3. Replacing a faulty LED from an SLite LED board
CAUTION: A LED assembly consists of LED board and a LED driver. Those two units are matched to each
other during the factory calibration process. In no circumstances exchange one of the units with an other
one. To do otherwise will result in poor video images displayed on the LED wall and a “DRIVER MISMATCHED”
error message is displayed on the LED assembly during wall calibration in the field.
LED replacement process
• Id entify and mark faulty LED’s. T his is done by mar king, w ith a suitable mark er pen , any mall function LE D’s while the tile is
• D isassem ble the LED board from the SLite tile. See following procedures:
a) "Remove the back cover of an S Lite tile", page 10.
b) "Remove the S MP S as sem bly of an SLite tile", page 11.
c) "Remov e a LED assembly of an SLite tile", page 12.
• Ac cess the solder side of the LE D board. See procedures:
a) "Remove the LED driver from the LED assembly", page 14.
b) "Remove the me tal shield from the LED assembly", page 15.
• R em oving the shader in case of an S Lite 10 XP or SLite 14 (Gen II) LED b oard:
- "Remove the shader from the SLite 10 XP LED board", page 16.
- "Remove the shader from the SLite 14 (Gen II) LED b oard", page 17.
• R eplace the marked LE D. S ee following proced ures:
a) "Remove the faulty LED from an SLite LED boar d", page 18.
b) "Install a new LED on an SLite LED board", page 22.
• R einstall the shader of the SLite 10 XP or SLite 14 (Gen II) LED board:
- "Install a shader on an SLite 10 XP LE D board", page 24.
- "Install a s hader on an SLite 14 (Gen II) LED board", page 26.
• R eassemb le the LED board. S ee following procedures:
a) "Install the m etal shield on the LED assembly", page 27.
b) "Install the LED driver on the LED assembly", page 28.
• R einstall the LED board in the SLite tile. See following procedures:
a) "Install a LED assembly in an S Lite tile", page 29.
b) "Install the S MP S assembly of an SLite tile", page 31.
c) "Install the back cover of an SLite tile", pag e 32.
• R em ove the back cover of an SLite tile
• R em ove the SM PS assem bly of an SL ite tile
• R em ove a L ED assembly of an SLite tile
• R em ove the LED driver from the LE D assembly
• R em ove the metal shield from the LED assembly
• R em ove the sh ader from the SLite 10 XP LED board
• R em ove the shader from the SLite 14 (Gen II) LED board
• R em ove the faulty LED from an SLite LED board
• In stall a new LED on an SLite LED board
• In stall a shad er on an S Lite 10 XP LED board
• In stall a shader on an SLite 10 XP FX (Gen II) LED board
• In stall a shader on an SLite 14 (Gen II) LED board
• In stall the metal shield on the LED assembly
• Install the LED driver on the LE D assem bly
• Install a LED assembly in an SLite tile
• Install the SM PS assem bly of an S Lite tile
• In stall the back cov er of an SLite tile
R59770054 SLITE LED REPLACEMENT KIT 13/11/2008