Vess A-Class Product Manual Promise Technologies
Introduction 1
Key AdvAntAges 3
File SyStem FeatureS 3
Other FeatureS 4
Vtrak a-ClaSS PrOduCt liCenSe 5
PrOduCt regiStratiOn 5
HArdwAre 6
FrOnt OF Vtrak a3800 6
FrOnt Panel ledS 8
Front LED bEhavior 8
DrivE CarriEr LEDs 9
rear OF Vtrak a3800 10
ControLLEr anD PowEr suPPLy LEDs 11
Ports anD ConnECtions 12
specificAtions 13
Hardware Installation 15
UnpAcKing tHe vtrAK 16
rAcK-moUnting tHe vtrAK enclosUre 17
mOunting the enClOSure in a raCk 18
metAdAtA And mAnAgement networK connections 21
ConnECt DEviCEs to MEtaData anD ManagEMEnt nEtwork 21
fibre cHAnnel dAtA connections 22
DirECt attaChED san 23
ConnECt to FibrE ChannEL nEtwork 23
nO Single POint OF Failure 24
nsPF FibrE ChannEL Data Path 25
Serial Cable management COnneCtiOn 26
COnneCting a Vtrak JbOd 27
connecting tHe enclosUre power 29
oPtionaL uPs sEriaL ConnECtion 29
tUrning on tHe vtrAK 30
SAN and File System Setup 33
sAn client softwAre 34
inStalling the Client aPPliCatiOn SOFtware 34
MaC instaLLation 35
winDows instaLLation 36
Linux instaLLation 37
Accessing tHe User interfAce 38
ChangE nEtwork sEttings 40
ChangE DatE anD tiME sEttings 41
license ActivAtion 42
aCtivatE LiCEnsE ManuaLLy 43
aCtivatE LiCEnsE autoMatiCaLLy 45
trial VerSiOn liCenSe 46
Using tHe sAn setUp wizArd 47
Using tHe file system setUp wizArd 49
autOmatiC File SyStem COnFiguratiOn 50
adVanCed File SyStem COnFiguratiOn 52
uSing FS Client SOFtware 57
winDows FsCLiEnt usErs 58
Web-based Management 59
nAvigAting tHe interfAce 60
View San tOPOlOgy 63
file system mAnAgement 64
Planning and CreatiOn OF the File SyStem 65
what is MEtaData? 66
aDvanCED ConFiguration oPtions For thE FiLE systEM 67
File SyStem - detail 69
stoPPing a FiLE systEM 70
DELEting a FiLE systEM 70
ForMatting a FiLE systEM 70
ChECking a FiLE systEM 71
CLiEnt CoMPutEr List 71
vtrak List 71
View Client COmPuter inFOrmatiOn 71
File SyStem - StOrage 72
File SyStem - QuOta management 73
rEquirEMEnts For quota ConFiguration 73
aDD quota ConFiguration 73