Lucent Technologies Metropolis DMXplore Alarm Messages And Trouble Clearing Manual

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Release 2.1
Alarm Messages and Trouble Clearing Guide
365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4
June 2005
Copyright © 2005 Lucent Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
This material is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or altered in any
fashion by any entity (either internal or external to Lucent Technologies), except in accordance with applicable agreements, contracts or
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All trademarks and service marks specified herein are owned by their respective companies.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Although every effort has been made to make this document as accurate,
complete, and clear as possible, Lucent Technologies and its predecessors assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notification and Repair Information
This equipment is designed to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may
cause interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residence is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case,
the users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.
In rare instances, unauthorized individuals make connections to the telecommunications network. In such an event, applicable tariffs require that
the customer pay all network charges for traffic. Lucent Technologies and its predecessors cannot be responsible for such charges and will not
make any allowance or give any credit for charges that result from unauthorized access.
Limited Warranty
The terms and conditions of sale will include a 1-year warranty on hardware and applicable software.
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To order more copies of this document or other Lucent documents, please contact the Customer Information Center (CIC) at CIC Web-Site
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Technical support telephone number
For technical assistance, call Lucent Technologies’ Technical Support Services (TSS) at 1-866-LUCENT8 (866-582-3688). This number is
monitored 24 hours a day.
Information product support telephone number
You can also call this telephone number to provide comments on the Metropolis
DMXplore Access Multiplexer or to suggest enhancements.
Comments or suggestions for enhancements can also be emailed to the Comments Hotline ([email protected]) and/or entered online at the
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Lucent Technologies
BOOKMARK1::About this information productAbout this information product
BOOKMARK2::PurposePurpose xvii
BOOKMARK3::Reason for reissueReason for reissue xvii
BOOKMARK4::Safety informationSafety information xvii
BOOKMARK5::Intended audienceIntended audience xviii
BOOKMARK6::How to use this information productHow to use this information product xviii
BOOKMARK7::Conventions usedConventions used xix
BOOKMARK8::User interface to systemUser interface to system xx
BOOKMARK9::Using proceduresUsing procedures xx
BOOKMARK10::Related informationRelated information xxi
BOOKMARK11::Information product supportInformation product support xxii
BOOKMARK12::Technical supportTechnical support xxii
BOOKMARK13::How to orderHow to order xxii
BOOKMARK14::How to commentHow to comment xxiii
1 BOOKMARK15::1 SafetySafety
BOOKMARK16::OverviewOverview 1-1
BOOKMARK17::Structure of hazard statementsStructure of hazard statements 1-2
BOOKMARK18::General notes on safetyGeneral notes on safety 1-4
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Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
BOOKMARK19::Laser safetyLaser safety 1-7
BOOKMARK20::Electrostatic dischargeElectrostatic discharge 1-13
BOOKMARK21::Save these safety instructionsSave these safety instructions 1-16
2 BOOKMARK22::2 Alarm listAlarm list
BOOKMARK23::OverviewOverview 2-1
BOOKMARK24::Alarm list with alarm levelsAlarm list with alarm levels 2-2
3 BOOKMARK25::3 Alarms, conditions, and error messagesAlarms, conditions, and error messages
BOOKMARK26::OverviewOverview 3-1
BOOKMARK27::-48V power/fuse failed-48V power/fuse failed 3-5
BOOKMARK28::ABN conditionABN condition 3-7
BOOKMARK29::ACO activeACO active 3-8
BOOKMARK30::AGNE communication failureAGNE communication failure 3-9
BOOKMARK31::copy program IPcopy program IP 3-10
BOOKMARK32::CP failedCP failed 3-11
BOOKMARK33::CP not allowed - crsCP not allowed - crs 3-12
BOOKMARK34::CP not allowed - eqptCP not allowed - eqpt 3-13
BOOKMARK35::CP removed or CP failureCP removed or CP failure 3-14
BOOKMARK36::CP software upgrade requiredCP software upgrade required 3-15
BOOKMARK37::CPY-MEM<class> IPCPY-MEM <class> IP 3-16
BOOKMARK38::dormant/exec code mismatchdormant/exec code mismatch 3-19
BOOKMARK39::DS1 loopbackDS1 loopback 3-20
BOOKMARK40::DS1 trmsn test IPDS1 trmsn test IP 3-22
BOOKMARK41::DS3 loopbackDS3 loopback 3-23
BOOKMARK42::DS3 trmsn test IPDS3 trmsn test IP 3-25
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Issue 4, June 2005
BOOKMARK43::duplicate TIDduplicate TID 3-26
BOOKMARK44::ENET terminal loopbackENET terminal loopback 3-27
BOOKMARK45::environmentnenvironmentn 3-28
BOOKMARK46::excessive holdoverexcessive holdover 3-29
BOOKMARK47::fan shelf failedfan shelf failed 3-30
BOOKMARK48::far end not LCASfar end not LCAS 3-31
BOOKMARK49::FE-LAN CP failedFE-LAN CP failed 3-32
BOOKMARK50::forced switchforced switch 3-33
BOOKMARK51::holdover mode activeholdover mode active 3-34
BOOKMARK52::illegal CP typeillegal CP type 3-35
BOOKMARK53::inc. DS3 Cbit Mismatchinc. DS3 Cbit Mismatch 3-36
BOOKMARK54::inc. DS3 sig. out of frequency defectinc. DS3 sig. out of frequency defect 3-37
BOOKMARK55::inc. (from DSX) DS1 AISinc. (from DSX) DS1 AIS 3-38
BOOKMARK56::inc. (from DSX) DS1 LOFinc. (from DSX) DS1 LOF 3-39
BOOKMARK57::inc. (from DSX) DS1 LOSinc. (from DSX) DS1 LOS 3-40
BOOKMARK58::inc. (from DSX) DS1 sig. failedinc. (from DSX) DS1 sig. failed 3-41
BOOKMARK59::inc. (from DSX) DS3 AISinc. (from DSX) DS3 AIS 3-42
BOOKMARK60::inc. (from DSX) DS3 LOFinc. (from DSX) DS3 LOF 3-43
BOOKMARK61::inc. (from DSX) DS3 LOSinc. (from DSX) DS3 LOS 3-44
BOOKMARK62::inc. (from DSX) DS3 sig. failedinc. (from DSX) DS3 sig. failed 3-45
BOOKMARK63::inc. (from fiber) DS3 AISinc. (from fiber) DS3 AIS 3-46
BOOKMARK64::inc. (from fiber) DS3 LOFinc. (from fiber) DS3 LOF 3-47
BOOKMARK67::inc. OCN line AISinc. OCN line AIS 3-50
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Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
BOOKMARK68::inc. OCN LOFinc. OCN LOF 3-51
BOOKMARK69::inc. OCN LOSinc. OCN LOS 3-52
BOOKMARK70::inc. OCN RFI-Linc. OCN RFI-L 3-53
BOOKMARK71::inc. OCN sig. degrade (BER)inc. OCN sig. degrade (BER) 3-54
BOOKMARK72::inc. OCN sig. failed (BER)inc. OCN sig. failed (BER) 3-55
BOOKMARK76::inc. STSN sig. degrade (BER)inc. STSN sig. degrade (BER) 3-59
BOOKMARK77::inc. STSN sig. failed (BER)inc. STSN sig. failed (BER) 3-60
BOOKMARK78::inc. STSN unequippedinc. STSN unequipped 3-61
BOOKMARK79::inc. VCG failedinc. VCG failed 3-62
BOOKMARK80::inc. VCG LFDinc. VCG LFD 3-63
BOOKMARK81::inc. VCG LOAinc. VCG LOA 3-64
BOOKMARK82::inc. VT AISinc. VT AIS 3-65
BOOKMARK83::inc. VT LOPinc. VT LOP 3-66
BOOKMARK84::inc. VT RFI-Vinc. VT RFI-V 3-67
BOOKMARK85::inc. VT sig. degrade (BER)inc. VT sig. degrade (BER) 3-68
BOOKMARK86::inc. VT unequippedinc. VT unequipped 3-69
BOOKMARK87::inconsistent DCC valuesinconsistent DCC values 3-70
BOOKMARK88::install failedinstall failed 3-71
BOOKMARK89::install program IPinstall program IP 3-72
BOOKMARK90::lockout of protectionlockout of protection 3-73
BOOKMARK91::manual reference switchmanual reference switch 3-74
BOOKMARK92::manual switchmanual switch 3-75
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Issue 4, June 2005
BOOKMARK93::manual sync. mode switchmanual sync. mode switch 3-76
BOOKMARK94::Member Signal Unacceptable - LCASMember Signal Unacceptable - LCAS 3-77
BOOKMARK95::neighbor SYSCTL CP unavailable (nbr tid = TID)neighbor SYSCTL CP unavailable (nbr tid = TID) 3-78
BOOKMARK96::NSAP count in L1 overflowedNSAP count in L1 overflowed 3-79
BOOKMARK97::NSAP count in L1 threshold crossedNSAP count in L1 threshold crossed 3-80
BOOKMARK98::NTP server(s) unreachableNTP server(s) unreachable 3-81
BOOKMARK99::Pluggable Transmission Module removedPluggable Transmission Module removed 3-82
BOOKMARK100::Port administratively disabledPort administratively disabled 3-83
BOOKMARK101::Remote client signal failedRemote client signal failed 3-84
BOOKMARK102::remote install/copy program IPremote install/copy program IP 3-85
BOOKMARK103::ring upgrade modering upgrade mode 3-86
BOOKMARK104::section DCC channel failedsection DCC channel failed 3-87
BOOKMARK105::SYSCTL CP failedSYSCTL CP failed 3-88
BOOKMARK106::time of day not provisionedtime of day not provisioned 3-89
BOOKMARK107::unexpected CP typeunexpected CP type 3-90
BOOKMARK108::unexpected or failed Pluggable Transmission Moduleunexpected or failed Pluggable Transmission Module 3-91
BOOKMARK109::VCG Failure of LCAS Protocol (Sink)VCG Failure of LCAS Protocol (Sink) 3-92
BOOKMARK110::VCG Failure of LCAS Protocol (Source)VCG Failure of LCAS Protocol (Source) 3-93
BOOKMARK111::VCG Loss of Partial CapacityVCG Loss of Partial Capacity 3-94
BOOKMARK112::version mismatchversion mismatch 3-95
BOOKMARK113::waiting for downloadwaiting for download 3-96
4 BOOKMARK114::4 Maintenance overviewMaintenance overview
BOOKMARK115::OverviewOverview 4-1
BOOKMARK116::IntroductionIntroduction 4-2
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Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
BOOKMARK117::System maintenance using the WaveStar
CITSystem maintenance using the WaveStar
CIT 4-3
BOOKMARK118::Maintenance philosophyMaintenance philosophy 4-4
BOOKMARK119::Maintenance signalsMaintenance signals 4-5
BOOKMARK120::Alarm and status conditions reportingAlarm and status conditions reporting 4-7
BOOKMARK121::Protection switchingProtection switching 4-11
BOOKMARK122::Unidirectional path-switched ring switchingUnidirectional path-switched ring switching 4-13
BOOKMARK123::1+1 line protection switching1+1 line protection switching 4-16
BOOKMARK124::Synchronization reference protection switchingSynchronization reference protection switching 4-19
BOOKMARK125::LoopbacksLoopbacks 4-21
BOOKMARK126::TestsTests 4-23
BOOKMARK127::ReportsReports 4-25
5 BOOKMARK128::5 Trouble clearing proceduresTrouble clearing procedures
BOOKMARK129::OverviewOverview 5-1
BOOKMARK130::Before you beginBefore you begin 5-5
BOOKMARK131::Procedure 5-1: Address communication failure with network elementProcedure 5-1: Address communication failure with network element 5-6
BOOKMARK132::Procedure 5-2: Clear -48V power/fuse FA or FB failed alarmProcedure 5-2: Clear -48V power/fuse FA or FB failed alarm 5-11
BOOKMARK133::Procedure 5-3: Clear AGNE communication failurealarmProcedure 5-3: Clear AGNE communication failure alarm 5-14
BOOKMARK134::Procedure 5-4: Clear CP not allowed - crs alarmProcedure 5-4: Clear CP not allowed - crs alarm 5-17
BOOKMARK135::Procedure 5-5: Clear CP not allowed - eqpt alarmProcedure 5-5: Clear CP not allowed - eqpt alarm 5-20
BOOKMARK136::Procedure 5-6: Clear CP removed or CP failure alarmProcedure 5-6: Clear CP removed or CP failure alarm 5-23
BOOKMARK137::Procedure 5-7: Clear CP software upgrade requiredconditionProcedure 5-7: Clear CP software upgrade required condition 5-26
BOOKMARK138::Procedure 5-8: Clear dormant/exec code mismatchconditionProcedure 5-8: Clear dormant/exec code mismatch condition 5-32
BOOKMARK139::Procedure 5-9: Clear DS1 loopback (to DSX)conditionProcedure 5-9: Clear DS1 loopback (to DSX) condition 5-35
BOOKMARK140::Procedure 5-10: Clear DS1 loopback (to Fiber)conditionProcedure 5-10: Clear DS1 loopback (to Fiber) condition 5-37
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Issue 4, June 2005
BOOKMARK141::Procedure 5-11: Clear DS3 loopback (to DSX)conditionProcedure 5-11: Clear DS3 loopback (to DSX) condition 5-39
BOOKMARK142::Procedure 5-12: Clear DS3 loopback (to Fiber)conditionProcedure 5-12: Clear DS3 loopback (to Fiber) condition 5-41
BOOKMARK143::Procedure 5-13: Clear duplicate TIDalarmProcedure 5-13: Clear duplicate TID alarm 5-43
BOOKMARK144::Procedure 5-14: Clear ENET terminal loopbackconditionProcedure 5-14: Clear ENET terminal loopback condition 5-45
BOOKMARK145::Procedure 5-15: Clear environmentn alarmProcedure 5-15: Clear environmentn alarm 5-47
BOOKMARK146::Procedure 5-16: Clear excessive holdoveralarmProcedure 5-16: Clear excessive holdover alarm 5-49
BOOKMARK147::Procedure 5-17: Clear fan shelf failedalarmProcedure 5-17: Clear fan shelf failed alarm 5-52
BOOKMARK148::Procedure 5-18: Clear far end not LCASconditionProcedure 5-18: Clear far end not LCAS condition 5-55
BOOKMARK149::Procedure 5-19: Clear FE-LAN CP failedalarmProcedure 5-19: Clear FE-LAN CP failed alarm 5-58
BOOKMARK150::Procedure 5-20: Clear forced switchconditionProcedure 5-20: Clear forced switch condition 5-60
BOOKMARK151::Procedure 5-21: Clear holdover mode activeconditionProcedure 5-21: Clear holdover mode active condition 5-62
BOOKMARK152::Procedure 5-22: Clear illegal CP typealarmProcedure 5-22: Clear illegal CP type alarm 5-65
BOOKMARK153::Procedure 5-23: Clear inc. DS1conditions/alarmsProcedure 5-23: Clear inc. DS1 conditions/alarms 5-68
BOOKMARK154::Procedure 5-24: Clear inc. DS3 Cbit MismatchalarmProcedure 5-24: Clear inc. DS3 Cbit Mismatch alarm 5-71
BOOKMARK155::Procedure 5-25: Clear inc. DS3conditions/alarmsProcedure 5-25: Clear inc. DS3 conditions/alarms 5-75
BOOKMARK156::Procedure 5-26: Clear inc. (from fiber) DS3conditionsProcedure 5-26: Clear inc. (from fiber) DS3 conditions 5-79
BOOKMARK157::Procedure 5-27: Clear inc. FE-LAN ANMalarmProcedure 5-27: Clear inc. FE-LAN ANM alarm 5-81
BOOKMARK158::Procedure 5-28: Clear inc. FE-LAN LOSalarmProcedure 5-28: Clear inc. FE-LAN LOS alarm 5-86
BOOKMARK159::Procedure 5-29: Clear inc. OCNconditions/alarmsProcedure 5-29: Clear inc. OCN conditions/alarms 5-88
BOOKMARK160::Procedure 5-30: Clear inc. OCN RFI-Lcondition/alarmProcedure 5-30: Clear inc. OCN RFI-L condition/alarm 5-92
BOOKMARK161::Procedure 5-31: Clear inc. STSNconditions/alarmsProcedure 5-31: Clear inc. STSN conditions/alarms 5-96
BOOKMARK162::Procedure 5-32: Clear inc. VCG failedalarmProcedure 5-32: Clear inc. VCG failed alarm 5-100
BOOKMARK163::Procedure 5-33: Clear inc. VCG LFDconditionProcedure 5-33: Clear inc. VCG LFD condition 5-104
BOOKMARK164::Procedure 5-34: Clear inc. VCG LOAconditionProcedure 5-34: Clear inc. VCG LOA condition 5-106
BOOKMARK165::Procedure 5-35: Clear inc. VTconditions/alarmsProcedure 5-35: Clear inc. VT conditions/alarms 5-108
365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
BOOKMARK166::Procedure 5-36: Clear inconsistent DCC valuesalarmProcedure 5-36: Clear inconsistent DCC values alarm 5-112
BOOKMARK167::Procedure 5-37: Clear lockout of protectionconditionProcedure 5-37: Clear lockout of protection condition 5-114
BOOKMARK168::Procedure 5-38: Clear manual reference switchconditionProcedure 5-38: Clear manual reference switch condition 5-116
BOOKMARK169::Procedure 5-39: Clear manual switchconditionProcedure 5-39: Clear manual switch condition 5-117
BOOKMARK170::Procedure 5-40: Clear manual sync. mode switchconditionProcedure 5-40: Clear manual sync. mode switch condition 5-119
BOOKMARK171::Procedure 5-41: Clear Member Signal Unacceptable - LCAS alarmProcedure 5-41: Clear Member Signal Unacceptable - LCAS alarm 5-120
BOOKMARK172::Procedure 5-42: Clear neighbor SYSCTL CP unavailable (nbr tid = TID)alarmProcedure 5-42: Clear neighbor SYSCTL CP unavailable (nbr tid =
TID) alarm 5-125
BOOKMARK173::Procedure 5-43: Clear NSAP count in L1 overflowed alarmProcedure 5-43: Clear NSAP count in L1 overflowed alarm 5-128
BOOKMARK174::Procedure 5-44: Clear NSAP count in L1 threshold crossedalarmProcedure 5-44: Clear NSAP count in L1 threshold crossed alarm 5-129
BOOKMARK175::Procedure 5-45: Clear NTP server(s) unreachableconditionProcedure 5-45: Clear NTP server(s) unreachable condition 5-130
BOOKMARK176::Procedure 5-46: Clear Pluggable Transmission Module removedalarmProcedure 5-46: Clear Pluggable Transmission Module removed
alarm 5-132
BOOKMARK177::Procedure 5-47: Clear Port administratively disabledconditionProcedure 5-47: Clear Port administratively disabled condition 5-135
BOOKMARK178::Procedure 5-48: Clear Remote client signal failedalarmProcedure 5-48: Clear Remote client signal failed alarm 5-137
BOOKMARK179::Procedure 5-49: Clear ring upgrade modeconditionProcedure 5-49: Clear ring upgrade mode condition 5-140
BOOKMARK180::Procedure 5-50: Clear section DCC channel failed alarmProcedure 5-50: Clear section DCC channel failed alarm 5-142
BOOKMARK181::Procedure 5-51: Clear time of day not provisioned conditionProcedure 5-51: Clear time of day not provisioned condition 5-145
BOOKMARK182::Procedure 5-52: Clear unexpected CP typealarmProcedure 5-52: Clear unexpected CP type alarm 5-147
BOOKMARK183::Procedure 5-53: Clear unexpected or failed Pluggable Transmission ModulealarmProcedure 5-53: Clear unexpected or failed Pluggable Transmission
Module alarm 5-150
BOOKMARK184::Procedure 5-54: Clear VCG Failure of LCAS Protocol alarmsProcedure 5-54: Clear VCG Failure of LCAS Protocol alarms 5-154
BOOKMARK185::Procedure 5-55: Clear VCG Loss of Partial Capacity alarmProcedure 5-55: Clear VCG Loss of Partial Capacity alarm 5-156
BOOKMARK186::Procedure 5-56: Clear version mismatchalarmProcedure 5-56: Clear version mismatch alarm 5-161
6 BOOKMARK187::6 Supporting proceduresSupporting procedures
BOOKMARK188::OverviewOverview 6-1
Lucent Technologies 365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
BOOKMARK189::Before you beginBefore you begin 6-4
BOOKMARK190::Procedure 6-1: Install generic and WaveStar
CIT software on the PCProcedure 6-1: Install generic and WaveStar
CIT software on the PC 6-5
BOOKMARK191::Procedure 6-2: Connect personal computer (PC) and establish WaveStar
CIT sessionProcedure 6-2: Connect personal computer (PC) and establish
CIT session 6-24
BOOKMARK192::Procedure 6-3: Replace a SYSCTL (VLNC1) circuit packProcedure 6-3: Replace a SYSCTL (VLNC1) circuit pack 6-35
BOOKMARK193::Procedure 6-3.1: Initial software generic installation via FTAM (2.1 or later boot code)Procedure 6-3.1: Initial software generic installation via FTAM (2.1 or
later boot code) 6-47
BOOKMARK194::Procedure 6-3.2: Initial software generic installation via FTAM (2.0 boot code)Procedure 6-3.2: Initial software generic installation via FTAM (2.0
boot code) 6-58
BOOKMARK195::Procedure 6-3.3: Initial software generic installation via FTTD (2.1 or later boot code)Procedure 6-3.3: Initial software generic installation via FTTD (2.1 or
later boot code) 6-67
BOOKMARK196::Procedure 6-3.4: Initial software generic installation via FTTD (2.0 boot code)Procedure 6-3.4: Initial software generic installation via FTTD (2.0
boot code) 6-80
BOOKMARK197::Procedure 6-3.5: Initial software generic installation via FTP (2.1 boot code)Procedure 6-3.5: Initial software generic installation via FTP (2.1 boot
code) 6-90
BOOKMARK198::Procedure 6-3.6: Initial software generic installation via FTP (2.0 boot code)Procedure 6-3.6: Initial software generic installation via FTP (2.0 boot
code) 6-104
BOOKMARK199::Procedure 6-3.7: Initial software generic installation via FTP (1.0 boot code)Procedure 6-3.7: Initial software generic installation via FTP (1.0 boot
code) 6-114
BOOKMARK200::Procedure 6-3.8: Initial software generic installation or download and upgrade via a serial connectionProcedure 6-3.8: Initial software generic installation or download and
upgrade via a serial connection 6-124
BOOKMARK201::Procedure 6-3.9: Log in serially and enable FTP and/or OSI on the LAN portProcedure 6-3.9: Log in serially and enable FTP and/or OSI on the
LAN port 6-134
BOOKMARK202::Procedure 6-4: Replace Combination circuit packProcedure 6-4: Replace Combination circuit pack 6-148
BOOKMARK203::Procedure 6-5: Replace Ethernet circuit packProcedure 6-5: Replace Ethernet circuit pack 6-153
BOOKMARK204::Procedure 6-6: Apply software genericProcedure 6-6: Apply software generic 6-157
BOOKMARK205::Procedure 6-7: Software generic copy and upgrade to a remote shelfProcedure 6-7: Software generic copy and upgrade to a remote shelf 6-161
BOOKMARK206::Procedure 6-8: Backup and restore NE database via FTPProcedure 6-8: Backup and restore NE database via FTP 6-165
BOOKMARK207::Procedure 6-8.1: Backup NE database via FTPProcedure 6-8.1: Backup NE database via FTP 6-167
365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
BOOKMARK208::Procedure 6-8.2: Provision automatic database backup schedule via FTPProcedure 6-8.2: Provision automatic database backup schedule via
FTP 6-169
BOOKMARK209::Procedure 6-8.3: Restore NE database via FTPProcedure 6-8.3: Restore NE database via FTP 6-174
BOOKMARK210::Procedure 6-9: Backup and restore NE database via FTTDProcedure 6-9: Backup and restore NE database via FTTD 6-177
BOOKMARK211::Procedure 6-9.1: Backup NE database via FTTDProcedure 6-9.1: Backup NE database via FTTD 6-180
BOOKMARK212::Procedure 6-9.2: Provision automatic database backup schedule via FTTDProcedure 6-9.2: Provision automatic database backup schedule via
FTTD 6-183
BOOKMARK213::Procedure 6-9.3: Restore NE database via FTTDProcedure 6-9.3: Restore NE database via FTTD 6-188
BOOKMARK214::Procedure 6-10: Backup and restore NE database via FTAMProcedure 6-10: Backup and restore NE database via FTAM 6-192
BOOKMARK215::Procedure 6-10.1: Backup NE database via FTAMProcedure 6-10.1: Backup NE database via FTAM 6-193
BOOKMARK216::Procedure 6-10.2: Restore NE database via FTAMProcedure 6-10.2: Restore NE database via FTAM 6-195
BOOKMARK217::Procedure 6-11: Observe FTP progressProcedure 6-11: Observe FTP progress 6-197
BOOKMARK218::Procedure 6-12: Disable an FTP serverProcedure 6-12: Disable an FTP server 6-199
BOOKMARK219::Procedure 6-13: Establish communications with network elementProcedure 6-13: Establish communications with network element 6-201
BOOKMARK220::Procedure 6-14: Replace pluggable transmission moduleProcedure 6-14: Replace pluggable transmission module 6-203
BOOKMARK221::Procedure 6-15: Clean optical fibers, dual LC adapters and LC lightguide buildouts (LBOs)Procedure 6-15: Clean optical fibers, dual LC adapters and LC
lightguide buildouts (LBOs) 6-214
BOOKMARK222::Procedure 6-15.1: Clean optical fibersProcedure 6-15.1: Clean optical fibers 6-217
BOOKMARK223::Procedure 6-15.2: Clean fiber adapters and circuit pack connectorsProcedure 6-15.2: Clean fiber adapters and circuit pack connectors 6-220
BOOKMARK224::Procedure 6-15.3: Optical fiber and connector inspectionProcedure 6-15.3: Optical fiber and connector inspection 6-222
BOOKMARK225::Procedure 6-16: Clean pluggable transmission moduleProcedure 6-16: Clean pluggable transmission module 6-225
GL BOOKMARK226::GlossaryGlossary GL-1
IN BOOKMARK227::IndexIndex IN-1
Lucent Technologies 365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
List of tables
1 Chapter contents xviii
2 Metropolis
DMXplore documentation set xxi
2 Alarm list
2-1 Metropolis
DMXplore, Release 2.1 alarm list 2-2
4 Maintenance overview
4-1 Incoming signal failure conditions 4-7
4-2 UPSR switch priorities 4-13
4-3 Protection switching priorities (1+1 switch priority = forced) 4-17
4-4 Protection switching priorities (1+1 switch priority = signal
failure) 4-17
4-5 Synchronization reference protection switch priorities 4-19
4-6 Alarm filtering options 4-26
365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
List of figures
1 Safety
1-1 Laser warning labels 1-12
1-2 Static control wrist strap 1-15
1-3 Electrostatic discharge warning label (barred-hand symbol) 1-15
4 Maintenance overview
4-1 UPSR switching example 4-15
4-2 Facility loopback example 4-21
4-3 Terminal loopback example 4-22
6 Supporting procedures
6-1 WaveStar
CIT welcome window 6-26
6-2 WaveStar
CIT login window 6-27
6-3 Legal notice 6-28
6-4 Network View 6-29
6-5 NE login 6-31
6-6 NE level legal notice 6-32
6-7 Example of System View (graphical) 6-34
6-8 CIT OSI neighbor 6-40
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Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
6-9 Latch type 3 (swivel latch opened and closed) 6-205
6-10 Latch type 4 (swivel latch opened and closed) 6-206
6-11 Pluggable transmission module with dust plug 6-206
6-12 Examples of dust plugs 6-207
6-13 Latch type 3 (swivel latch opened and closed) 6-208
6-14 Latch type 4 (swivel latch opened and closed) 6-209
6-15 Example of inserting a pluggable transmission module into a
socket (wall-mounted shelf) 6-211
6-16 Example of inserting a pluggable transmission module into a
socket (rack-mounted shelf) 6-211
Lucent Technologies 365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
About this information product
This Alarm Messages and Trouble Clearing Guide (AMTCG) provides
the following information about the Metropolis
DMXplore Access
Multiplexer (Metropolis
DMXplore), Release 2.1:
Maintenance and trouble clearing information and procedures
A central directory of alarm messages
Reason for reissue
This document, Metropolis
DMXplore Access Multiplexer Alarm
Messages and Trouble Clearing Guide, 365-372-333, Issue 4, is
reissued to update existing information and provide information about
Release 2.1 features.
Release 2.1 features include support for the following:
VLNC30 10/100-T/F Fast Ethernet Private Line circuit pack
Client signal fail
Locked DS1/DS3 cross-connections
Capability to disable threshold crossing alerts on the Pointer
Justification Count parameter of an individual OC-n line.
Safety information
This information product contains hazard statements for your safety.
Hazard statements are given at points where safety consequences to
365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to follow these
statements may result in serious consequences.
Intended audience
This Metropolis
DMXplore Access Multiplexer Alarm Messages and
Trouble Clearing Guide, 365-372-333 is intended primarily for
technicians in the field of telecommunications and communications
network providers.
Descriptive material in this document may be used by anyone desiring
specific information or knowledge on the operational functions and
features of Metropolis
Procedural material in this document is written primarily for
maintenance, operation, and provisioning personnel responsible for the
operation and maintenance of the Metropolis
How to use this
information product
The Metropolis
DMXplore Access Multiplexer Alarm Messages and
Trouble Clearing Guide, 365-372-333 includes both descriptive,
reference chapters and procedure chapters.
This document assumes that its readers have an understanding of the
Basic principles of telecommunication transmission
Common telecommunication and system terminology (a glossary
is provided in this manual to assist you)
Test sets and tools used in the telecommunication industry
Local operations and functional procedures of your company
Personal computer (PC) operation, common PC terminology, and
navigational procedures in a windows-style user interface
Chapter contents
The following table provides a brief description of the chapters in the
DMXplore Access Multiplexer Alarm Messages and
Trouble Clearing Guide, 365-372-333.
Table 1 Chapter contents
Chapter Contents
Chapter 1, “Safety”
This chapter provides important safety information and
instructions for Metropolis
About this information product
Lucent Technologies 365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
Table 1 Chapter contents (continued)
Chapter Contents
Chapter 2, “Alarm list”
This chapter provides the alarm list for Metropolis
Chapter 3, “Alarms, conditions, and
error messages”
This chapter provides a brief explanatory table for each
alarm message generated by Metropolis
Chapter 4, “Maintenance overview”
This chapter outlines the various features available to
monitor and maintain Metropolis
Chapter 5, “Trouble clearing
This chapter provides the procedures required to clear
conditions that cause alarms.
Chapter 6, “Supporting procedures”
This chapter provides detailed step-by-step instructions that
support other procedures.
Defines terms used throughout the Metropolis
Index Provides detailed access to the contents of this document.
Conventions used
The following conventions are used in this document.
This font indicates a command.
This font indicates a document reference.
Example, Document Title, xxx-xxx-xxx (ordering
DMXplore Access Multiplexer Applications
and Planning Guide, 365-372-331
This font indicates buttons, icons, or menu items.
Configuration Equipment
This font indicates window and screen names or special
The Configure Equipment screen appears.
This font indicates lettering designations on the backplane, shelf,
and circuit packs.
MN/ABN LED and ACO/TST LED simultaneously light for
approximately 12 seconds and then extinguish.
About this information product
365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005
Lucent Technologies
This font indicates information output by the system or
displayed on the computer.
The response will be
Underlined phrases indicate hyperlinks to other text in the
document or another step in the procedure.
Example: Cross-Reference (chapter-page number): “Procedure
6-2: Connect personal computer (PC) and establish WaveStar
CIT session” (6-24)
Important messages are displayed as follows:
Important! This is important information.
User interface to system
Users interact with the Metropolis
DMXplore Access Multiplexer
using a PC and a windows-based graphical user interface (GUI). The
GUI is called the WaveStar
Craft Interface Terminal (WaveStar
CIT), which permits users to perform system operations such as
administration, provisioning, fault management, and more.
Using the
Procedures presented in this document expect users to be familiar with
the WaveStar
CIT and navigating through the screens of information
relating to a particular operation. The screens are designed to be
straightforward and to contain all information relating to a particular
operation. The procedures presented in this document rely on the
information provided in the screen displays. Therefore, it is imperative
that users read all the information provided in a screen before
continuing an operational function.
Using procedures
To find instructions for performing a specific job, first determine the
procedure category (for example, trouble clearing). After determining
the procedure category, go to the corresponding procedure chapter and
find the procedure in the chapter Contents table.
Procedures contain step-by-step instructions to accomplish a distinct
user job. Procedures are found in Chapter 5, “Trouble clearing
The procedures in Chapter 6, “Supporting procedures” are referenced
from multiple procedures to support a job function you are
performing. Go to a supporting procedure only when it is referred to
About this information product
Lucent Technologies 365-372-333 R2.1
Issue 4, June 2005