Identifying Components of Motherboards
Sometimes the amount of primary memory installed is inadequate to service additional
requests for memory resources from newly launched applications. When this condition
occurs, the user receives an “out of memory” error, and the application fails to launch.
One solution for this is to use the hard drive as additional RAM. This space on the hard
drive is known as a swap file or a paging file. The technology in general is known as virtual
memory. The swap file,
PAGEFILESYS in modern Microsoft operating systems, is a contigu-
ous, optimized space that can deliver information to RAM at the request of the memory
controller faster than if it came from the general storage pool of the drive. Note that virtual
memory cannot be used directly from the hard drive; it must be paged into RAM as the
oldest contents of RAM are paged out to the hard drive to make room. The memory con-
troller, by the way, is the chip that manages access to RAM, as well as adapters that have
had a few hardware addresses reserved for their communication with the processor.
Nevertheless, relying too much on virtual memory (check your page fault statistics in the
Reliability and Performance Monitor) results in the entire system slowing down noticeably.
An inexpensive and highly effective solution is to add physical memory to the system, thus
reducing its reliance on virtual memory. More information on virtual memory and its con-
figuration can be found in Chapter 7, “Installing and Configuring Operating Systems.”
When it’s not the size of RAM that you need to enhance but its speed, you can add
cache memory on the CPU side of RAM to take care of this. Cache is a very fast form of
memory forged from static RAM, which is discussed in detail in the “Identifying Purposes
and Characteristics of Memory” section later in this chapter. Cache improves system per-
formance by predicting what the CPU will ask for next and prefetching this information
before being asked. This paradigm allows the cache to be smaller in size than the RAM
itself. Only the most recently used data and code or that which is expected to be used next
is stored in cache. Cache on the motherboard is known as external cache because it is exter-
nal to the processor, also referred to as Level 2 (L2) cache. Level 1 (L1) cache, by compari-
son, is internal cache because it is built into the processor’s silicon wafer.
It is now common for chip makers to use extra space in the processor’s packaging to
bring the L2 cache from the motherboard closer to the CPU. When L2 cache is present
in the processor’s packaging, the cache on the motherboard is referred to as Level 3 (L3)
cache. Unfortunately, due to the de facto naming of cache levels, the term L2 cache alone is
not a definitive description of where the cache is located. The terms L1 cache and L3 cache
do not vary in their meaning, however. The typical increasing order of capacity and dis-
tance from the processor die is L1 cache, L2 cache, L3 cache, RAM. This is also the typical
decreasing order of speed.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Processor Socket or Slot
The “brain” of any computer is the central processing unit (CPU). There’s no computer
without the CPU. There are many different types of processors for computers—so many,
in fact, that you will learn about them later in this chapter in the section “Identifying Pur-
poses and Characteristics of Processors.”
Typically, in today’s computers, the processor is the easiest component to identify on the
motherboard. It is usually the component that has either a fan or a heat sink (usually both)
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