Heat&Glo NorthStar-NT Installation guide

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Installation an sevie o tis elae soul e
eoe  ualie esonnel Heat & Hoe
Tenoloies eoens NI etie oes-
sionals o teniians suevise  an
NI etie oessional
Fire Risk.
o use it soli oo uel onl
Ote uels a ovee an eneate
oisonous ases ie aon onoie
Tested an d
L isted b y P ortl an d
Oreg on U SA
OM N I - Test L ab oratories, I n c.
Installation Manual
Installation and Fireplace Setup
Glass an ote suaes ae ot uin
oeation AND ool on
Hot glass will cause burns.
DO NOT tou lass until it is oole
NR allo ilen to tou lass
ee ilen aa
AR SRIS ilen in sae oo as
Alet ilen an aults to aas o i teeatues
High temperatures may ignite clothing or other ammable
ee lotin unitue aeies an ote aale
ateials aa
INSTALLER: Leave this manual with party responsible for use and operation.
OWNER: Retain this manual for future reference.
NOTICE: DO NOT discard this manual!
DO NOT stoe o use asoline o ote a-
ale vaos an liuis in te viinit o tis
o an ote aliane
DO NOT ovee Ovein ill voi ou
ol it all iniu leaanes to o-
ustiles as seie ailue to ol a
ause ouse e
WARNING: If the information in these
instructions is not followed exactly, a re
or explosion may result causing property
damage, personal injury, or death.
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
Safety Alert Key:
DANGER! Iniates a aaous situation i i not avoie ill esult in eat o seious inu
• WARNING! Iniates a aaous situation i i not avoie oul esult in eat o seious inu
• CAUTION! Iniates a aaous situation i i not avoie oul esult in ino o oeate inu
NOTICE: Iniates aties i a ause aae to te elae o to oet
Table of Contents
1 Product Specic & Important Safety Information
A ielae etiation 4
 Glass Seiations 4
 Non-oustile Mateials 4
D oustile Mateials 4
 letial oes 5
2 Getting Started
A Tial ielae Sste 6
 Desin an Installation onsieations
1 Seletin ielae oations
2 oatin ielae & ine 8
 Tools an Sulies Neee
D Inset ielae an oonents
 ielae Sste Reuieents
3 Framing and Clearances
A ielae Diensions 10
 leaanes 11
1 Miniu leaanes to oustiles 12
2 Reue Mantel Heit / Otional ain onstution
Reuie 12
 onstut te ase 13
D ae te ielae 14
 Seue an evel te ielae 14
 otetive Metal Heat Stis 15
G ain Mateial 15
H Outsie Ai it 16
I Heat one it Otional 18
4 Electrical Wiring
5 Chimney and Termination Requirements
A ine Reuieents 22
 Osets/Retuns 23
 Teination Reuieents 24
6 Chimney Installation
A Tial ine Sste 25
 Assele ine Setions 26
 Install ine Ai it A4A 26
D Seue Oset/Retun 28
 Install eilin iestos 28
 Install Atti Insulation Siel 2
G Roo enetation 30
H Manuatue Hoe Installation 30
I Install ase/ase To 31
 Teination a Reuieents 32
 Install Teination a 32
7 Finishing
A Telate 34
inis te all 34
1 Stone i inis 34
2 Tile Ganite Male inis 34
 Mantel an all oetions 35
D inisin te Heat tension 35
 Non-oustile Sealant Mateial 3
8 Fireplace Setup
A iei laeent 38
 ae an lanet laeent 3
9 Reference Materials
A ine oonents 40
2Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
Model (circle one): NORTHSTAR- NORTHSTAR-NT
Fireplace Install YES IF NO, WHY?
eiie tat te ase is insulate an seale  13
Reuie non-oustile oa is installe  15
eiie leaanes to oustiles  11
ielae is levele an seue  14
Heat etension sie/eit eie  14 & 3
Outsie ai it installe  16
Otional Heat one as een installe  a ualiie sevie teniian  18
Section 5 (Pg. 22)
ine oniuation olies it iaas
ine installe loe an seue in lae it oe leaane
ine ai it installe
iestos installe
Atti insulation siel installe
Roo lasin installe an seale
Teinations installe an seale
Electrical Section 4 (Pg. 21)
Sit ies oel installe
Finishing Section 7 (Pg. 34)
oustile ateials not installe in non-oustile aeas
Dealer/Distributor Phone #
Serial #:
WARNING! Risk of Fire or Explosion! Failure to install fireplace acording to these instructions can lead to a fire or
Follow this Standard Work Checklist
Tis stana o elist is to e use  te installe in onution it not instea o te instutions ontaine in this installation
anual Date Installed:
Location of Fireplace:
oustile ateials not installed in non
oustile areas
eiie all leaanes eet installation anual euieents
Mantels an all oetions ol it installation anual euieents
otetive eat stis an eat etension installe e anual euieents
Fireplace Setup Section 8 (Pg. 38)
All aain an otetive ateials eove
iei ale an eai lanet installe oetl
aia an oos oel installe
All aain ateials ae eove o insie/une te ielae
Hearth & Home Technologies recommends the following:
• otoain te installation an oin tis elist o ou ile
• Tat tis elist eain visile at all ties on te ielae until te installation is olete
oents ouniate to at esonsile
at 401-256 • Rev  • 1/2/13
  on 
uile/Gen ontato Installe Date
Comments: ute esition o te issues o is esonsile Installe/uile/Ote Taes et an oetive ation neee
Manual a an all o its ontents ae eove o insie/une te ielae an
iven to te at esonsile o use an oeation
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
1 Product Specic & Important Safety Information
A. Fireplace Certication
Tis elae sste as een teste an liste in a-
oane it 12 an -S610-M8 an M84-
HD stanas o installation an oeation in te nite
States an anaa as esie in tis anual
e it ou loal uilin oe aen eoe ou
ein ou installation to ensue oliane it loal
oes inluin te nee o eits an ollo-u in-
setions e sue loal uilin oes o not suesee
 seiations an alas otain a uilin eit so
tat insuane otetion enets annot e uneetel
Heat & Glo is a eistee taea o Heat & Hoe
Tenoloies In
C. Non-Combustible Materials
Mateials i ill not inite an un oose o
an oination o te olloin
- Steel - Ion
- i - Tile
- onete - Slate
- Glass - lastes
Mateials eote as assin ASTM E 136, Standard
Test Method for Behavior of Metals, in a Vertical Tube
Furnace at 750° C
D. Combustible Materials
Mateials ae o o suae it an o te olloin
- oo - oesse ae
- lant es - lasti
- loo/OS - Seet o all
An ateial tat an inite an un ae ooe o
not lastee o un-lastee
B. Glass Specications
Tis elae is euie it 5  eai lass Re-
lae lass onl it 5  eai lass lease ontat
ou eale o elaeent lass
NOTICE: This installation must conform with local codes. In the
absence of local codes you must comply with the UL127, (UM)
84-HUD and NFPA211 in the U.S.A. and the ULC 610-M87
and CAN/CSA-B365 Installation Codes in Canada.
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Hearth & Home Technologies
disclaims any responsibility for, and the warranty and agen-
cy listing will be voided by the following actions.
• installoroperatedamagedreplace
• modifyreplace
 installotherthanasinstructedbyHearth &Home
 operatethefireplacewithoutfullyassemblingall
• overre
• installanygaslogset
• installanycomponentnotapprovedbyHearth&Home
• installpartsorcomponentsnotListedorapproved
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
maintenance can cause injury or property damage. For
installer, service agency or your dealer.
Model: Notsta A etie
oounin ielae
Laboratory: OMNI Test aoatoies In
Report No: 061-S-50-2
Type: oo ielae
Standard: 12 an -S610-M8 an
M 84-HD Manuatue
Hoe Aove
EPA# and Original Date: 51 4-1-03
EPA Certied:
325 as e
Efciency: u to 8
BTU Output
with EPA test fuel: 51400 / 
with Cord Wood: 0000 / 
Heating Capacity: u to 3500 s t
Chimney Size: 8 ines
HHT S300 Seies
DuraVent Dualus
Max Wood Length: 24 ines
Fuel: o oo
Shipping Weight: 650 ls
Firebox Size 2 ui eet
4Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
E. Electrical Codes
NOTICE: Thisreplacemustbeelectricallywiredand
grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the
absence of local codes, with National Electric Code ANSI/
NFPA 70-latest edition or the Canadian Electric Code
CSA C22.1.
A 110-120 A iuit o tis out ust e otete
it oun-ault iuit-inteute otetion in
oliane it te aliale eletial oes en
it is installe in a loations
WARNING! Improper installation, adjustment, alteration,
service or maintenance can cause injury or property dam-
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
2 Getting Started
A. Typical Fireplace System
N o n- c o m b u s t ib l e
r o o f f la s h ing m a int a ins
m inim u m c l e a r a nc e
a r o u nd c h im ne y
A d d it io na l l a t e r a l
s u p p o r t f o r c h im ne y
a b o v e r o o f ( o r e nc l o s e d
in c h a s e ) if ne e d e d
E nc l o s e d s p a c e a b o v e
a nd a r o u nd f ir e p l a c e
S u p p o r t s t r a p s
o n r a f t e r s u p p o r t s
c h im ne y ( no t s h o w n)
O u t s id e
c o m b u s t io n a ir
O u t s id e
c o m b u s t io n a ir
T e r m ina t io n C a p
C h im ne y p e ne t r a t e s r o o f
p r e f e r a b l y w it h o u t a f f e c t ing
r o o f r a f t e r s
S t o r m C o l l a r
O f f s e t /R e t u r n
( w it h h a ng e r s t r a p s )
A t t ic ins u l a t io n s h ie l d
m u s t b e u s e d h e r e t o
k e e p ins u l a t io n a w a y
f r o m c h im ne y if
a t t ic is ins u l a t e d
Fram ing headed
o f f in c e il ing j o is t s
M a nt e l
D e c o r a t iv e f a c ing
a nd t r im
F a c t o r y - b u il t f ir e p l a c e
C h im ne y s y s t e m
C o m b u s t ib l e
f r a m ing /h e a d e r
o n t o p o f V - s h a p e d
s t a nd o f f s ( s p a c e r s )
H e a r t h e x t e ns io n
P r o t e c t iv e m e t a l
h e a r t h s t r ip ( s )
Figure 2.1 Typical Fireplace System
6Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
I n a n e xt e r io r ch a se
o r p r o j e ct ing int o a
A cr o ss a co r ne r
A l o ng a w a l l
A s a
r o o m
d ivi d e r
24 in.
( 61 0 m m )
24 in.
( 61 0 m m )
24 in.
( 61 0 m m )
48 in.
( 1 21 9 m m )
24 in.
( 61 0 m m )
Figure 2.2 Fireplace Locations
• Illustrationsandphotosreecttypicalinstallationsand
• Illustrations/diagramsarenotdrawntoscale.
• Actualinstallation/appearancemayvaryduetoindividual
design preference.
• Hearth&HomeTechnologiesreservestherighttoalter
its products.
NOTICE: In addition to these framing dimensions, also
reference the following section:
• Clearances (Section 3).
A minimum 1/2 in. air clearance at the back and
a minimum 1 in. air clearance to the sides of the
Chimney sections at any level require a 2 in. mini-
mum air space clearance between the framing
and chimney sections.
B. Design and Installation Considerations
NOTICE: Check building codes prior to installation.
Installation MST ol it loal eional state an
national oes an eulations
onsult insuane aieloal uilin insetoe
oials o autoities avin uisition ove estitions
installation insetion an eits
1. Selecting Fireplace Locations
Tis elae a e use as a oo ivie installe
alon a all aoss a one o use in an eteio ase
See iue 22
oatin te elae in a aseent nea euentl
oene oos ental eat outlets o etuns o ote
loations o onsieale ai oveent an aet te
Outsie ai ust e use o oustion Te 100
oes euie it an outsie ai inlet to ee ous-
tion ai o outsie te oe alon it an outsie ai
teination a te ii etal ut is euie ut not
sulie onsieation soul e iven to tese atos
eoe eiin on a loation
Model # A B C D E F G H I
NotSta iensions
o nise alls
in. 41-/8 16 8-1/2 63-5/16 22-/16 44-3/4 14-1/16 55-15/16 50-/8
mm 1063 406 223 1608 50 113 35 1421 122
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
2. Locating Fireplace & Chimney
oation o te elae an ine ill aet eo-
Install itin te a aisae enlose  te uilin
enveloe Tis els to oue oe at eseiall
uin litin an ie-on o te e
enetate te iest at o te oo Tis iniies
te eets o in loain
oate teination a aa o tees aaent
stutues uneven oo lines an ote ostutions
Miniie te use o ine osets
onsie te elae loation elative to oo an eilin
an atti oists
Tae into onsieation te teination euieents in
Setions 5 an 6
M a r g ina l L o c a t io n:
• Below peak
Location NOT recommended:
• Not the highest point of the roof
• Wind loading possible
Multi-level Roofs
Recommended Location:
• Above peak
• Insulated exterior chase
in cooler climates
Recommended Location:
• Above peak
• Inside heated space
Location NOT recommended:
• Too close to tree
• Below adjacent structure
• Lower roof line
• Avoid outside wall
M a r g ina l L o c a t io n:
Wind loading possible
Figure 2.3 Recommended Chimney Locations
Install te outsie ai it it te intae ain evailin
ins uin te eatin season
nsue aeuate outoo ai o all oustion
alianes an eaust euient
nsue unae an ai onitionin etun vents ae not
loate in te ieiate viinit o te elae
Avoi installin te elae nea oos alas o
sall isolate saes
Reesse litin soul e a seale an esin
Atti ates eate stie o seale
Atti ounte ut o an ai anle oints an seas
tae o seale
8Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
C. Tools and Supplies Needed
eoe einnin te installation e sue te olloin
tools an uilin sulies ae availale
Reioatin sa ain ateial
lies Non-oustile sealant
Hae Gloves
illis seive ain suae
lat lae seive leti ill an its
lu line Saet lasses
evel Tae easue
1/2-3/4 in lent 6 o 8 sel-illin ses
Mis ses an nails
D. Inspect Fireplace and Components
WARNING! Risk of Fire and/or Explosion! Damaged
parts could impair safe operation. DO NOT install dam-
aged, incomplete or substitute components. Keep re-
place dry.
Reove elae an oonents o aain an
inset o aae
ent sste oonents an oos ae sie in
seaate aaes
Reot to ou eale an ats aae in sient
Read all the instructions before starting the
installation. Follow these instructions carefully
during the installation to ensure maximum safety
and benet.
E. Fireplace System Requirements
Te elae sste euieents onsist o te ollo-
- iei inlue it elae
- Doo inlue it elae
- Non-oustile ain ateial inlue it
- Heat tension
Outsie Ai Sste oo an ollas inlue it
ine Sste
- ine ai it inlue it elae euie it
S300 seies ine
- Atti Insulation Siel inlue it elae
- ine teination a
Non-oustile nis ateial
Otional oonents inlue
intel a
Heat one it
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
3 Framing and Clearances
A. Fireplace Dimensions
1 1 - 1 /8 in.
( 28 3 m m )
23- 1 /8 in.
( 5 8 7 m m )
31 - 1 /8 in.
( 79 1 m m )
3- 1 /2 in.
( 8 9 m m )
40 - 5 /1 6 in.
( 1 0 24 m m )
43- 1 3/1 6 in.
( 1 1 0 0 m m )
37 in.
( 9 40 m m )
40 in.
( 1 0 1 6 m m )
43 in.
( 1 0 1 6 m m )
1 in.
( 25 m m )
5 - 7/8 in.
( 1 49 m m ) 6- 1 /2 in.
( 1 65 m m )
9 - 1 1 /1 6 in.
( 246 m m )
F a n E l e c t r ic a l A c c e s s
( r ig h t s id e o f f ir e p la c e )
Figure 3.1 Fireplace Dimensions
10 Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
B. Clearances
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
YoumustcomplywithallminimumairspaceclearancestocombustiblesasspeciedinFigure3.2.DO NOT pack required
closer than the minimums listed must be constucted entirely of non-combustible materials (i.e., steel studs, concrete board,
Figure 3.2 Clearances to Combustible Materials
2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) m in.
A t t ic
I ns u l a t io n
S h ie l d
C e il ing F ir e s t o p
( c e il ing )
( r o o f )
( a t t ic )
( c e il ing )
C e il ing F ir e s t o p O f f s e t /R e t u r n w it h
h a ng e r s t r a p s
S t o r m C o l l a r
R o o f F la s h ing
2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) m in.
2 in. m in.
( 5 1 m m )
M u s t h a v e 2 in. ( 5 1 m m )
m inim u m c l e a r a nc e
to header
2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) m in.
2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) m in.
2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) m in.
1 in. ( 25 m m ) t o s id e o f a p p l ia nc e
( e x c e p t a t na il ing f l a ng e s w h e r e it is 1 /2 in. [ 1 3 m m ] )
1 in. ( 25 m m ) t o b a c k
o f a p p l ia nc e
0 in.
t o f l o o r
0 in. t o l e v e l
o f s t a nd o f f s
2 in.
( 5 1 m m )
m in.
36 in. ( 9 1 4 m m )
s t a nd o f f s t o c e il ing
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
2. Reduced Mantel Height / Optional Framing
Construction Required
Non-combustible antel ateial iniu eit
o ase o elae to unesie o antel 46 in
1168  en te olloin enlosue onstution
ateials ae use
Non-oustile ain ateials ust e use aove
elae to eit o 84 in 2134  o to te eil-
in o ase o elae o all onstution ateials
ain ees seetin an all nis ateials
1. Minimum Clearances to Combustibles
P o s it io n c o m b u s t ib l e /
no n- c o m b u s t ib l e m a nt e l
60 in. ( 1 5 24 m m ) f r o m
b a s e o f f ir e p l a c e
1 2 in.
( 30 5 m m )
46- 1 /4 in.
( 1 1 75 m m )
24 in.
( 61 0 m m )
2 in.
( 5 1 m m )
48 - 1 /4 in.
( 1 226 m m )
42-1/4 in.
( 1 0 73 m m )
The finished cavity depth must
be no less than 24 in. (610 mm)
from the finished backwall to
the outside of front wall framing.
Figure 3.3 Framing the Fireplace
ielae to aall 1 in 25 
ielae to sieall 1 in 25 
Dut oots to ain 0 in 0 
To stanos to eae 0 in 0 
Doo oenin to sieall 22-8 in 581 
aelate to sieall 16 in 406 
Heat one ai ills to eilin 12 in 305 
Mantel iniu eit 60 in 1524 
Maiu antel et 12 in 305 
12 Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
C. Construct the Chase
A ase is a vetial olie stutue uilt to enlose te
elae an/o its vent sste etial ines tat
un on te outsie o a uilin ust e installe insie a
In ol liates Heat & Hoe Tenoloies eo-
ens tat te ase e ell insulate usin att te
insulation eteen te oists
onstution o te ase a va it te te o uil-
in Tese instutions ae not sustitutes o te euie-
ents o loal uilin oes oal uilin oes MST
e ee
ases soul e onstute in te anne o all outsie
alls o te oe to event ol ai atin oles
Te ase soul not ea te outsie uilin enveloe
in an anneAll oute alls nee to e insulate
uilin oes euie alse eilin an eilin estos/
atti siels at ea oo o te ase o eve 10 t 3048
 o lea sae to ontol sea o e
alls eilin ase late an antileve oo at te st
level o te ase soul e insulate see iue 34
ao an ai inltation aies soul e installe in te
ase as e eional oes o te est o te oe A-
itionall Heat & Hoe Tenoloies eoens tat
te insie suaes e alle an tae o te use o
an euivalent eto o aiu ai titness
Holes an ote oenins soul e aule it i
teeatue aul o stue it unae e lass
C e il ing
F ir e s t o p
M e t a l C h a s e T o p
R o u nd T e r m ina t io n C a p
F a l s e C e il ing
I ns u l a t io n in t h e
o u t s id e w a l l s
o f t h e c h a s e
A t t ic
I ns u l a t io n
S h ie l d
C h im ne y
C e il ing
F ir e s t o p
T a b s
F a l s e C e il ing
F a l s e C e il ing I ns u l a t io n
I ns u l a t io n
S t o r m C o l l a r
Figure 3.4 Chase Assembly
1 2 3
A l l o u t s id e w a l l s s h o u l d b e ins u l a t e d .
Figure 3.5 Chase Constructions
1 ielae an ine enlose in an eteio ase
2 ine oset tou eteio all an enlose in ase
3 ase onstute on oo
Te ase is onstute usin ain ateials u
te sae as te alls in ou oe A vaiet o siin
ateials a e use inluin i stone venee
i o stana siin ateials
In onstutin te ase seveal atos ust e
- Maintain a 2 in 51  ai sae aoun te
- Te ase to ust e onstute o non-
oustile ateial
- In ol liates a esto sae an atti insulation
siel soul e installe in an insulate alse eilin
at te 8 t 2438  level aove te elae
asselTis eues eat loss tou te ase
- In ol liates te alls o te ase soul e
insulate to te level o te alse eilin as son in
iue 34 Tis ill el eue eat loss o te
oe aoun te elae
Tee eales o ase aliations ae son in i-
ue 35
WARNING! You must install false ceilings and ceil-
ing restops at each oor of the chase or every 10 ft
(3.05 m) to control spread of re.
WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT sealareabetweenre
stop opening and chimney pipe except where they enter
the attic or leave the warm air envelope of the home (use
600° F sealant).
WARNING! Risk of Fire! You must maintain a minimum
2 in. (51 mm) air space clearance to insulation and other
materials surrounding the chimney system.
• Insulationandothermaterialsmustbermlysecuredto
prevent accidental contact with chimney system.
• Thechasemustbeproperlyblockedtopreventblown
insulation or other combustibles from entering and
• Failuretopreventcontactbetweeninsulation orother
materials and chimney system may cause overheating
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
D. Frame the Fireplace
NOTICE: Heat etension esin ust e eteine
eoe installation o elae
I te elae is lae on te oo te aiu eit
o a nise aise eat is 5-3/4 i ou ant a ie
aise eat te elae ust e lae on a lato
NOTICE: Wiring for fans must be done before framed
enclosure is completed. If using a Heat Zone Kit, it
also must be installed before enclosure is complete.
Te 100 ielae ill t a ae oenin eit o
46-1/4 in 114  tall an 42-1/4 in 103  ie
WARNING! Risk of Fire! You must comply with all
minimum air space clearances to combustibles. DO NOT
pack required air spaces with insulation or other materi-
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Comply with all minimum clear-
• A minimum1in.(25mm)airclearancemustbe
maintained at the back and 1 in. (25 mm) to the sides
• Chimneysectionsatanylevelrequirea2in.(51mm)
minimum air space clearance between the framing and
chimney section.
iue 33 sos a tial ain usin 2  4 lue
o te elae assuin oustile ateials ae
use All euie leaanes to oustiles aoun te
elae ust e aee to See iue 32 An ain
aoss te to o te elae ust e aove te level o
te to stanos No eess aove stanos
nise avit et ust e no less tan 24 in
610  o te nise aall to te outsie o ont
all ain ain ust eten stait u all te a
to te eilin
CAUTION! Risk of Cuts/Abrasions. Wear protective gloves
and safety glasses during installation. Sheet metal edges
are sharp.
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Prevent contact with sagging,
loose insulation.
• DO NOT install against vapor barriers or exposed
• Secureinsulationandvaporbarriers.
• Provideminimumairspaceclearancesatthesidesand
E. Secure and Level the Fireplace
Tis elae a e lae on eite a oustile o
nonoustile ontinuous at suae ollo te in-
stutions o ain in Setion 3 Slie te elae into
osition e sue to ovie te iniu 1 in ai lea-
ane at te sies an 1 in at te a o te elae
Te elae soul e ositione so te ae o te non-
oustile ateial on te elae ill e us it te
ae o te all on te alls See iue 36
evel te elae an si as neessa
T h e se su r f a ce s
m u st b e e ve n!
D r yw a l l N o n- co m b u st ib l e
f a ci ng m a t e r ia l
Figure 3.6 Drywall - Non-combustible Facing Material
14 Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
1 in. ( 25 m m ) O v e r l a p
M e t a l s t r ip s 2 in. ( 5 1 m m ) u nd e r e d g e o f F ir e p l a c e
a nd H e a r t h E x t e ns io n a nd e x t e nd e d 2 in. ( 5 1 m m )
b e y o nd b o t h s id e s o f f ir e p l a c e o p e ning .
N a il o r s c r e w m e t a l s t r ip s in p l a c e .
P a l l e t M o u nt ing /F l o o r
B r a c k e t s
R a is e d P l a t f o r m
F l o o r
2 in.
( 5 1 m m )
1 in. ( 25 m m ) m in.
o v e r l a p
2 in.
( 5 1 m m )
T o p p ie c e m u s t o v e r l a p
b o t t o m p ie c e
Figure 3.8 Protect the Front of an Elevated Platform
F. Protective Metal Hearth Strips
Figure 3.7 Position the Protective Metal Hearth Strips
oate te to otetive etal eat stis easuin
aoiatel 26 in 4 in 660  102  inlue
it tis elae
Slie ea etal sti 2 in 51  une ont ee o
Ovela stis in te ile o elae oenin  1 in
25  iniu
Metal stis ust eten eon te ont an sies
o te elae oenin  at least 2 in 51 
iue 3
otet te ont o a lato elevate aove te eat
etension it etal stis not inlue it elae
e iue 38 See Setion 6 o eat etension
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Protective metal hearth
strips MUST be installed on combustible surfaces. DO
NOT cover metal strips with combustible materials.
WARNING! Risk of re! High temperatures, sparks,
embers or other burning material falling from the
• ProtectivemetalhearthstripsMUSTbeinstalled.
• HearthextensionsMUSTbeinstalledexactlyas
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
Follow these instructions exactly.
Facing materials must be installed properly to prevent
No materials may be substituted without authorization by
Hearth & Home Technologies
G. Facing Material
TOOLS NEEDED: oee ill it 2 illis ea it
aulin un
Onl non-oustile ateials sulie it elae
a e use to ove te etal elae ont
NOTE: All boards are pre-drilled for your convenience.
Boards MUST be attached in the following order:
bottom, top, and then the two sides, red-painted side
out. The top and bottom board should each have a hang
tag attached. Leave them attached for referral for the
Atta te otto oa to te otto o te oute
elae an it enlose ses ensuin te oa
is entee DO NOT remove hang tags
ente an atta te to oa to te oute an an
ain ees DO NOT remove hang tags.
sin te Sue alsti un a lit ea 1/8 in
iniu eteen te etal suae o te elae
an te utt ees o te to oa See iue 3
nsuin te to o te sie iees an te to oa
alin atta te sie iees to te oute an an ain
Figure 3.9 Apply Non-combustible Materials
remove hang
Apply bead of
Super Calstick to
edge here
NOTICE: 1/8 in. of the facing material may be visible
be painted or the red will show.
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
H. Outside Air Kit
An outsie ai it ust e use o oustion Heat &
Hoe Tenoloies eoens ou utilie te sotest
ut un to otiie te eoane o te outsie ai
it Te outsie ai inlet oo soul e ositione in a
anne tat ill not allo sno leaves et to lo te
inlet In soe installations te ai ut a nee to e un
vetiall In su an installation a 3 t 14  eit
ieene ust e aintaine o te to o te ue-
ost ine setion to te outsie ai inlet oo
Ree to iues 310 an 311 en lain te outsie
ai inlet oo
Te outsie ai it is installe on te it an sie o te
elae See iue 312 o anle loation/oeation
ut a 6 in 152  ole in outsie all to aooate
ai iin
se 6 in 152  etal e o ii iin not sulie
to ietl onnet outsie ai to elae intae Insulate
te ie to event ost onensation
se te sulie outsie ai inlet oo
Seal eteen te all an te ie it silione to
event oistue enetation an ai leas
Seal eteen te outsie ai inlet oo an te ouse
it silione to event ai inltation
CAUTION! Risk of Cuts/Abrasions. Wear protective
gloves and safety glasses during installation. Sheet metal
edges are sharp.
CAUTION! Risk of Fire or Asphyxiation! DO NOT draw
enclosed spaces such as an attic or garage.
• DO NOT place outside air inlet hood close to exhaust
vents or chimneys. Fumes or odor could be drawn into
• Locateoutsideairinlethoodtopreventblockagefrom
leaves, snow/ice, or other debris. Blockages could cause
combustion air starvation.
A t t ic ins u l a t io n s h ie l d
m u s t b e u s e d t o k e e p
ins u l a t io n a w a y f r o m
c h im ne y .
C e il ing f ir e s t o p
o n f l o o r o f a t t ic .
3 f t m in. f r o m t o p o f
u p p e r m o s t c h im ne y
s e c t io n t o a ir inle t .
Figure 3.10 Outside Air Inlet Locations
16 Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
O u t l e t b l o c k e d b y
s no w , l e a v e s , e t c .
G arage or
c o m b u s t ib l e
l iq u id s s t o r a g e
A t t ic s p a c e
O u t l e t p l a c e d
h ig h e r t h a n 3 f t
b e l o w t h e
t e r m ina t io n c a p
U s e o nl y d u c t m a t e r ia l s
s p e c if ie d b y m a nu f a c t u r e r
Figure 3.11 Outside Air Installation
Figure 3.12 Outside Air
T e r m ina t io n C a p
s u p p l ie d w it h
f ir e p l a c e
6 in. ( 1 5 2m m ) m e t a l f le x
o r r ig id p ip e
O p e n/C l o s e
K no b f o r
o u t s id e a ir
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
MAIMM Dut Run  40-t 12 
MINIMM Dut Run  36 in 14 
6 in 152  -ent Onl
DO NOT ut into eistin unae lenu
1 in 25  o te -ent
/2 in 13  o to & otto o outlet o
0 in 0  o te sies o outlet o
12 in 305  o all eiste to eilin
Ree to iue 313
CAUTION! ALLwiringshouldbedonebyaqualiedelec-
trician and shall be in compliance with local codes and
with the National Electric Code NFPA/NEC No. 70-current.
CSC22.1 Canadian Electric Code.
Possible Air Duct Runs / Locations
Figure 3.13 Minimum Clearances to Combustibles
C e il ing R e g is t e r
W a l l R e g is t e r
F l o o r R e g is t e r
T w o D u c t K it s
C e il ing R e g is t e r
1 2 in. ( 30 5 m m ) m inim u m c l e a r a nc e
f r o m r e g is t e r t o c e il ing
I. Heat Zone Kit (Optional)
Te Heat-one aesso it onves a ai o te
elae tou ai uts to eote loations in te
sae oo o ote oos o te uilin ou a install
1 o 2 Heat-one its on te elae Installation o tis
it MUST e eoe  a ualie sevie teniian
I an ats ae issin o aae ontat ou loal
eale eoe statin installation DO NOT install a a-
ae it
Tis it is teste an sae en installe in aoane
it tis installation anual It is ou esonsiilit to
ea all instutions eoe statin installation an to ol-
lo tese instutions aeull uin installations
Te Heat-one oo it is aeull enineee an
ust e installe onl as seie I ou oi it o an
o its oonents ou ill voi te aant an ou a
ossil ause a e aa Installation ust e one
aoin to aliale loal state ovinial an/o
national oes
lan te loation o te elae an a ai ut uns
18 Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
Reove te noout o ove late o te to o te
elae an isa it See iue 314
ut a 3 in 6  ole in te insulation oa as e
te iensions son in iue 314
M o u nt ing
P l a t e
S t a r t e r P ip e
K no c k o u t
C u t a 3 in. ( 76 m m )
h o l e in ins u l a t io n b o a r d
3- 1 3/ 1 6 in.
(9 7 mm)
3- 1 / 8 in. (7 9 mm)
Run Length Cut Pipe
20 - 40 ft (6-12 m) 2 in. (51 mm)*
*A minimum of 2 in. (51 mm) pipe must be used to
cover the raw insulation to prevent it from blowing
out through the return air grille.
10 - 20 ft (3 - 6 m) 8 in. (203 mm)
3 - 10 ft (1 - 3 m) No cut needed**
**Use full 16 in. (406 mm) as supplied
Deteine te neessa lent o state ie o te
Tale 31 an ut as euie
Figure 3.14
Slie te state ie into te elae atin te
oles in te late to te oles in te elae
lae te aate on te ountin late linin u oles
sin ou seet etal ses inlue in te it seue
te aate an ountin late into elae Ate
seuin to te elae tae on te aate ees
to te to o te elae it aluinu tae to event
Deteine te loation o te ai eiste an an
ousin assel ut a -5/8 in  13-5/8 in 143 
 346  ole eteen ain ees all stus
o oo oists Te aets an e otate 180 an
ounte to te a sie o te 2  4 i neessa See
iue 316
NOTICE: The fan and electrical connections must be
accessible for servicing per local code requirements.
NOTICE: If the fan housing is installed in a 2 x 4 wall,
the front of the housing will protrude approximately 1/4
Atta enou 6 in 152  -ent as euie o
ou installation to te an ousin A maximum of (4)
90° elbows is recommended. Seuel tist lo te
-ent to te aate
Also se te -ent to te outlet o on te an
ousin See iue 31
Suot ut at intevals
o no eate tan 4 t 1  as euie  loal oe
Figure 3.15
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Comply with all minimum
• A minimum 1 in. (13 mm) air clearance must be
maintained at the back and 1 in. (25mm) to the sides
NOTE: It is important the pipe length be adhered to
or it will affect the performance of your replace.
On te ountin late an en te tas ona
Slie te tas ove te outsie o te state ie Seue
it ou seet etal ses inlue in astenes
aae iue 315
Table 3.1
Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13
S e c u r e l y T w is t
L o c k B - V e nt t o
A d a p t e r
S e c u r e B - V e nt t o F a n H o u s ing
w it h s h e e t m e t a l s c r e w s
R e t u r n A ir G r il l e
I ns t a l l w it h L o u v e r s
p o int e d d o w n
B r a c k e t
C a n r o t a t e
2 x 4 W a l l
F a n H o u s ing
1 /2 in. ( 1 3m m )
c l e a r a nc e t o
c o m b u s t ib l e s
m u s t b e
m a int a ine d .
2 x 4 w a l l
S h e e t R o c k
L e a v e 1 /4" ( 6m m ) c l e a r a nc e
f r o m a l l 4 o u t e r e d g e s
S e a l g r il le u s ing g a s k e t ing s u p p l ie d w it h t h e k it
Install te vaiale see all eostat it settin on
O in a onvenient loation Tis sit ill ontol
te Heat-one an oeation
Reove te untion o ie 110 A sevie TO
te all eostat an ROM te all eostat to te
an untion o se ie nuts to seue te 110 A
sevie ies to te ot la an neutal ite an
ies an se te 110 A oun ie to te untion
o See iue 31
Seue te etun ai ille to te an ousin ain
sue it is us Te ille ust e installe it te
louves ointin on
J u nc t io n B o x R e m o v e d
W ir e C l a m p
W ir e N u t s
J u nc t io n B o x
B l a c k
W h it e
NOTICE: Secure the duct so that clearance to the re-
place outer wrap is maintained. Tape all seams with alumi-
by local codes.)
Seal all te a aoun te insie o te etun ai ille to
event ot ai ein an a into te ventin sste
usin asetin sulie it te it eave 1/4 in 6
 leaane o all ou oute ees Ti eess
asetin See iue 318
Figure 3.16
Figure 3.17
Figure 3.18
Figure 3.19
20 Heat & Glo • NORTHSTAR • 480-2360 Installation Manual • Rev D • 05/30/13