Ingersoll-Rand R150IU-140 User manual

User manual
Fault Finding Guide for the R90-160 IU
More than Air Answers
Online answers:
PHONE: 1-800-820-0308
WSV June 07
Safety First
Compressed air and electricity can be dangerous. Before undertaking any work on the compressor,
ensure that the electrical supply has been isolated and the compressor has been relieved of all
pressure. Use proper Lock Out Tag Out procedures to ensure you and your coworkers safety.
Keep all parts of the body and any hand-held tools or other conductive objects, away from exposed
live parts of the compressor electrical system. Maintain dry footing, stand on insulating surfaces and
do not contact any other portion of the compressor when making adjustments or repairs to exposed
live parts of the compressor electrical system. Close and lock all access doors when the compressor
is left unattended.
Do not use extinguishers intended for Class A or Class B fires on electrical fires. Use only
extinguishers suitable for class BC or class ABC fires. Attempt repairs only in clean, dry, well lighted
and ventilated areas. Connect the compressor only to electrical systems that are compatible with its
electrical characteristics and that are within it’s rated capacity.
Imposing a normal or emergency stop on the compressor will only relieve pressure upstream
of the minimum pressure valve on top of the separator tank. If maintenance work is required
downstream of this valve, ensure that all pressure is relieved at the process vent point
external to the compressor This state is advised by selecting PACKAGE DISCHARGE
PRESSURE on the control panel.
Table of Contents
1. Overview of the Eiger control system ----------------------------------------------------------- 4
2. S3 Intellisys Controller Operating Instructions --------------------------------------------------5
3. S3 Intellisys Controller Software Navigation ---------------------------------------------------6
4. S3 Intellisys Controller Fault Indicators ---------------------------------------------------------7
5. Eiger Fault Finding ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-13
6. Star Delta Electrical Schematic -------------------------------------------------------------------14-15
7. Soft Start Electrical Schematic --------------------------------------------------------------------16-17
8. Line Start Electrical Schematic -------------------------------------------------------------------18-19
9. Process and Instrumentation Diagram ------------------------------------------------------------20-21
10. General Overview of the Compressor ------------------------------------------------------------22
11. Input/Output and Alarm Information for The Intellisys S3 Controller -----------------------23-25
• Analog Inputs/Outputs Information and Comments
• Digital Inputs/Outputs
12. S3 Intellisys Controller Serial Communications Information --------------------------------26
13. Eiger Maintenance Intervals ----------------------------------------------------------------------27-30
14. S3 Intellisys Input/Out Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------- 31
15. S3 Intellisys Fault Descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------ 32-33
16. S3 Intellisys Operator Display Icons ------------------------------------------------------------ 34-41
17. Eiger Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42
• Low Ambient
• Scheduled Start Stop
• Integral Sequencing
• Modulation Option and Adjustments ----------------------------------------------------43-44
16. Table 12 Standard S3 Menu Structure and Parameters ---------------------------------------45-48
17. Table 13 Modbus Register Listing ---------------------------------------------------------------49-50
18. Trip Codes List -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51
19. Appendix 1 Thermistor Temperature Resistance Chart (2ATT) ---------------------------- 52-57
20. General Specifications for Eiger Packages ----------------------------------------------------- 58-79
Overview of the Eiger Control System
The S3 Intellisys controller is used to control the operations of the air compressor. The following
troubleshooting guide will allow you to troubleshoot the compressor components. The controller will come in
two standard configurations, one is STD (standard) the other is ENH (enhanced). The difference is the options
that are enabled in the software of the controller when the compressor is ordered. If the compressor is ordered
with a standard controller the compressor can be upgraded to an enhanced unit with an upgrade kit CCN
23083637. The upgrade kit includes instruction for retrofitting a standard controller to an enhanced controller.
The controller has 3 analog inputs, 8 digital inputs, 6 relay outputs, 1 analog output and two serial 485
communication ports. The controller has a 24VAC input while the internal power supply is a 24 VDC unit that
must sustain a 40 ms power loss before resetting. The S3 controls all aspects of machine operation including
starting, stopping, loading and unloading, safety shutdowns, and user interface as well as compressor remote
connectivity to other devices.
This controller is different than other Intellisys controllers in that the relay outputs are not solid state triacs,
they are relays that are turned on an off by an internal 24 VDC power supply controlled by the internal
software. There will be no voltage leakage as you find with triacs. So fault finding will be easer due to fact that
if a relay output is on or off due to a problem with the controller simply replace the controller, there are no user
serviceable parts. The analog output (X06 term 1-2) for the PORO horn ( 4-20 Ma output ) simply energizes
the solid state relay when the unit starts after a power outage.
A user interface shows the status of the compressor while it is running. The display uses ISO symbols to
convey information to the operator and it will be necessary to learn the symbols as well as the menu structure to
troubleshoot the compressor. Pass codes are required to enter the Set up Access screen, and Fault History
(0000), and Advanced Set Up (0101). These codes are provided in this manual and the operator’s manuals. This
troubleshooting guide also includes the pass code for the Factory Setup that is to only be used by IR service
technicians and not given to customers (Code is 1954). The next pages give an overview of the buttons on the
controller as well as the ISO symbols and software navigation.
S3 Intellisys Controller Operating Instructions
Software Navigation
Eiger Controller Fault Indicators
020 Tr
Motor PTC Open (High Motor Temperature)
Eiger Fault Finding
’Power on’. L.E.D.
does Not
Control Voltage
not available
Control Circuit
Interrupted By a
Safety Circuit
Control voltage
not available to
relay inputs
Check the control fuses.
Confirm Incoming Power is correct
Check the transformer secondary
windings for 24 VAC control
voltage and 110 VAC.
Check machine for indicated fault
and repair.
Attempt to ’reset’ the controller by
removing power to the controller.
Check MCB3 for voltage, Controller
has no power to relay outputs.
This controller has no provision to
detect a power loss to the relay
Reset controller
Insufficient Coolant
insufficient cooling.
Compressor trips
indicating a high
Fault T 13, W 13
Check coolant level
Intellisys indicates
a tripped condition.
Compressor is
stopped but
Intellisys indicates
that it is still
running (STD
controller only)
Check Temperature sensors
Check thermostatic valve
AC, Check cooling air flow, cooler
restrictions, exhaust vents, inlet
WC, check water flow, strainer,
and water temperature
Excessively high ambient
Temperature / Humidity
(i.e. greater than 46C (115F).
Blowdown system
Open the valve and
Check the operation of
the load solenoid
mechanically and
Check the operation of
the unloader valve −
strip and clean if
Excessive current has
caused the motor
overload to trip
Check the actual operating
pressure and lower the
setting if it is too high.
Isolate the electrical supply
and check that the air end
and motor rotate freely.
Check the separator element
for excessive pressure drop.
Set the motor overload on
star-delta at .67 * FLA * SF
of motor name plate data
tag. Measure current at
bottom of MOL
Compressor trips and
indicates motor
Fault T 3
Compressor shutdown
display shows
Fault T 12, W 12
Isolation valve
Check for leaks, open service
valves or exceptionally high
Offline pressure set
too low
Air Demand too
Compressor will not
build up rated pressure.
Check the offline pressure
Excessive coolant
Blocked scavenge line
Ruptured or fouled
separator element
Clear the blockage.
Change the element.
Rapid cycling or
receiver will not
blow down to
unloaded running
System is not using enough
air, increase consumption.
Minimum pressure valve
(MPV) stuck open.
Strip the MPV, examine and
repair if necessary.
Compressor will not
Inlet valve not opening
Check that the valve is free
to open.
Check the operation of the
load solenoid valve 1SV.
Compressor fails to
deliver rated
Check the operation of
the inlet valve.
Check the offline/online pressure
Check the operation of
the load solenoid valve
Check the inlet filter for
contamination. The L.E.D. should
indicate if it is blocked.
(ENH controller only)
Safety valve blows
when compressor
Minimum pressure valve
(MPV) stuck closed.
Strip the MPV, examine and
repair if necessary.
Blocked separator element
Check differential pressure
and replace element
Check the setting of the
safety valve and the rated
Safety valve faulty
Motor reverse
Fault T 1
Emergency stop activated
Change any 2 of the
incoming power wires to
change motor rotation
Emergency Stop
Fault T 2
Incoming power wired to
package incorrectly
Clear fault hazard twist
emergency stop button to
Compressor will not start
below 2 deg C (28 deg F),
unless fitted with low
ambient option (−10_C)
14 de
Low ambient
Fault T 4
Wait until compressor
package air temperature
rises above minimum starting
temp requirement.
Blocked separator element
Blow down system
Replace separator element
Check the operation of the
load solenoid valve.
Check un-loader valve − strip
and clean if necessary.
High sump air
Faults T 5, W 5
MPV stuck closed Strip MPV, examine and repair
if necessary.
Low sump air
Fault T 6
Incoming power wired to
package incorrectly
Check main motor rotation if
incorrect change any two wires
to reverse rotation.
P2 Sensor
Fault T 11
Motor PTC Open
(High Motor Temp)
Fault T 20
Check for overload
Checking motor cooling
Inlet valve not opening
Check valve and make sure it
operates freely
Check load solenoid valve and
controller operation.
P1 Sensor
Fault T 10
Check sensor connection and calibrate or replace if
P1 Sensor Failure
Fault T 7
P2 Sensor Failure
Fault T8
Temperature Sensor
Fault T 9
Check wiring to transducer Recalibrate Transducer or
Controller measured value
is outside of the +/- 10 %
range of the full scale value.
Check resistance using
chart on pages 52-57.
Replace sensor if resistance
does not equal ambient
Maintenance due
Fault W 14
Maintenance timer has
reached 1800 hrs of runtime
or 7884 hours clock time.
Reset time in factory set up
menu using access code
Integral sequencing
Fault W 19
Wiring or communication
Check wiring
Maintenance due
Fault W 15
Maintenance timer has
reached 2000 hrs of runtime
or 8760 hours clock time
Reset time in factory set up
menu using access code
Change oil filter.
Fault W 16
Check differential pressure
switch for fault
Change oil filter
Change air filter.
Fault W 17
Change air filter Check air pressure switch
for fault
Change separator
Fault W 18
Change separator element Recalibrate sump pressure
Star Delta Wiring Diagram
Soft Start Wiring Diagram
Line Start Schematic
Process and Instrumentation Diagram
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Ingersoll-Rand R150IU-140 User manual

User manual

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