Crux Interfacing Solutions • 21541 Nordhoff St., Unit C, Chatsworth, CA 91311
phone: (818) 609-9299 • fax: (818) 996-8188 • www.cruxinterfacing.com
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Radio Replacement Interface with Steering Wheel Control Retention
with Dash Kit for FORD, LINCOLN & MERCURY
6. R emove the shift lock cover and pres s the shift lock button down using a s mall
screwdriver or pen and depres s the brake pedal and move the shift lever
all the way to the rear.
7. C arefully pull the entire R adio/C limate control ass embly forward (you will need a
second person for the next step). B e careful not to scratch the s ides of the das h,
or the s hift lever.
8. R emove the (1) 5/16 bolt securing the G round strap to the right s ide of the
as sembly. P liers may be neces sary due to the s hort length of the strap.
9. P ull the entire ass embly forward and remove all attached harnes ses and antenna
leads and remove as s embly.
10. R emove the (4) 9/32 screws from the sub-dash to be able to mount the ins tall kit
into the das h location.
NOTE: S ee illustration E on page 2 for bracket preparation
1. Open the ashtray/pocket below the climate controls.
2. F rom behind the auxiliary panel located to the right of the cigarette lighter, carefully
unclip and press the auxiliary panel forward to release, disconnect the attached
harnes ses(if applicable) and remove panel.(save for re-as sembly)
3. R emove the (1) 9/32 screw securing the lower edge of the radio/climate control trim bezel.
4. R emove the rubber mat located above the top edge of the radio trim bezel or fascia.
5. R emove the (2) 9/32 screws located under this mat.
6. Us ing a panel removal tool, carefully pry the left and right vent trim panels slightly
outward to allow the edges of the F ascia of the R adio/C limate control bezel to be
removed, (it is not necessary to remove the vent trims entirely).
7. C arefully unclip and remove the factory radio/climate control bezel, or fas cia.
8. R emove the (4) 9/32 screws securing the radio (or radio sub-chassis) to the sub-dash.
9. C arefully pull the radio forward, disconnect all attached harness es and antenna lead
and remove radio (or radio sub-chass is).
(Center Console shift Vehicles)
1. S et the P arking B ra ke.
2. Open the center console armrest lid and remove the (3) lower Torx screws securing
the lid/hinge ass embly to the pocket cavity of the center console.
3. C arefully unclip and remove the thin panel below the cigarette lighter.
4. F rom behind the auxiliary panel located to the right of the cigarette lighter, carefully
unclip and press the auxiliary panel forward to releas e, disconnect the attached
harnes ses(if applicable) and remove panel.(save for re-as sembly)
5. R emove the (1) 9/32 screw securing the lower edge of the radio/climate control trim bezel.
6. R emove the rubber mat located above the top edge of the radio fas cia.
7. R emove the (2) 9/32 s crews located under this mat.
8. Insert key into the ignition and turn to the O N pos ition, (DO NOT S TAR T the vehicle).
9. Depress the brake pedal and move the shift lever back.
10. Lift up and remove the shift trim/drink holder as sembly.
11. Starting from the rear top edge of the center console, carefully lift up and unclip the entire top
trim section that meets the lower edges of the C enter S tack Vent/radio side trim panels.
12. Using a panel removal tool, carefully pry the left and right vent trim panels s lightly
outward to allow the edges of the F as cia of the R adio/C limate control bezel to be
removed, (it is not necessary to remove the vent trims entirely).
13. C arefully unclip and remove the factory radio/climate control bezel, or fas cia.
14. R emove the (4) 9/32 screws s ecuring the radio (or radio sub-chassis) to the sub-dash.
15. C arefully pull the radio forward, disconnect all attached harness es and antenna lead
and remove radio (or radio sub-chass is).
2009-12 FORD F-150 / 2013-14 FORD F-150 (with Classic Dash)
NOTE: S ee illustration F on page 2 for bracket preparation
1. Us ing a F lat blade screwdriver, insert the s crewdriver blade into the slots located on
the bottom edges of each the 12 Volt receptacle and S ync panels located below and
to the sides of the factory climate controls, gently pull each panel forward to release
and rest out of the way.
2. R emove the individual 9/32 screw located behind each panel removed in step 1 above.
3. C arefully pull the entire R adio/C limate C ontrol panel with Vents forward to releas e
and rest out of the way.
4. R emove the (4) 9/32 screws securing the radio to the sub-dash.
5. C arefully pull the radio forward, disconnect the attached wire harnesses and antenna
adapter and remove radio.
NOTE: S ee illustration A on page 2 for bracket preparation
1. C arefully P ry radio dash trim bezel outward, disconnect all harnesses from back of
trim bezel and remove bezel.
2. R emove the (4) 9/32 screws s ecuring the factory radio to the s ub-das h.
3. P ull radio forward, disconnect all harness es and antenna lead and remove radio.
2012-2013 Transit Connect
NOTE: S ee illustration A on page 2 for bracket preparation
1. C arefully P ry radio dash trim bezel outward, disconnect all harnesses from back of
trim bezel and remove bezel.
2. R emove the (4) 9/32 screws securing the factory radio to the sub-dash.
3. P ull radio forward, disconnect all harness es and antenna lead and remove radio.
2005-07 FORD 500