PC (Prontor-Compur) connection, 92
peak action, 193–194
cameras, 58
lenses, 141
Pentax/Samsung image stabilization, 153
personal storage device (PSD), 78
perspective and architecture photography,
perspective control lenses, 132
perspective distortion, 213–214
phase detection, 46
photons, 14, 37
Photoshop CS5 All-in-One For Dummies
(Obermeier), 231, 246, 306
Photoshop.com, 234, 327
photosites, 31, 37, 104, 133–134, 347–348
PictBridge compatibility, 291
pincushion distortion, 214, 258
pinhole camera, 313–314
PixelPaint, 164
adding, 33
cropping images, 32
density, 134
dropping, 34
enlarging images, 32
manipulating images, 32
number needed, 32
overview, 29–31
print sizes and printers, 33–34
printer resolution, 32
resolution, 31–32
super uous, 34–35
playback for video, 146
Pocket Wizard, 91
point-and-shoot cameras and dSLRs
compared, 201–202
polarizing lters, 85
PopPhoto, 332
portrait photography
angle that atters subject, using, 207
composition, 206–209
defects, use diffuse lighting to diminish, 208
diamonds, grouping people in, 209
direction, have everyone look in same, 209
eyeglasses, avoiding re ections off, 208
into frame, having subject look, 207
groups, 208–209
individual portraits, 207–208
overview, 206–207
patterns, arranging subjects into
interesting, 209
prime lenses, 130
problem areas, de-emphasizing, 207–208
relaxed and comfortable, making sure
your subject is, 207
triangles, grouping people in, 209
positioning with tripod, 87
post processing (image editing)
with Adobe Photoshop CS5
advantages of, 228–229
Content Aware tools, 228
disadvantages of, 230–231
overview, 226–227
Puppet Warp tool, 228–229
with Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0
advantages of, 231–233
disadvantages of, 233
overview, 231
alternative image editors, 233–234
background, adding new, 274–276
basic, 306
choosing an image editor, 226–235
(compositing) combining photographs,
276–282, 306
Corel Painter 12, 234
Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3, 234
Corel Photo-Paint X5, 233
with lters, 256–258
xes and repairs
blurring (selective), 238, 254–256
color correction, 238, 247–249
cropping, 237, 238–241
overview, 237–238
sharpening, 238, 254
spot removal, 238, 249–253
tonal adjustments, 238, 241–246
free image editors/albums, 234
freedom from image editors, 22–23
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
le format, 170
manipulation of images with image
editors, 306
overview, 225
Photoshop.com, 234
RAW le format, 175–180
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