers and media can o er benefits far
beyond compliance and streamlined recalls . These systems suppor t paperless initiatives,
oer real-time visibility to invent ory and production, and do cument chain of custody
characteristics such as organic c ertification or fair tr ade pedigrees. The rich da ta generated
can help identify eciencies and highlig ht areas of low producti vity as well as enhance
customer service capabilities and r esponsiveness. Well implemented s ystems can even
provide an important dier entiator to help secure brande d or private label business.
Food manufacturing environmen ts often have unique requir ements for traceabilit y
systems, making product selec tion challenging for packaging engin eers. Depending on
the food processing conditions, labels will enc ounter wet conditions during equipmen t
wash downs that weaken paper labels. Cold env ironments render some label adhesi ves
ineective, creating a r isk of unidentified containers. I f label application is intended to
create a permanent “license plate” for a to te, drum, or container, the label must be durable
enough to survive repeate d processing and cleaning steps. If the lab el contains lot-specific
origin information, it must reliabl y remain in place (sometimes on tex tured, low-energ y
surfaces such as polyethy lene drums), yet remove cleanly w hen the container is ready to
be cleaned and reused. In many cases, the adhesi ve must be compliant with regula tions
for indirect food contact ( 21 CFR 175.105).
Reference Links
FDA information on FSMA
Intermec Solution
With a wide range of container ty pes, operating and storag e conditions in food
manufacturing facilities, it is impor tant to select the righ t printer/media solution to
ensure successful product track ing.
• For reus able drums of dry food ingredient s or mixes, Duratran or Duratherm pap er labels with
removable adhesives stay reliably in plac e, yet remove cleanly when container s are reused.
• In wet proce ssing environments, Dura tran S and Duratran Kimdura labels remain intac t and
readable even when directly expo sed to moisture, wet ingredient spills, and con densation.
• Preprint ed color coding to enhance visibility o f key fields (such as use-by dates, or ganic
identification, etc.) can be added t o labels while maintaining superb bar code scanning
Food manufacturing
Duratherm III paper labels
Duratran II paper labels
Duratran S labels
Duratran II Kimdura labels
Duratran II Gloss Polyester
TMX1000, 2000, 3000 ser ies ribbons
PM4i, PX4/6i, PA30 printer s
North America
Typical Applications
Cereal manufacturing
Food processing
Frozen and general food manufactur ing
Meat packing
Customer Benefits
• Assured compliance w ith government
and industry standards
• Robust labels that func tion from
ambient to freezer conditions
• Durable, high contr ast print for
consistent scanning performance
• Reduced total cos t of ownership
with free printhead replacem ent
program when Intermec media and
fixed printers are used toget her
• On-demand generat ion of high quality
labels for item level traceability
• Labels in a wide range o f colors and sizes
• Full range of media pro ducts to meet
varied application requirements
(basic, moderate, high durability)
• Stock media items availabl e
for quick shipment
• Optimized hardw are performance
with integrated Intermec s olution
(printer, media, data collection devic es
and easily upgraded to RFID)