1 in. ( 25 m m ) O v e r l a p
M e t a l s t r ip s 2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) u nd e r e d g e o f F ir e p l a c e
a nd H e a r t h E x t e ns io n a nd e x t e nd e d 2 in. ( 5 1 m m )
b e y o nd b o t h s id e s o f f ir e p l a c e o p e ning .
N a il o r s c r e w m e t a l s t r ip s in p l a c e .
P a l l e t M o u nt ing /F l o o r
B r a c k e t s
R a is e d P l a t f o r m
F l o o r
2 in.
( 5 1 m m )
1 in. ( 25 m m ) m in.
o v e r l a p
2 in.
( 5 1 m m )
T o p p ie c e m u s t o v e r l a p
b o t t o m p ie c e
Figure 3.8 Protect the Front of an Elevated Platform
F. Protective Metal Hearth Strips
Figure 3.7 Position the Protective Metal Hearth Strips
• oate te to otetive etal eat stis easuin
aoiatel 26 in 4 in 660 102 inlue
it tis elae
• Slie ea etal sti 2 in 51 une ont ee o
• Ovela stis in te ile o elae oenin 1 in
25 iniu
•Metal stis ust eten eon te ont an sies
o te elae oenin at least 2 in 51
iue 3
•otet te ont o a lato elevate aove te eat
etension it etal stis not inlue it elae
e iue 38 See Setion 6 o eat etension
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Protective metal hearth
strips MUST be installed on combustible surfaces. DO
NOT cover metal strips with combustible materials.
WARNING! Risk of re! High temperatures, sparks,
embers or other burning material falling from the
• ProtectivemetalhearthstripsMUSTbeinstalled.
• HearthextensionsMUSTbeinstalledexactlyas
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
Follow these instructions exactly.
Facing materials must be installed properly to prevent
No materials may be substituted without authorization by
Hearth & Home Technologies
G. Facing Material
TOOLS NEEDED: oee ill it 2 illis ea it
aulin un
Onl non-oustile ateials sulie it elae
a e use to ove te etal elae ont
NOTE: All boards are pre-drilled for your convenience.
Boards MUST be attached in the following order:
bottom, top, and then the two sides, red-painted side
out. The top and bottom board should each have a hang
tag attached. Leave them attached for referral for the
•Atta te otto oa to te otto o te oute
elae an it enlose ses ensuin te oa
is entee DO NOT remove hang tags
• ente an atta te to oa to te oute an an
ain ees DO NOT remove hang tags.
•sin te Sue alsti un a lit ea 1/8 in
iniu eteen te etal suae o te elae
an te utt ees o te to oa See iue 3
• nsuin te to o te sie iees an te to oa
alin atta te sie iees to te oute an an ain
Figure 3.9 Apply Non-combustible Materials
remove hang
Apply bead of
Super Calstick to
edge here
NOTICE: 1/8 in. of the facing material may be visible
be painted or the red will show.
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13