Clear Crop option, Camera Raw, 65
Clone Stamp tool
Aligned option, 145
overview, 146
using with Photomerge Scene Cleaner, 149
versus Content-Aware spot healing, 151
defined, 144
general discussion, 144–147
cloning artifacts, 146
Cloudy white balance option, 114
Collage option, panoramic image, 210
color. See also color casts
adding to blank sky, 164
balancing with adjustment layers, 134–135
boosting with Vibrance slider, 72
effect of blacks, whites, and midtones, 69
enhancing with adjustment layers, 116–117
enhancing with Hue/Saturation, 56–57
layer masks, 125
removing distracting, 160–161
Color Auto button, 59
color casts
correcting RAW photos to clean up, 70–71
defined, 114
removing, 54–55
Color Curves feature, 50–51
Color Efex Pro plug-in, 222–223
color noise, 76
color photo, converting to black-and-white, 190–191
Color Picker dialog box, 163, 170
Color Settings option, Edit menu, 35
Color slider, Camera Raw, 77
Colorize check box, Hue/Saturation dialog box, 85
comparing photos, 15
composition of photo, tightening up, 64
Confirm Deletion from Catalog dialog box, 13
Constrain Proportions box, Image Size dialog box, 175
Content box, albums, 16–17
Content-Aware Spot Healing Brush, 150–151
Contiguous check box, Magic Wand, 91, 94, 163
contracting selections, 92–93
Contrast control, Silver Efex Pro plug-in, 227
Contrast slider, Camera Raw, 68
control point, Nik Software, 220–221, 227
Convert to Black and White dialog box, 190
Correct Camera Distortion filter, 152
Correct Camera Distortion window, 153
Create Keyword Tag dialog box, Organizer, 19
Crop Photo option, Guided Edit feature, 42
Crop tool
correcting distorted edges, 153, 155
defined, 38–39
versus Recompose tool, 156–157
straightening photos, 41
cropping photos
layers and, 113
RAW files, 64–65
for tighter shots, 38–39
Cut It Out program, onOne Software, 231
Cylindrical option, panoramic image, 210
adding for subject, 168–171
out-of-focus, 158–159
backing up pictures, 26–27
Backup/Sync check box, Album Details panel, 16
balance, tone, 130
barrel distortion, 152
Basic Membership, Photoshop, 236
Bicubic Sharper option, Image Size dialog box, 175, 177
Bicubic Smoother option, Image Size dialog box, 175, 177
bit depth, 81
black and white
adding adjustments, 128–131
adjusting RAW photos, 66–67
layer masks, 124–125
Levels adjustment layer, 110–111
removing adjustments, 126–127
setting with Levels, 46–47
black blocking, 121
Blacks slider, Camera Raw, 66
blank skies, improving, 162–165
Blend slider, Color Efex Pro plug-in, 222
blending edges, 96–97
blending modes, 195
blocking effect, 127
Bokeh plug-in, 228–229
bracket keys, 125, 127
bright color, 160, 170
bright highlights, adjusting, 52–53
brightness, 66, 130
Brightness slider, 68, 99, 120, 193
Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer, 120, 133, 138
adjusting, 125
Content-Aware Spot Healing Brush, 149
hard-edge, 97, 131, 150
layer masks and, 131
Selection Brush, 90
Smart Brush, 100–101, 196–197
soft-edge, 97, 131, 167
Spot Healing Brush, 147, 150
burning in edges, 98
calibration, monitor, 245
Camera Raw software, 62. See also RAW photos
Change Settings button, Prints dialog box, 248
Change Settings dialog box, 245
Check All option, Photo Downloader dialog box, 8
checkerboard pattern, layer thumbnail, 167
circle selection, 87
clarity, 72–73
Clean Edges window, 210
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